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All posts created by DanRussell

| posted 12 Feb, 2016 14:58
Is it possible to be emailed the SeaVM file? I am a student and I am trying to annotate, but unable to comlplete without this file. Thanks!

Yep, just sent them to you.

Posted in: SEA-PHAGES Virtual MachineStudent download of 2016 VM
| posted 11 Feb, 2016 14:46
(Also, make sure you restart Phamerator once the database update is complete.)
Posted in: PhameratorSeemingly "uneven" updating of Phamerator db
| posted 11 Feb, 2016 14:41
Hi Joe,

The first—and most critical—thing to check is whether or not the students who don't have the newer phages are using the correct Phamerator database. To check the current database/server settings, go into one of their Phamerators and go to Edit –> Preferences. The current server and database should be:

database: Actino_Draft

If those are the settings, and you're still not seeing the recent phages, let us know.

Posted in: PhameratorSeemingly "uneven" updating of Phamerator db
| posted 11 Feb, 2016 14:27
Tamarah Adair
Can someone please tell me how to share from the virtual box/phamerator files to the Mac desk top?

Hi Tammy,

Yes, setting up a shared folder as Chris described is perfect. (Just make sure you click "Auto-mount" as well, so it'll be loaded and ready to go each time you open the VM.)

If you're using VirtualBox version 5.0 or later, you should be able to use Drag-and-Drop as well, though again as Chris mentioned it's still a bit buggy. To use this, open VirtualBox (not the VM itself yet) and select the VM just to highlight it. Click Settings–>General then click the "Advanced" tab. You should see a "Shared Clipboard" and a "Drag'n'Drop" setting. Put these both on "Bidirectional". Then launch the Virtual Machine and give it a shot.

Posted in: SEA-PHAGES Virtual MachineShared folders
| posted 11 Feb, 2016 14:17
…All my changes are freely available if anyone wants to download them and try their phage. You can get my version of the code from my github repository ( cdshaffer/starterator). Anyone comfortable with using the git command line to pull from a remote directory can easily download and test the code. My most recent branch is called filterSpanningGenes.

Thanks again, Chris, for all this work. I think we should definitely formulate a plan to get an improved version of Starterator out to everyone. Perhaps it's something that could be part of the Faculty Retreat/Workshop this year and follow it up with some testing. It'd be great to even fix just some of the basic errors.

Posted in: StarteratorRead First: Common Starterator Troubleshooting
| posted 09 Feb, 2016 20:48
Copying Fred's stuff from another thread to here, where it's best addressed. Thanks for all your help with this, Chris! Hopefully we can get some of these bugs permafixed soon.

I have deleted all "Intermediate Files" folders in the cache as suggested by Dan Russell, "2. Some crashes have been fixed by deleting older files cached by starterator. These files can be found by going to your home directory, and select the menu item View -> "show hidden files"
Once you select that, you will see many more files and folders in your home directory. Open the folder .starterator and inside there is a folder called "Intermediate Files". I have fixed many crashes by deleting all files in that folder and running starterator again.

But "Andies_draft" still crashes at the same spot, stating "Startsaerator has encountered an error, please try again" as per attached snapshopt.


Posted in: Starteratorphage that crash starterator
| posted 09 Feb, 2016 15:32
Veronique Delesalle
I'm using HHPred tonight (Feb 7th) and can only see the databases pbd70_ and pfam_. There is no tigrfam_! Anybody knows what happened to that database? Thx, Veronique

I noticed this as well, Véronique. I'm not sure why, but just wanted to confirm that it's not something about your computer or setup!

Posted in: Functional AnnotationHHPred databases
| posted 04 Feb, 2016 21:52
Dan Russell
Some DM did not show Figure 1.2 completely, the lower part was totally missed (see pdf attached) even we updated DM and restarted PC many times. What might be wrong?


Hi Eric,

What is the build number of the computers having problems? To find this out, go to Help –> About.


Version 5.22.5. Actually I had asked our IT to download and reinstall DNA Master again. It is working now. The current version is 5.22.23. But I'm confused why the 'update DNA Master' function didn't do the work.

The most common problem with DNA Master is that it's not being run as an administrator. If not, then even when the update "completes", it won't really be updated. The best thing to do is to check that build number and see whether it's up-to-date or not. If not, then run an update and check the build number again. If it hasn't updated, then something else is wrong (like not running as an administrator).

Posted in: DNA MasterLocal settings/New Features differed from Fig 1.2
| posted 04 Feb, 2016 21:31
Some DM did not show Figure 1.2 completely, the lower part was totally missed (see pdf attached) even we updated DM and restarted PC many times. What might be wrong?


Hi Eric,

What is the build number of the computers having problems? To find this out, go to Help –> About.

Posted in: DNA MasterLocal settings/New Features differed from Fig 1.2
| posted 04 Feb, 2016 20:10
Tamarah Adair
Yesterday we tried this new version out in lab and I was able to BLAST. The newest version to the box account is at the following link:
Rebuilt wine bottler package based on wine bottler 1.8rc4 (needed for El Capitan support)
Updated to current version of DNAMaster (5.22.23 dated 1/26/16)

Awesome, Tammy. Thanks for doing this. Hopefully this new version will work for everyone.

Posted in: DNA MasterRunning DNA Master on a Mac using Wine