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All posts created by cdshaffer

| posted 10 Feb, 2017 16:21
Our IT had the idea to change the access privileges for the DNA Master folder and all internal folders so that logged in users did not need admin privileges to make changes to anything inside those folders. Out systems are Windows 7 and this is mostly working, I would say auto-update is now working on about 95% of the computers, so there is a way to configure Windows 7 so that you don't need admin privilege. Might be worth asking your IT if this is a viable solution for your systems.
Posted in: DNA MasterDNA Master failed update
| posted 10 Feb, 2017 15:59
Yes the old tRNA-scan-SE site was shut down as of last November. You will need to follow the updated protocol which is on the seaphages faculty info page, Bioinformatics section:

Click here for Revised tRNA evaluation protocol (Section 9.5).
Posted in: tRNAstRNAscan-SE site has changed?
| posted 08 Feb, 2017 21:42
Ok well it appears that flaverint does not crash my current "development" version of Starterator. So I can generate a whole phage report using it. The problem with the development version is that I have taken out much of the code that generates the summary text below the graph in anticipation of adding improved versions along the lines of the improvements to the single pham reports.

Consequently the whole phage report that comes out has all the graphics but none of the summary text. So, no counting which starts are annotated and/or conserved and no list of base locations for the various starts in the phage being analyzed, this means the online version is still better for all that info. The good news is that these whole phage reports do have the part of the PDF that you need to upload to PECAAN and PECAAN will have the links to the online versions.

Below are links to download the whole phage report for the crashing phage mentioned above as generated by the development version of starterator (for anyone interested the current development version is this branch of my person github repo).
Whole phage pdf report for Aggie using development version of Starterator

Whole phage pdf report for Flaverint using development version of Starterator

Whole phage pdf report for Mattes using development version of Starterator

Whole phage pdf report for Andies using development version of Starterator

Whole phage pdf report for Philonius using development version of Starterator

Whole phage pdf report for Aroostook using development version of Starterator
Edited 08 Feb, 2017 22:21
Posted in: Starteratorphage that crash starterator
| posted 08 Feb, 2017 18:33
OK looking into all these reports for phages aggie, philonious and Mattes, it appears these are phams that crash when you do a whole phage report but work when you ask for the individual phams. Very curious bug that will likely need time to solve.
I would recommend that you use the pre-calculated web pages:

for example pham 21476 results are available here:

Any other pham is available by just changing the pham number in the address above, so to get to pham 123 the URL would be:

The issue I guess is PECAAN which requires a whole phage report, anyone using PECAAN let me know, I will work with you to find the best work around until I can find and fix the bug.
Sorry but since this is not my own code it can be difficult for me to find bugs so I am not sure if it will be easy or difficult to solve this issue.
Edited 08 Feb, 2017 21:22
Posted in: Starteratorphage that crash starterator
| posted 08 Feb, 2017 18:09
Pham 8250 does not crash when I use the SEA 2017 VM, so need a bit more background.
Are you using the SEA 2017 VM or something else?
Were you doing a single pham analysis of 8250 or a whole phage report on Flavrint and it crashed on gene 18?
Posted in: Starteratorphage that crash starterator
| posted 03 Feb, 2017 17:55
If you are just creating a database that will not be updated then I would recommend just learning a bit of mysql. You might want to check out the mysql help sheet we created at the faculty retreat:

and then just manually update the clusters using command like this:

mysql> update phage set Cluster=”S” where Name=”Marvin”;

just replace the bold parts with the cluster name and phage name in your database.

If you think you will be constantly updating the phamerator database with phamdb I would focus on learning a bit of command line to run the script (found in the plugins folder of phamerator) which needs a file with phage names and clusters. You can run the script each time after an update with phamdb.
Posted in: PhameratorPhamDB: Make your own Phamerator databases
| posted 03 Feb, 2017 17:21
This was one of the issues that PhamDB did not implement as far as I know. The only way I know to add cluster info is manually (i.e. command line). You can either use a python script that is part of the phamerator distribution or just directly type in mysql commands to update the cluster.

There are a lot of specific issues that will depend on your exact computer set-up so impossible to give exact commands. Are you using a SEA virtual machine?
Posted in: PhameratorPhamDB: Make your own Phamerator databases
| posted 02 Feb, 2017 23:19
I am curious, have you tried manually testing the NCBI glimmer page to see if it is working when you are getting the failures when trying to access with DNA Master?
If that page is down then it is guaranteed DNA Master will fail.

Also, have you tried increasing the time limit in the auto-annotation window? It defaults to 2 minutes, maybe if NCBI is slowing down responses setting DNA Master to wait longer would help.
Posted in: DNA MasterGlimmer Failure on Auto Annotation
| posted 16 Jan, 2017 19:56
I have checked on my mac, running DNA Master in a Windows 7 VM and the wine bottle version. Both worked for me so I can confirm that NCBI is up and running but it makes it difficult to diagnose why glimmer is failing for you.

Just to check, I have version 5.23.1 from 03 Dec 2016, check yours, maybe the auto-update failed and you are still running an older version with the secure connections issue.

As for the Key and access violations that should not be the cause of glimmer failure, see this page for more info and how to fix:
Posted in: DNA MasterGlimmer Failure on Auto Annotation
| posted 16 Jan, 2017 17:53
you have hit an issue I have been thinking about a lot lately as we change over to a distributed "all web" system. One of the things that phamerator does on occasion is move proteins to different pham numbers as it updates with new phages. It is pretty rare nowadays but it does happen. When this happens its possible for the various web pages to get "out of sync", each displaying info from a different version of the database. This general problem is a pernicious issue across the bioinformatics field so it is a really good teaching moment for your students.

Long story short for you: Kevin1 gene 24 was in pham 21227 but it is now in pham 25384. You can see this if you go to phagesdb page for Kevin1 gene 24.
Posted in: StarteratorRead First: Common Starterator Troubleshooting