The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

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All posts created by debbie

| posted 23 Aug, 2020 02:45
Great questions. There are a number of explanations for this. In order to best answer this, I need to know a couple of things. What school are you asking from? What phage are you talking about? Have you read the Bioinformatics Guide about auto-annotation?
Posted in: Notes and Final FilesDNA MASTER vs PhageDB: Gene Coordinates
| posted 19 Aug, 2020 19:56
Hi Steve,
Did you restart your machine? I forwarded your message on to Steve C.
Posted in: PhameratorPhamerator down?
| posted 19 Aug, 2020 19:31
Hi Steve,
I am having no trouble navigating Phamerator today.
Posted in: PhameratorPhamerator down?
| posted 17 Aug, 2020 17:37
Hi Juan,
It still sounds like she is not running as administrator. When you right click on the shortcut or program name, is 'run as administrator' selected?
Not sure what else it could be.
Posted in: DNA MasterCan't create a file after Auto-Annotation
| posted 06 Aug, 2020 15:34
This has just been revised. Check out the Pre-Qo pathway case study just posted in the Bioinformatics Guide. The revised functional assignments are listed on the approved functions Google doc. August 6, 2020.
Posted in: Request a new function on the SEA-PHAGES official listqueuine tRNA ribosyltransferase
| posted 06 Aug, 2020 15:25
This has been revised a bit, please check the approved Function Assignment list (Google doc) and the Pre Qo pathway Case Study in the Bioinformatics Guide. August 6, 2020.
Posted in: Cluster B Annotation TipsGTP cyclohydrolase I
| posted 28 Jul, 2020 21:34
It seems we keep hitting the PE/PPE proteins that are only and easily found in the Mycobacteria. Rather than avoid calling them because they can be part of functions that are not yet identified, let's start adding PE/PPE family proteins to the annotations. The attached document provides useful information to what to look for when deciding if your protein of interest has all of the necessary parts. It also includes a citation for a paper for reference. A good example is Kayacho_gene 88 (Cluster B6). However, these proteins are found in lots of phage genomes, so not a cluster specific topic.
Edited 28 Jul, 2020 21:37
Posted in: AnnotationPE/PPE proteins
| posted 13 Jul, 2020 21:14
Nope. No cutoff score per se, but bigger is better. I think I only look at top hits or areas of interest. But your approach is the one that sounds reasonable. It has to make sense.
Posted in: Phage BiologyPromoter prediction
| posted 13 Jul, 2020 20:29
I sent this on to Graham. Because of the hit and significance to T4, he is incline to call this gene "Imm-like superinfection immunity protein". Please call it in your current genome. I added it to the approved functions list.
Edited 15 Jul, 2020 20:32
Posted in: Request a new function on the SEA-PHAGES official listSuperinfection Immunity Protein
| posted 09 Jul, 2020 14:08
Some folks have been receiving SSL errors when trying to download GenBank files from GenBank.
Jackie Washington provide a solution.
The fix is to download the C++ Visual package from and restart. Shen she did that, the problem corrected.
Edited 09 Jul, 2020 14:10
Posted in: DNA MasterSSl error when "Fetching" Genomes from GenBank