The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

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All posts created by scaruso

| posted 20 Aug, 2020 22:56
Same issue. The ping worked, but I can't access it. If you find a workaround, please post it.
Edited 20 Aug, 2020 23:14
Posted in: PhameratorPhamerator down?
| posted 19 Aug, 2020 22:18
I think it's being blocked as a malicious site by my Wi-Fi, somehow. I can access it on my cell phone if I turn off Wi-Fi but not on any of my devices through Wi-Fi. Weird and I have no idea how to fix it. smile

A shame I'm teaching from home and have to figure out how to fix it.
Posted in: PhameratorPhamerator down?
| posted 19 Aug, 2020 20:13
Worse, I've tried it on more than one machine. It doesn't make any sense to me at all. I've tried clearing cache and refreshing Firefox too. I'm sure next someone is going to chime in from Maryland to say that it works for them too.
Edited 19 Aug, 2020 20:13
Posted in: PhameratorPhamerator down?
| posted 19 Aug, 2020 20:12
Worse, I've tried it on more than one machine. It doesn't make any sense to me at all. I'm sure next someone is going to chime in from Maryland to say that it works for them too.
Posted in: PhameratorPhamerator down?
| posted 19 Aug, 2020 19:39
I am unable to access it by any browser and haven't been for several days.

Posted in: PhameratorPhamerator down?
| posted 19 Aug, 2020 19:35
Uh oh.
Posted in: PhameratorPhamerator down?
| posted 19 Aug, 2020 19:27
I have been unable to access Phamerator for several days now. Is this a global phenomenon? Or a local issue? smile

Posted in: PhameratorPhamerator down?
| posted 05 Aug, 2020 21:25
I noticed that this is not on the list, though it is on PECAAN. Has there been a change in its status?

Posted in: Request a new function on the SEA-PHAGES official listqueuine tRNA ribosyltransferase
| posted 04 Aug, 2020 19:34
Thanks, Chris.

So, I guess I need to keep two VMs running? One for Starterator, which is useful for QC, and one for the new file checker, which is necessary for QC.

Posted in: StarteratorRelease of Starterator version 1.2
| posted 04 Aug, 2020 16:41
Update - That must be in. It still works on the old VM, but not the new VM. So I'm not sure why, something weird is going on.

Posted in: StarteratorRelease of Starterator version 1.2