The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

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All posts created by DanRussell

| posted 25 Jun, 2019 15:32
I get this when trying to go to the Aragorn site: unexpectedly closed the connection.

Posted in: tRNAsAragorn Issue
| posted 25 Feb, 2019 16:49
Deep kumar
Hello All,

I have made a PhamDB database of my genomes and now want to use phamerator but I do not see how to use phamerator? The standalone version is not supported anymore as I got to know. Thanks!

Hi Deep,

You need to contact Steve Cresawn ( and arrange to give him your database. He can make it available from the dropdown menu at

Posted in: PhameratorLocked out of Phamerator
| posted 30 Jan, 2019 19:23
Hi Mitch,

No, I don't think so. At least not in a productive manner. You would have to use a Wine or other emulator approach, and Chromebooks don't usually have the specs needed to run that kind of thing.

Instead, you could partner the student with someone who has a functional DNA Master, and so one partner has DNA Master open, the other has Phamerator or GeneMark open.

Posted in: DNA MasterDNA Master and Chromebook
| posted 14 Jan, 2019 19:46
Hi Manuel,

Did you follow our newest guide for installing DNA Master?

It suggests that you install DNA Master in a location other than the /Program Files (x86)/ folder. That way you shouldn't run into the Administrator issues, which is still what those errors look like to me.

Posted in: DNA MasterProblem installing DNA Master on Windows 10
| posted 08 Jan, 2019 17:08
Hi Rick,

The "Finish" button of the installer has a checkbox that says something like "Launch DNA Master now?", but even if checked it won't actually launch DNA Master. You'll still need to open it by locating the correct icon in the folder where it was installed.

Posted in: DNA MasterProblem installing DNA Master on Windows 10
| posted 08 Dec, 2018 03:00
Hi. Instead of using WINE on your Mac, you might want to follow our new directions to get a Windows virtual machine set up (free) and install DNA Master on that. The "Operating System" section on the page below contains a link to the guide for getting the Windows virtual machine, and then the Installation section contains the info for how to install DNA Master.

Good luck,
Posted in: Using WINE to run DNA Master on a MacHelp with WINE
| posted 19 Nov, 2018 17:51
Hi Bill,

Since BabeRuth sounds like the outlier here, I went back and took a look at the BabeRuth sequencing data. Here's a pic of that region.

Very solid coverage and agreement that there are indeed 5 Cs here, not 4 like the others with similar genomes. This is a real biological feature, not a sequencing error!

I can't say for sure of course whether this is really a frameshift (in which case the protein would still be made) or just a mutation that truncates the protein (more likely), but the underlying DNA sequence at least is correct.

Good eye, and this is definitely the kind of thing that's worth checking.

Posted in: Frameshifts and IntronsPutative Frameshift in a Reverse gene in N-Cluster Phage BabeRuth
| posted 26 Jun, 2018 20:18
Hey Germán,

I was able to find the original data for Anglerfish on one of our old machines. Turns out it is indeed a sequencing error. About 50% of the reads had 4 Cs instead of 3 Cs there, but the consensus was called with 3 Cs. Since it was sequenced in the early days of Ion Torrent, we weren't as good at picking up those errors, but after that definitely confirmed that in cases like that, the longer string was correct.

I've added a fourth C to that position in the PhagesDB fasta file. I'll be in touch via email about how to move your existing annotation info to the new sequence.

Posted in: Frameshifts and IntronsNew frameshift in an A1 phage?
| posted 15 Jun, 2018 15:53
Thanks Dan, the version i have is updated, but where do i see the info above about the build, i dont see it in the preferences. I can say that the secure window does not look exactly like the notes I saw as its missing one of the check boxes. I also am getting a "cant load SSL library when I tried to blas a single gene.

Ah, SSL error. Did you see this?

Posted in: DNA MasterImportant DNA Master Update
| posted 13 Jun, 2018 15:04
Hi Rick,

Did you update DNA Master? Try running an update. (Help–>Update DNA Master)

Then restart and check your version. (Help–>About) The latest version is:

Version 5.23.2
Build 2583
15 May 2018

Posted in: DNA MasterImportant DNA Master Update