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All posts created by cdshaffer

| posted 12 Aug, 2016 17:21
The next round of udpates to Starterator will be with the various text output sections.

I am seeking input from the user community on what improvements they would like to see in the output.

Please feel free to post to the forum on any or all of the following:

Is there any text output that you find confusing? Can you suggest better wording?

Is there anything missing from the output that you think would help?

Posted in: StarteratorStarterator Text updates
| posted 05 Aug, 2016 01:07
OK I probably set up something incorrectly. I think the next thing to try is just reinstall the beta version following the same instructions. I posted the link to the pdf in the other discussion thread but briefly (assuming you did not delete any files)

open terminal and enter this command:
cd ~/Downloads

then enter this command:


let me know if that works of fails, that worked on my version of the SEA2016 VM
Posted in: StarteratorBeta Version 1.1.1 released
| posted 04 Aug, 2016 16:23
It's possible I didn't set things up correctly so I we need to "divide and conquer". The first step is a good network connection, it could be that the VM cannot get to the internet to download.

Can you see if your VM can connect to the internet? You can check that easily by opening a browser and seeing if you can load from inside the SEA virtual machine. If that works then your network is up and running so start up Starterator again and see if the update to v1.1.1 works. I know my VM often loses network connection (I am using VirtualBox), for me a simple reboot of the VM usually fixes the network, if you have confirmed that the network is up and running and the update still fails, post another message here and we can proceed to the next step.
Edited 04 Aug, 2016 16:25
Posted in: StarteratorBeta Version 1.1.1 released
| posted 04 Aug, 2016 03:58
A new beta version of Starterator has been posted. If you are running the current Beta version you should recieve an automatic update the next time you start up Starterator. If the update succeeds you will see the new version 1.1.1 in the title of the Starterator window. If you are not running the beta version and would like to install it, see the beta release post in this Starterator forum.
This version has several updates and improvements:
1. New updated protocol for grouping genes into a single track. Some visually identical genes that were not being properly grouped.
2. Changes to individual track graphics:

a. Change number of labels from 5 to 1

b. Annotation starts differ by color: yellow are auto-annotations (i.e. draft quality); green are starts published in GenBank
3. Change error message to recommend checking the Starterator Troubleshooting guide in seaphages forum when getting crashes
4. Whole genome analysis now creates a text file for PECAAN so you don't need to copy/paste out of the PDF. I have done limited testing on this but it appears to work (feedback appreciated if it does not work for you). You will find the text file in the "Intermediate Files" directory found inside the .starterator folder (see item 2 of the troubleshooting post in this forum if you don't know how to get to that folder), the file name will start with the name of the phage and end with "SuggestedStarts.txt".
5. Many minor bug fixes
Thanks to everyone for all the beta testing and feedback, please do continue to get in touch with any and all problems or ideas for improvements.
Posted in: StarteratorBeta Version 1.1.1 released
| posted 30 Jul, 2016 03:42
Ok tried jabith once and it worked all the way through so I posted the results here. That was with the original version.

As with Sprinklers I will try with the beta version see if I can get it to crash there. I will let you know how those go, please if you have time try the solutions suggested above as well and let me know if those stop the crashing.
Posted in: Starteratorphage that crash starterator
| posted 30 Jul, 2016 03:38
OK, I tested Sprinklers on the original version of Starterator and it did not crash. You can download that report from this link.

I tested it on Beta version next and it did not crash the first time but when I tried again it did crash. You can download the output from the first run of the beta version with the yellow and green starts from this link.

These intermittent problems are very difficult to track down. Can you try the troublshooting solutions given in the first post of the "Read First: Common Starterator Troubleshooting" thread and report back it any of those helped. I wonder if it the problem with either the memory (which can easily change from run to run) or maybe the "Intermediate Files" issue.
Posted in: Starteratorphage that crash starterator
| posted 29 Jul, 2016 19:40
Just back from meetings. I am testing phage Sprinklers now, will test phage jabith after that.

If the beta version is failing on everything can you try two things and post the results:

1. Delete all the files in the "Intermediate Files" folder and try the beta version again. How to delete these files is explained in the thread "Read First: Common Starterator Troubleshooting" as item 2 of the first post. I have been having difficulty lately that is solved if I delete all those files.

2. Login to the student account and try the original version of Starterator and post whether things are crashing there or not, this will help isolate problems with the beta version from problems with Starterator in general. If you installed the beta version in the student account just post that you don't have access to the original version anymore.

I will also remind any readers that it is a good policy to periodically delete all those files in the "Intermediate Files" folder.
Edited 29 Jul, 2016 19:40
Posted in: Starteratorphage that crash starterator
| posted 26 Jul, 2016 17:37
I have been playing with the graphical output for the gene tracks with the idea of indicating conservation.

I have found that it would be very difficult to change the property of the line that indicates the chosen start site but I can easily manipulate the start labels. I have tried several changes that can be mixed and matched:

1. Change color of start label if that start is "highly conserved"
2. Set the labels to be dark or faint based on level of conservation (for example less conserved starts have a light grey label, strongly conserved starts have a dark black label)
3. Change the number of times that the track label appears on the track

I have posted two examples with several phams in each.

Example 1 increase font size of labels, change color to red if start is "highly conserved" (>95%), set grey level of label from 25% to 100% based on level of conservation.

Example 2 increase font size of labels, change color to red if start is "highly conserved", other labels are faint blue to dark blue based on level of conservation, set number of track labels to 1.
Comments/feedback appreciated
Posted in: StarteratorStarterator UI updates
| posted 21 Jul, 2016 21:58
I would appreciate any and all suggestions for how to improve starterator graphics output.

The latest version has green and yellow indicators on each track for annotation starts instead of the older blue. These marks were updated to indicate annotated starts based on thier provenance. The green annotated starts are based on non-draft status entries in the phamerator database (i.e. based on submitted annotations which have been reviewed). The yellow annotated starts are based on the start called in the "draft" annotations (i.e. based on Glimmer/GeneMark only).

Are there other updates that you can think of that would make for a better experience? or things that your students found confusing that could use clarification?

Please post your ideas below. For example in the July 20th SMART meeting Lee asked for an indication of the level of conservation of each start. I am looking into this and will post updates here.

Other ideas: Is there any other information you would find informative on the first few pages or at the end or each pham?

Any input is useful.
Posted in: StarteratorStarterator UI updates
| posted 21 Jul, 2016 21:02
If you install your beta version into the SEA Faculty account you should see an icon for starterator on the Desktop. You will need to double click this icon.

To double check that you are running the right version you will see the version in the title of the main starterator window if you have the beta or alpha version. In the image the title bar has the version "v1.1.0-beta"

If you do not see the version title you expect please post issues to this forum.
Posted in: StarteratorStarterator Updates available for beta testing