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All posts created by welkin

| posted 17 Apr, 2018 12:53
some minor tail proteins are upstream of the terminase, instead of after the tape measure.
Posted in: Cluster AQ Annotation Tipstail proteins
| posted 17 Apr, 2018 12:39
That is a new one to me.
I would recreate the documentation of the bad file and save it into a text file. Then I would make a whole new .dnam5 file by importing the sequence etc. Instead of autoannotating, copy the documentation from the text file into the documentation tab and then parse it.
Save the whole thing with a new name.
Hopefully that will work…
Posted in: DNA MasterCorrupted files for merge
| posted 17 Apr, 2018 12:36
we do not know where the tail assembly chaperones are.
Posted in: Cluster AP Annotation TipsTail assembly chaperones?
| posted 16 Apr, 2018 17:18
we do not know where the tail assembly chaperones are for cluster AM
Posted in: Cluster AM Annotation TipsTail assembly chaperones?
| posted 16 Apr, 2018 17:17
Cluster AM has a capsid fusion protein, in which the capsid maturation protease, scaffolding protein, and major capsid protein are all encoded by a single gene.
Posted in: Cluster AM Annotation Tipscapsid fusion
| posted 16 Apr, 2018 17:16
the tape measure protein is found amidst the minor tail proteins, rather than at the beginning of them.
Posted in: Cluster AM Annotation Tipstape measure
| posted 16 Apr, 2018 17:16
Cluster AM has only one lysin, it should be labeled "lysin A" and not the generic "endolysin".
Posted in: Cluster AM Annotation Tipslysin A
| posted 16 Apr, 2018 17:15
Cluster AM has two major tail genes instead of one.
Posted in: Cluster AM Annotation Tipstwo major tail genes
| posted 16 Apr, 2018 17:13
the "t" of the tail assembly chaperones was not added to many of the Cluster AL annotations and we do not know where the frameshift is. Moving forward from April 2018, the "T" gene should be added to the annotations (even though it is tiny)— that way we will have a place holder in the annotations for the longer fusion when we find the slippery sequence.
Posted in: Cluster AL Annotation TipsTail assembly chaperones?
| posted 16 Apr, 2018 17:11
Cluster ALs do not have a lysin B.
Posted in: Cluster AL Annotation Tipsno lysin B