The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

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All posts created by DanRussell

| posted 01 Feb, 2022 21:57
Hi Steve,

There's a forum thread that talks about this error, but apparently the link to the fix isn't working anymore.

But this should be basically the same thing. Maybe try installing one of the Visual C++ packages here and giving it a shot?

Posted in: DNA MasterCould not load SSL library
| posted 31 Jan, 2022 20:33
Hi Adam,

Some answers below.

1. Is this the library kit? NEB #E7805S Any opinions about using NEB SPRIselect vs. AMPure XP beads?

Yes, that's one. Any of the NEBNext Ultra II FS kits will work. The "FS" part is for shearing your DNA.

2. Do you use dual or single indexed adaptors/barcodes? If single indexed, do you purchase a 96 barcode kit (NEB E7335L)? Or are there 48 barcode kits? Or can this be DIY?

When we do our typical runs of 48 phages, we use dual indexing with this barcode kit (#E7600S):

That one gives 96 possible dual-indexed combos. When we do smaller runs, we sometimes use single-indexing with a kit like this (#E7335S):

You can do it DIY, some people do, but not us!

3. For library construction, can reactions be done in half volume? We tried this for a IonTorrent library and it worked fine. Obviously not the manufacturer's instructions, but it would save us quite a bit of money.

We've never tried, but FYI our output library concentration from the current workflow is often not too far above the "minimum" 4nM required for proper MiSeq loading, so it's possible you'd be too low. Also, some of the volumes would be quite low, like resuspending beads in 8.5 µl of buffer, which could be a bit tricky.

4. Do you use the Illumina v2 reagent kit?

We use 150-cycle v3 Illumina kits. You can instruct the MiSeq to do 1x150bp reads. (Rather than paired end reads.)

5. Any other consumables needed? Is there a distinct wash kit or does it come with the reagent kit?

Check the NEB and Illumina protocols for specifics about what's needed, but there's no too much that's not standard lab fare. Washing the MiSeq is just done with Tween diluted in water, so you'll need the right Tween, and water, but no kit necessary.

6. I believe Pitt uses a Qubit to assess the library. We have access to one, but I've not used it, Are there special reagents needed? Or specific settings?

Yes, you'll need a Qubit Broad Range DNA Kit to quantify DNA using a Qubit. We use 1 µl of sample and 199 µl of QWS. You then just have to tell the Qubit itself what you used, and it'll tell you your stock concentration.

7. Any details on the MiSeq settings? Are you running 2X150bp reads? I will have help from someone who has sequenced yeast genomes, so his settings may be different (if there are other settings….).

As mentioned above, we use 150-cycle v3 kits, set to 1x150bp reads. When making a sample sheet, we select "FASTQ only".

8. Someone sent me a DIY protocol for the AMPure beads. Any experience making them? We'll purchase some for this project, but long-term we would consider this. See attached.

Definitely haven't done that. You can get the above-referenced library prep kits with beads included, but I think basically any of the purification beads are okay as long as they work.

In general, it sounds like you're trying to keep library prep costs low which is understandable. Perhaps even better than half-volume reactions would be to combine two phages you know—for example, by restriction digest—belong to different clusters. Then you'd get two complete phage sequences out of each library prep.

There's no doubt that people use a variety of DIY and tweaks, but we've found that the cost per library from NEB is < $40 and we're more concerned with throughput and success %, so we haven't experimented.

Good luck!
Edited 31 Jan, 2022 20:35
Posted in: Sequencing, Assembling, and Finishing GenomesMiSeq protocol and info
| posted 28 Jan, 2022 14:46
Hi Amaya,

You can check, but my guess is that your student has an M1 Mac. These are the newer Macs using Apple chips instead of intel, and VirtualBox won't work on those.

See this forum post for some info:

Posted in: SEA-PHAGES Virtual MachineError message when installing VirtualBox in MacBook Air
| posted 27 Jan, 2022 18:46
Hi all,

Christina Spencer from LeTourneau has compiled some troubleshooting and/or resources that were useful for her as she was helping students with Macs get DNA Master running. They're below.

