The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

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All posts created by DanRussell

| posted 18 Sep, 2015 18:48
Okay, the Virtual Machine page is now public, but the download links are disabled unless a faculty member is logged in. In addition, only the student password is visible to non-faculty. Hope that works, and let me know if there are any issues.

Posted in: SEA-PHAGES Virtual MachineStudent download of 2016 VM
| posted 18 Sep, 2015 18:06

Can you create a page that students can get to that has all the instructions for installing the machine just like on the protected /software/virtualmachine/ page? I would like to be able to point students to all those well written instruction on how to go about installing virtual machines once I give them the virtual disk I want them to use.


That's a good point, Chris. I'll try to rework the page so that it's open to everyone but only has the download links for logged-in faculty.

Posted in: SEA-PHAGES Virtual MachineStudent download of 2016 VM
| posted 16 Sep, 2015 18:19
Thanks to you both! Hopefully this will help anyone who's looking to avoid purchasing extra Windows licenses, or just prefers working on a Mac and doesn't want to bother with a Linux and a Windows VM.

Posted in: DNA MasterRunning DNA Master on a Mac using Wine
| posted 16 Sep, 2015 13:55
Hi all,

Does anyone have experience using Wine to run DNA Master on a Mac without having to install a Windows virtual machine? If so, any words of wisdom/caution/warning/enthusiasm?

Posted in: DNA MasterRunning DNA Master on a Mac using Wine
| posted 15 Sep, 2015 15:20
Yep, that looks like D29! Glad it's working.
Posted in: Phage Discovery/IsolationSmeg grown in 7H9 Complete W/ or W/O Tween for enrichment???
| posted 14 Sep, 2015 19:07
Sharon Isern
Can students get access to the VM 2016 via Or do they have to be logged in as faculty? We're in class right now. Thanks!!

Because of the software included, we couldn't post it totally publicly. And since there's no "registered student" accounts on PhagesDB, there's no way to give them access to the protected page.

That said, I'll email you (and any other faculty who want it) the magic link!

Posted in: SEA-PHAGES Virtual MachineStudent download of 2016 VM
| posted 11 Sep, 2015 20:57

The numbers have changed since I made a few small fixes and re-posted the VM files. The new numbers are:

MD5 ( = 96e40fcce378c0d46855300f0aae61f5
MD5 ( = f457cbf5a82e2f66a5265eac6fe4979f

Hi Chris,

I moved this to its own thread since it might be of interest to others.

Here they are:
MD5 ( = e6e6493548b1759e51ed0a6a516efc1c
MD5 ( = 7091845a11d28f9206a64d71b2c6ad35

Edited 16 Oct, 2015 20:14
Posted in: SEA-PHAGES Virtual Machinemd5 sum for 2016 Virtual Machine download files
| posted 02 Sep, 2015 21:09
Is there any way someone might be able to send me a pdf of "The secret lives of mycobacteriophages"?? I cant seem to access it through our or Wayne State's library system. Thanks!

Hi Stephanie,

As long as you're using it in line with the disclaimers on the first page, we should be fine sharing it with you (and others) directly.

Here it is!

Posted in: PapersIntroductory Phage Papers
| posted 01 Sep, 2015 16:17
Hi Stephanie,

I moved your question to the "Papers" forum since it seems more at home here.

One source to check out is the PhagesDB "PubGroups". These are groups of publications that share some theme. The "Faculty Favorites" are papers that come with recommendations by SEA-PHAGES faculty members.

This page on also has papers that have been authored in part by SEA-PHAGES undergrads or faculty.

Finally, here are just a few direct suggestions that might be good for getting students' feet wet.

The secret lives of mycobacteriophages. (Review article.)

Evolutionary relationships among diverse bacteriophages and prophages: all the world's a phage.

Imbroglios of viral taxonomy: genetic exchange and failings of phenetic approaches

Edited 01 Sep, 2015 16:20
Posted in: PapersIntroductory Phage Papers
| posted 26 Aug, 2015 20:05
Hi Sharon,

Short answer: no.

The upcoming version of the Virtual Machine (which will be called the 2016 SEA VM) will only differ from the 2015 SEA VM in the following ways:
  1. Ubuntu system software will be updated to ensure the latest security patches are incorporated.
  2. Consed will be updated to the latest version.
The 2015 SEA VM only differed from the 2014 SEA VM in that it had Starterator installed by default.

If you only plan on using Phamerator, and already have the 2014 or 2015 VM installed, you'll be fine. If you're starting from scratch, you might as well get the most updated version, the 2016 SEA VM. I'll post a link to it here when it's ready for download!

Posted in: SEA-PHAGES Virtual MachineChanges to Virtual Machine for 2015-16?