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Recent Activity
Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in Critical Update: Installing New Copies of DNA Master or Updating Old Versions of DNA Master prior to Version 2701
eagodin posted in Critical Update: Installing New Copies of DNA Master or Updating Old Versions of DNA Master prior to Version 2701
Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in Critical Update: Installing New Copies of DNA Master or Updating Old Versions of DNA Master prior to Version 2701
Kristen Butela posted in Critical Update: Installing New Copies of DNA Master or Updating Old Versions of DNA Master prior to Version 2701
eagodin posted in Critical Update: Installing New Copies of DNA Master or Updating Old Versions of DNA Master prior to Version 2701
Shared SEA-PHAGES Phages
Link to this post | posted 06 Mar, 2021 23:43 | |
Dear SEA-PHAGES faculty, As you know, all of the SEA-PHAGES phage isolates are archived here at the University of Pittsburgh, and these represent a unique and powerful resource. We frequently get requests for these from researchers both within and beyond the SEA-PHAGES program. When sharing phages we try to communicate back to those schools and faculty that we have distributed a phage their students isolated, but to simplify the process we are posting a link on seaphages.org on a forum page that lists requests made (and honored) from SEA-PHAGES faculty for other SEA-PHAGES phages. In this way, it will be fully transparent which of your phages are being shared. In general, this should help to advance the community aspect of the SEA program, if there is some reason you would do not want a phage listed there that you have requested, we will certainly consider it. For requests coming from faculty beyond the SEA-PHAGES program, we will try to communicate to the schools and faculty directly. And of course, all transfers are accompanied by an MTA and abides by the terms of the MTA for SEA-PHAGES phage archiving. Thanks again for all of your contributions to a high impact scientific and education program. debbie and the SEA-PHAGES Team |
Link to this post | posted 28 Apr, 2022 00:55 | |
Hi all, I just updated SEA-PHAGES phages shared with SEA-PHAGES schools. Thanks for making your phages available to others! April 27, 2022 |