OK I thought it would be a good idea to have a thread with any solutions people have found for starterator crashing. I will start please feel free to add to the list.

1. Name of phage: I found that when I typed in phage name "Mana" it would crash but entering "Mana_draft" worked. The crashing in this case was due to some name confusion with Manad, probably because Mana is found entirely within Manad.

2. Some crashes have been fixed by deleting older files cached by starterator. These files can be found by going to your home directory, and select the menu item View -> "show hidden files"
Once you select that, you will see many more files and folders in your home directory. Open the folder .starterator and inside there is a folder called "Intermediate Files". I have fixed many crashes by deleting all files in that folder and running starterator again.

Hey Chris,

Thanks for documenting these issues. Hopefully, others can use these solutions, or we can eventually rework Starterator itself to avoid them!
