The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

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All posts created by DanRussell

| posted 13 Sep, 2016 19:14
Hi all,

Attached to this message (and linked here) is a document describing the project.

Posted in: Host-Range ProjectBasic Host Range Project Information
| posted 13 Sep, 2016 18:41
This forum is primarily meant to be a container for all the different sub-forums that will contain information about annotating specific clusters and subclusters of phages. While everyone was trained in general to do phage annotations, there are certain things that might be of particular interest given the particular cluster you end up annotating. Cluster M? It'd be good to know about tRNAs! Cluster G? Look out for mobile elements!

If you have questions about a particular phage/group, please ask them in the appropriate sub-forum. Good luck!

Posted in: Cluster-Specific Annotation TipsUsing This Forum
| posted 22 Jun, 2016 20:37
Hi Eric,

I'll add what I know and then pass it along.

- I am aware of the C cluster myoviruses. Are there more clusters of myoviridae among the mycobacteriophages?

Until this past year, all known Mycobacteriophages that were Myoviridae were in Cluster C. But Hope College discovered Phrappucino, the only other Myoviridae we've collectively found. It's a Singleton.

- Finally, is there a lysogen containing a C cluster phage and does it contain a classical prophage integration?

Though there have been some attempts, I don't think anyone has isolated and verified a Cluster C lysogen. There are some suspected Cluster C lysogens I've heard about, but I don't think anyone's gone as far as verifying that there are integrated genomes. There's no obvious bioinformatic evidence that they'd be temperate, and all of our attempts at isolating Cluster C lysogens at Pitt have been unsuccessful.

- Is there a myoviridae phage that aligns most closely with a syphoviridae cluster and is thus an "odd one out", primarily due to its tail structure?

From Welkin: no. They're different enough that we haven't seen that situation yet in the Mycobacteriophages.

- Has anyone compared the tail proteins of the two morphotypes of mycobacterial phages? How about a comparison of the head-tail connectors? Portal proteins? Terminases?

Also from Welkin: not that we know of, at least in a comprehensive way.

Posted in: Phage BiologyMyo, Sypho and terminase
| posted 10 May, 2016 14:13
Matt Benczkowski
Hi Dan,
I am a Pitt student and my computer was wiped clean in March, but I still need the software, could you please send me the Mac SEA VM file?

Thank you!
Matt Benczkowski

Just sent it to you, Matt.

Posted in: SEA-PHAGES Virtual MachineStudent download of 2016 VM
| posted 21 Apr, 2016 19:23
Aaron Stevens
Hey Dan, I am a student working on a phage project outside of class with a partner. Would you ba able to send the links for the SEA VM file for windows?
Aaron Stevens

Hi Aaron,

Just sent them. Let me know if they don't come through or don't work!

Posted in: SEA-PHAGES Virtual MachineStudent download of 2016 VM
| posted 13 Apr, 2016 19:08
Another slightly more complicated way would be to upload it to something like Google Drive or Dropbox from within the VM (using Chrome), and then download it outside the VM.

Posted in: StarteratorSaving Starterator reports outside of VM
| posted 13 Apr, 2016 18:08
Hi Dan,

I was wondering if I could be sent the link for the new virtual machine. My entire virtual box is not working and I trying to reinstal everything. I would need the windows version.


Katie Mageeney

Hi Katie,

Just emailed them to you! Good luck.

Posted in: SEA-PHAGES Virtual MachineStudent download of 2016 VM
| posted 11 Apr, 2016 14:04
Steven Felkoski
I am a student and would like to be able to use Phamerator on my home computer, could i also get the file?

Thanks, Steven

Yep, Steven, just emailed them to you.

Posted in: SEA-PHAGES Virtual MachineStudent download of 2016 VM
| posted 06 Apr, 2016 20:16
Hi Lee,

Looks like that error is my fault! When I updated the consed on the VM, apparently I didn't copy all files from the old consed directory to the appropriate places. This would only affect uses of phred and phrap, which are rarely used, but would definitely be used when adding reads. To fix this on your VM, run the following commands when logged in as seafaculty, entering the password as necessary:

sudo cp /usr/local/genome_OLD/bin/phred /usr/local/genome/bin/
sudo cp /usr/local/genome_OLD/bin/phrap /usr/local/genome/bin/
sudo cp /usr/local/genome_OLD/lib/phredpar.dat /usr/local/genome/lib/

This should put the files in the appropriate places and make it work again. You're the first to discover this probably because 1) we barely do any Sanger reads any more and 2) I usually run consed on my Mac rather than within the VM.

Sorry, and good catch,
Posted in: ConsedAdding Sanger Reads
| posted 04 Apr, 2016 18:41
Hi Greg,

Looks like in that paper we mention using ClustalW which has been retired in favor of ClustalOmega to generate the numbers, then NJPlot to draw the trees.

Posted in: PapersPham and Phylogenetic analysis software