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All posts created by debbie

| posted 09 Jul, 2020 14:08
Some folks have been receiving SSL errors when trying to download GenBank files from GenBank.
Jackie Washington provide a solution.
The fix is to download the C++ Visual package from and restart. Shen she did that, the problem corrected.
Edited 09 Jul, 2020 14:10
Posted in: DNA MasterSSl error when "Fetching" Genomes from GenBank
| posted 27 Jun, 2020 13:48
The Starterator data for the shorter start is quite compelling. I just looked at a different scenario where the -4bp overlap was on a portal gene. In this case, the thought was that the structural studies for the portal protein out-weighed the convenient -4bp overlap. In this case -with such a tiny gene and in a place where the -4bp overlap is common - I can't blame you for picking it. We need experiments!
About your 'evolving pham' comment, maybe this is an older version……
Posted in: Cluster F Annotation Tips4 bp overlaps
| posted 24 Jun, 2020 13:54
In fact, there are no hits to tail assembly chaperones proteins in DH, so for now, we are not going to call them at all.
Posted in: Cluster DH Annotation TipsTail assembly chaperones?
| posted 23 Jun, 2020 23:51
Let me know how it goes!
Posted in: DNA MasterTbFeatures error
| posted 23 Jun, 2020 23:29
Do you a complete set of documentation in one of your files? Copy it from whatever corrupted file it is in and paste it into the (empty) documentation of a perfect sequence file. (To get that sequence file, open a .fasta and stop before you auto-annotate.) Then parse. You won't have blast data, but you also won't have to re-enter as much. You can cut and paste from multiple files. Sorry I can't do better.
Posted in: DNA MasterTbFeatures error
| posted 23 Jun, 2020 23:18
I unpacked one of my files, so how your file was broken is extraordinary. My next advice is to revert to an older file that is not broke or to cut and paste from documentation. let me know if I can help.
Posted in: DNA MasterTbFeatures error
| posted 23 Jun, 2020 14:55
I am still unsuccessful, but checking. Can you open and use a different .dnam5 file on your machine?
Was PECAAN used to create your file? What is the next best version of your file?
Posted in: DNA MasterTbFeatures error
| posted 18 Jun, 2020 12:51
Ok. Could you send me the file and let me try? I also couldn't fix a file recently, so I may need to get some help from Dr. Lawrence.
Posted in: DNA MasterTbFeatures error
| posted 12 Jun, 2020 11:21
Hi Christos,
This how you fix the file. It is a bit tedious.
Good luck,
Posted in: DNA MasterTbFeatures error
| posted 02 Jun, 2020 17:03
I agree. The top hit is to HK97 gp 10. This phage is well studied by the Hendrix lab here at Pitt and while this is a structural protein in that phage, its function is unknown. The second hit is to a minor capsid protein. So it is easy to assume that this is a structural gene, which one is unknown.
Edited 02 Jun, 2020 17:04
Posted in: Cluster EF Annotation TipsUpstream minor tail (pham 38688) really NKF