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All posts created by cdshaffer

| posted 09 Jun, 2020 14:41
The list of all the hosts can be found here:

Unfortunately, Myocobacterium marinum does not appear on the mycobacterium sub-list.
Posted in: MycobacteriumMycobacterium Marinum
| posted 21 May, 2020 16:18
Database creation takes A LOT of computation and scales up exponentially with the number of phage.
Are you just working with 18 phage or did you add 18 phage to a larger database?
With 18 phage I would expect it to take at least a few minutes maybe up to 10, if you are adding phage to something larger it could take several hours to overnight. The last time I did this with ~100 phage on a pretty powerful computer it took over 2 hours.

The best way to get feedback and know if it is probably working is to use the utility in your OS that tells you how hard your CPU is working (either Activity Monitor on Mac or Task Manager in Win). If your phamdb is set up correctly, after you click the button you should see your CPU usage spike up and stay busy.
Posted in: PhameratorPhamDB: Make your own Phamerator databases
| posted 16 May, 2020 18:39
NCBI is quite restrictive in running BLAST searches that are submitted by computer programs like DNA Master and not submitted by individuals using the web interface. NCBI is really just not able to keep up with all the blast searches everyone around the world wants and so these automatically submitted searches are getting more and more restrictive. Your BLAST searches at NCBI do not stop if you quit DNA Master, so every time you retry the searches you add more and more searches to your queue and there is a limit to how many searches you can do at any one time. Given you have tried 7 times this is probably why you are getting this "Too many outstanding requests" error. According to the DNA Master settings it will submit 25 searches at a time so you may have submitted up to 175 searches if DNA master really did submit 25 searches each of those 7 times.

According to the rules on this page: "We will move searches of users who submit more than 100 searches in a 24 hour period to a slower queue, or, in extreme cases, will block the requests. "

Given that you used PECAAN all the blast results are available to any one who is checking your annotations, so i would suggest you go ahead and submit your DNA Master file without redoing the BLAST results and just note in the cover sheet the issues you had with NCBI and that the BLAST results are available in PECAAN.
Posted in: PECAANProblem BLASTING after PECAAN file transferred to DNA Master
| posted 27 Apr, 2020 00:44
yes, two trivial things to try, 1) try a different browser sometimes this helps. 2) maximize the window size on the browser to fill the screen. 3) set zoom level to less than 100%, 4) Move to a computer with a large screen and try there (these problems usually show up on portables with small 12 or 13 inch screens). I never have had an issue in my office with my large 24 inch monitor
Posted in: PECAANproblem with adding a gene
| posted 26 Mar, 2020 18:30
missing or broken links are almost always due to pham changes with each new database release.
New databases typically come out at least once a week.
Once a database has been released by the Hatfull lab it takes each subsystem a variable amount of time to update. will update almost immediately since it is also in the Hatfull lab. and Pecaan will typically update pretty quickly as all they need to do is download and install the new database. Starterator will almost always update last as it takes quite a bit of time to run 15,000 clustal alignments and create the 15,000 reports., pecaan and starterator all have a way to see which database version they are on:
phagesdb see:
starterator see:
pecaan: look on any "pham maps" page just above the map open the pull down menu in the top left
Posted in: PECAANCould this Pham be improperly assigned in PECAAN?
| posted 18 Mar, 2020 03:34
This is a database synchronization issue. Phagesdb was on version 347 and the other sites were behind. This can happen anytime a new database is released. It takes a variable amount of time for each site to "catch up". Starterator usually takes about a day as there is a lot of computer work to calculate ~15000 multiple sequence alignments and generate ~15,000 reports, but it is now up to date and should give the correct results. Not sure about PECAAN or The first thing you should try when you get these discrepancies is check which database each site is on.If they are on different versions

This is how you can get the info on which version each site is on:
phagesdb see:
starterator see:
pecaan: look on any "pham maps" page just above the map open the pull down menu in the top left
Posted in: StarteratorPhage not found in track
| posted 17 Mar, 2020 18:37
I just searched the phamerator database. There are no genes from amy phage with host streptomyces that have lysin B as an annotation.
Posted in: Cluster BD Annotation Tipslysin A
| posted 10 Mar, 2020 16:41
There is a lot of help on the "data" page at phagesdb: Data page

If you or someone you know has basic scripting skills you can use the API at phagesdb. It gives you the most flexibility and reproducibility if you want to repeat the experiment later.

Failing that I would use the bulk system at NCBI. Here is a shorthand protocol I would use:

1. Get "Full tab delimited all phages spreadsheet" from the data page linked above.
2. Use your or a friend's excel skills to filter on cluster/subcluster to create a list with just the phage you want and select and copy the accession numbers column to clipboard
3. Go to Genbank and search the "nucleotide" database with the complete list of all the accession numbers (just paste the whole list in the little search box)
4. On the results page use the tiny menus near the top to change "Summary" to FASTA and then use the "Send to" menu and select "File". You should get a concatenated fasta file wherever your browser downloads. File will be named "sequence.fasta" which you should rename to something move appropriate like "A1_phages.fasta"
Posted in: Phage BiologyDownloading cluster specific fasta files
| posted 09 Mar, 2020 16:28
OK the rule that "you must have a B, in order to have an A" makes sense to me. Thanks for the clarification.
Posted in: Cluster BD Annotation Tipslysin A
| posted 09 Mar, 2020 00:38
Based on this posting from Feb 2020:

Which I will repost here:
Just looked at 2 cluster AO2 phages, JKerns and StevieBAY. StevieBAY's
gene 28 is an endolysin. It possesses all of domains we expect to see in an
endolysin. Gene 64 codes for the CHAP endopeptidase domain of LysK (a
Staphylococcus phage lysin gene). It is reported out as an endolysin also.
We won't call either of them lysin A (Reserved only for mycobacteriophages
for now, unless the phage genomes contains a lysin A and a lysin B. 

And this in the approved terms (as of Feb 2020):
some arthrobacter and streptomyces phages have a single endolysin
with domains not found in the Mycobacteriophages (like the CHAP domain).
use "endolysin" rather than lysin A if the phage does not infect
Mycobacterium and no lysin b can be identified.

The BD6 phage appear to have a lysin which is a very high quality HHpred hit (99.8 Prob, 97.2 coverage) to the N-ACETYLMURAMOYL-L-ALANINE AMIDASE crystal (2WKX_A)

should annotation be the approved term "endolysin" or "lysin A, N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase domain"
Edited 09 Mar, 2020 00:50
Posted in: Cluster BD Annotation Tipslysin A