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All posts created by debbie

| posted 01 Jun, 2021 10:32
Hi Kari,
Short and repetitive sequences are the culprits; some of the default settings for QBlast are probably different might exclude too much. That would lead to a very high EValue threshold, so no Results. Very little in QBLAST is specified by the user.

In order words, it is an internal DNA Master setting. Just note that DNA Master wouldn't Blast it on your cover sheet.
Posted in: DNA Masterone gene won't blast
| posted 27 May, 2021 15:20
Terrific! Thank you!
Posted in: DNA MasterMac errors
| posted 27 May, 2021 00:18
Hi Joe,
Sorry, that is my fault. I didn't mean to make it confusing. I was thinking about the minimal file and you are talking about the complete notes file.
The rationale for using is the function field is so that the product field can be deleted and then re-populated from the function field.
I hope that makes sense.
Posted in: DNA MasterFunction field
| posted 27 May, 2021 00:16
I asked around because I don't use Wine.
Tammy Adair (at Baylor) offered this:
"As far as I can tell we cannot use wine on any systems past Catalina . Most of my Mac students used a virtual machine set up that our IT department provided. The IT guy that I have been working with for the past 10 years does not see a fix.".
Posted in: DNA MasterKey Violation
| posted 26 May, 2021 22:31
Hi Kathleen,
Did you shutdown the computer and restart?
Posted in: DNA MasterMac errors
| posted 26 May, 2021 21:34
We do not use function field.
We record function in the product field and you can auto-populate the fields of your choice by using the arrow that is in the upper right corner of each field.
Make sense?
Posted in: DNA MasterFunction field
| posted 26 May, 2021 01:46
Hi Kathleen,
Sounds like your preferences are not quite right.

In step 2, make sure that you have the server set correctly. the unlock code is Hatfull and there is no password.

Posted in: DNA MasterImportant DNA Master Update
| posted 25 May, 2021 17:28
Hi Nikki,
I am sure I called CrystalP, and now want to disagree with the intron part of that call. According to the literature, the introns have to be self-splicing in a prokaryote. So it has to be ~200-ish nucleotides.
As for whether that second tRNA is worth calling, the argument has persisted for 17 years. I need to investigate further. Give me a bit of time for this one.
Posted in: tRNAsshort introns in tRNAs in cluster E
| posted 25 May, 2021 16:58
Posted in: DNA MasterBLAST won't save
| posted 24 May, 2021 20:08
I just tried. My mac asked me to choose an application to open the ftp link. I clicked the "always" box and it downloaded. (see message screen shot). I did not overtly select an application.
Posted in: DNA MasterDNA master server down?