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All posts created by debbie

| posted 01 Feb, 2019 03:50
Hi Denise,
If you find one transmembrane domain with TMHMM, you can only call it a membrane protein if you can validate it with a different transmembrane finder (such as SOSUI). (If two different algorithms detect a trans membrane domain, you can hopefully rule out false positives.)
Does that clarify it?
Posted in: Functional AnnotationMembrane protein
| posted 22 Jan, 2019 01:54
The infernal score for the tRNAs called is lower than what is described in the guide. Use an infernal score of 20 for the tRNA calls in Cluster C annotations.
Posted in: Cluster C Annotation TipstRNAs in Cluster C
| posted 22 Jan, 2019 01:52
In the past few months, my students and I have annotated ~60 Cluster C genomes. While not perfect, they are as good as I get get for now. Remember to follow the guide call the tRNAs EXCEPT using a lower infernal score. We used scores as low as 20.
Posted in: Cluster C Annotation TipsModel Cluster C genome
| posted 22 Jan, 2019 01:47
Sometimes there is an HNH in the nucleotidyl transferase. Call the nucleotidyl transferase.
Posted in: Cluster C Annotation TipsGene 3 Nucleotidyl transferase vs HNH
| posted 10 Jan, 2019 15:58
Hi all. I just reviewed the genes between the capsid and tapemeasure and propose this revision (to gene 8 of phage Blair).
gene 8 (5293-5649) head-to-tail adaptor
gene 9 NKF
gene 10 major tail protein
gene 11 minor tail protein (see forum post )
gene 12 NKF
gene 13 tapemeasure

Edited 10 Jan, 2019 15:58
Posted in: Cluster AN Annotation TipsRecheck of the genes between major capsid and tape measure gene
| posted 09 Jan, 2019 22:18
Hi. I went back and looked at the genes around capsid, major tail, and tape measure because of your question. I am going to ask Welkin what she thinks about this gene because I still want to call it a minor tail protein.
However, I want to make some changes/confirmations in the nearby genes.
Using PECAAN (and phamerator's gene numbering) I would call the following functions in that area:
gene 8 (5293 - 5649) is a head-to-tail adaptor
gene 9 is NKF
gene 10 is the major tail
gene 11 is the one I want to keep as a minor tail. Mostly because of the pfam hit to P2's Phage tail S gene. It also matches HK97 gp 10 (Pfam) which we are not calling as a function, but know it is a structural gene but also know we (I mean the folks who study HK97) don't know what it does.
gene 12 is the tape measure.

Not helpful yet, but getting there.
Posted in: Functional Annotationminor tail proteins in Arthrobacter AN cluster
| posted 06 Jan, 2019 23:17
Mary Ann,
We believe that both of genes are real. Not exactly sure how they are working together, but call that BIG overlap; its OK!
Posted in: Functional AnnotationDNA methylase overlap
| posted 14 Dec, 2018 13:55
Yes. it is down. We (including Steve) are at the 2018 Bioinformatic Workshop. We are wrapping things up and heading home today. Steve cannot connect to his server here, he will re-boot the server upon his return to campus.
Edited 14 Dec, 2018 13:57
Posted in: Web PhameratorIs Web Phamerator Down?
| posted 08 Dec, 2018 00:45
Hi. Do you only get one feature? There is only 1 sequence for each fasta. I can't tell what you mean. Could you post or send me the file?
Posted in: Using WINE to run DNA Master on a MacHelp with WINE
| posted 29 Nov, 2018 17:04
Remember to look for the tmRNA in these genomes. Just about all, but not all, of them have 1!
Posted in: Cluster C Annotation TipstmRNA