Thanks, Christina!
Posted in: DNA MasterCommon DNA Master on Mac Troubleshooting
| posted 27 Jan, 2022 18:33
Hi all,

Christina Spencer from LeTourneau wanted to share a fix for the follow error she encountered helping students set up VirtualBox on Macs to install DNA Master. If you try to launch your new VM and get this error (kernel driver not installed):

You can follow the steps at this website:

The subsection “Allow Oracle Certificate through System Preferences” has step-by-step instructions that can be followed. This error is caused by your Mac not approving the program to run and you need to give the program permission.

Follow your system prompts about giving permissions to the VirtualBox/Windows if prompted to proceed with next steps.

Thanks, Christina!
Posted in: DNA MasterVirtualBox error: Kernel driver not installed
| posted 10 Jan, 2022 20:22
I would try increasing the base memory for the VM to like 4096 Mb or even higher. 2 Gb (your current setting) is quite low for Windows to be able to run, so increasing that should help. It won't necessarily use all the memory you allocate, but it's better to be higher. I also have 16 Gb on my Mac, and my Windows 10 VM has 6140 Mb of memory allocated.

Posted in: DNA MasterDNA Master and Windows 10
| posted 10 Jan, 2022 16:56
Hey Nancy,

Not sure, but it sounds like your computer might be struggling to run the virtual Windows. What's the base RAM of your Mac computer? And how much memory and video memory did you allocate to the Windows VM?

Posted in: DNA MasterDNA Master and Windows 10
| posted 17 Dec, 2021 19:30
I haven’t even started a DNAM file. This happened immediately when I started the program for the first time on this new computer.

For future folks: Mary and I did some troubleshooting offline, and it turned out it was the folder name she'd installed DNA Master into that was giving her issues. She installed DNA Master into a folder that had an apostrophe in its name, like "Mary's Stuff", and that apostrophe was confusing DNA Master's ability to correctly locate directories and save files.

So don't use any unusual characters in the names of your filesystem, stick to letters and numbers only!

I've updated the DNA Master installation instructions to reflect this.

Posted in: DNA MasterTbQueries
| posted 17 Nov, 2021 16:24
Hi Kyle,

Very interesting stuff! We have some Nanopore experience as well, but I'm pretty wary on its readiness to be a one-technology phage-sequencing option. In our most recent runs using a previously-sequenced (known) phage, single reads are around 89% accurate, but even high-coverage assemblies are still only around 98-99% accurate. Obviously, that means than 1 in every 50-100 bases would be wrong or gapped—even after lots of coverage—and that's not good enough to consider a phage "sequenced" or proceed with annotation.

(Side note: many of the remaining errors were 1-2 base insertions/deletions, so they'd definitely throw a wrench in annotation.)

That said, technologies improve over time, as does the software to make sense of their raw data. To really feel confident that an only-Nanopore-sequenced phage genome is reliable, we'd need to do several phages with known sequences and compare the Nano output to the reference. Chris actually did this with PacBio sequencing a bunch of years ago, and convinced me that when using the proper type of PacBio reads with enough coverage, you could trust a final sequence that came out of PacBio.

You're right that, while Illumina-Nano hybrid assemblies have been great for bacterial sequencing, they're overkill for phages. Since almost all phages assemble fine with Illumina reads only, the Nanopore isn't necessary. But that doesn't mean it can't have a use in phage research or a SEA-PHAGES classroom. For example, it's probably economically feasible (and cool) for students to each get a little bit of Nanopore data for their phages, and then you could use that to decide which ones to send for Illumina sequencing, or add a Cluster to the phage's profile.

We'll be talking about this stuff more at the next virtual faculty meeting! I think it's slated for Dec 17th, hopefully you'll be free.

Quick question: which Nanopore library prep kit did you use for you phage sequencing?

Posted in: Sequencing, Assembling, and Finishing GenomesNanopore
| posted 21 Sep, 2021 20:04
Hi Steve,

Jeffrey has made a couple of changes that should help:

  1. Moved the DNA Master install file to an HTTP address instead of an FTP address to make the initial download easier
  2. Changed the default FTP mode within DNA Master from Active to Passive

The first will help with downloading the installer, while the second should make the first couple of updates work on most systems. That said, the usual caveats still apply: run as Admin, make sure preferences are correct, etc. Not sure why yours suddenly stopped working, but mine seems to be okay.

Edited 21 Sep, 2021 20:05
Posted in: DNA MasterDNA master server down?