The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

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All posts created by DanRussell

| posted 07 Dec, 2015 21:05
Eureka! Exactly what I need. I have never seen that page. What menu is it under? I can't seem to be find a link for it on PhagesDB. Now that I know it exists, i'll bookmark it, but it would be good to know how to direct students to the page.
Hi Jordan,

I think I removed the menu link about 6 months ago when the Phamerator database on PhagesDB was out-of-date. But now that it's re-synced, I've put it back in. Now there's a "Phams" item in the Phages dropdown menu. Thanks for the reminder!

Posted in: PhameratorPhams
| posted 07 Dec, 2015 05:31
Thanks Nick and cdshaffer! I only know enough coding language to frustrate myself, so I'll probably leave that to the experts. Is there a straightforward way to generate lists of pham members without opening the pham circle tool? This may be a more complicated question than can be easily answered here. I'm headed to the in silico workshop in two weeks, so I should be able to get more info there.
Thanks for your help!
Hi Jordan,

Depending on exactly what you want, you may be able to do this on PhagesDB as well. The Pham page lets you select a Pham of interest and view its members:

For example:

Posted in: PhameratorPhams
| posted 16 Nov, 2015 21:07
Steven Caruso

Is there a link we can provide to our OIT depts or do I need to give them my log-in information?


Hi Steve,

Because of some of the software installed, I can't post the link publicly, but I'll happily send it to you and you can share with whomever you need. If logged in as a faculty member, you can also look at the source html for the page and get it from there!

Posted in: SEA-PHAGES Virtual Machinemd5 sum for 2016 Virtual Machine download files
| posted 10 Nov, 2015 18:30
Yep, you got it Lee. I made the original video with an older version of consed. The new syntax should be:

addSolexaReads.perl -ace your_ace_file.ace -fastqfof reads_file.fof -fasta fasta_file.fof

Edited 10 Nov, 2015 18:31
Posted in: ConsedAdding Illumina reads
| posted 27 Oct, 2015 21:19
Lee Hughes
I just wanted to express my happiness to see that a new episode of "Sounds of the Sea" was released. I really enjoy the discussions of phage biology that are in those each time.


We have a fan! Glad you're enjoying them. We're happy to take any suggestions about topic/format/people that would make them more appealing/interesting.

Posted in: Phage BiologySounds of the Sea
| posted 20 Oct, 2015 15:22
Is there anyway to make this post sticky so it stays on top of the list. Might be helpful to new faculty to read this post first and try solutions before posting a question. Could we even change the title to add something like READ THIS FIRST or START HERE.

Done and done. And just as an addendum, the currently posted versions of the 2016 SEA VM have the corrected default Starterator and Phamerator databases. If you download the new VMs now, each program should default to the Actino_Draft database.

Posted in: StarteratorRead First: Common Starterator Troubleshooting
| posted 05 Oct, 2015 14:00
Hi Jordan,

Apologies, we haven't done a great job of letting everyone know the updated Phamerator settings. We've combined all of the Actinobacteria phages into a single Phamerator database. It is now available by using the following settings in Phamerator (go to Edit–>Preferences in Phamerator to change these values).

Take care to type exactly, because these are all case-sensitive and must be input exactly as shown.



After entering both of these values, click "Force Database Update". Wait while Phamerator updates, then it'll prompt you to restart. Do that. If you're prompted for a password at any point, it should be simply: "phage".

Edited 05 Oct, 2015 14:00
Posted in: PhameratorDatabases and Alternate hosts
| posted 28 Sep, 2015 14:26
Hi Dan,

Were you able to figure out what the problem may be with the download?

-Asjah F.

Hi Asjah,

I haven't been able to figure out any download-specific problems. We've tested the downloads at several different places and they seem to work.

Are you using a hard-wired connection or a wireless connection? I'd recommend hard-wired if you can. It's actually Dropbox that's serving the files, so it should be reputable and reliable. You could also try a different browser if you continue having trouble, or a different internet connection in case there are file-size limits on the ISP you're using.

Edited 28 Sep, 2015 14:26
Posted in: SEA-PHAGES Virtual MachineStudent download of 2016 VM
| posted 24 Sep, 2015 19:49
For anyone else who's looking, Starterator is installed only on the seastudent account, so you'll have to log into that one. There should be an icon on the left bar for Starterator thereafter.

Posted in: StarteratorStarterator in 2016 VM
| posted 21 Sep, 2015 13:56
Hi, I have a PC and I've been trying to download and unzip the Sea VM file but I keep getting an error saying that the zip file is invalid.

Can someone please help me if they have encountered the same problem or knows how to fix this.


-Asjah F.

Hi Asjah,

What version of Windows are you using? First I would verify that the entire file downloaded. You can check the size (~4.7 Gb) but I'd also suggest verifying the md5sum value to be completely sure you have the intact file. You can use a program like HashCheck on Windows to figure out the md5sum of the file you downloaded. It should exactly match the md5sum posted here.

If you're sure you downloaded the entire file, and the md5sum matches, please post here and let us know, and we'll get to the bottom of it.

Posted in: SEA-PHAGES Virtual MachineStudent download of 2016 VM