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All posts created by scaruso

| posted 09 Sep, 2020 01:47
I need a way to more easily see their screens.

Posted in: DNA MasterNovel Student Issue
| posted 09 Sep, 2020 01:47
Darn it. I knew that would be the answer.

Posted in: DNA MasterNovel Student Issue
| posted 09 Sep, 2020 01:38
I am getting my students started using DNAM, online, of course, and one has run into a novel problem. I am sure it's something simple, but I sure can't figure out how they are getting this result.

First they are running through a practice genome I use for training, and this student is getting a RBS results window that looks weird. I did ask if he is running DNAM as an administrator and if it had been updated.

Anyone ever see this version of the RBS screen? Note that the column headers are wrong, no Z score, not final score.


Edited 09 Sep, 2020 01:39
Posted in: DNA MasterNovel Student Issue
| posted 04 Sep, 2020 14:12
Thanks, Debbie.

Sorry to add to your plate. Never rains, but it pours.

Posted in: DNA MasterBlast error
| posted 04 Sep, 2020 12:30
This is bad timing since I have 120 students blasting genes starting this weekend. Just to confirm, I checked it this morning on another computer and on the UMBC virtual desktop and got the same result. So it looks like either NCBI is having a problem or the connection between DNAM and NCBI has one.

I did check NCBI online, and it is working, so it isn't the main BLAST system.

Posted in: DNA MasterBlast error
| posted 03 Sep, 2020 16:58
Thanks, guess it's more than just me, then.

Posted in: DNA MasterBlast error
| posted 03 Sep, 2020 16:41
I hope they are correct, although you never know.
But I just got to campus and tried it from a computer that I know DNAM works on, and hasn't been changed. Same error.

Posted in: DNA MasterBlast error
| posted 03 Sep, 2020 15:14
Tried it several times with different files and it never works. I have seen another error message, though:

Error connect with SSL.
EOF was observed that violates the protocol.

Which sounds really unfortunate, if you ask me.

Posted in: DNA MasterBlast error
| posted 03 Sep, 2020 14:59

I am getting the following error when I try to blast a gene in DNAM on my PC running W10 (not a surface).

Error connecting with SSL.
error: 1409442E:SSL routines::SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1 alert protocol version.

Anyone else having any trouble or aware of anything going on? Or any ideas?

Posted in: DNA MasterBlast error
| posted 21 Aug, 2020 23:27
Hi everyone,

I think this should be fixed now, but I would appreciate it if someone who was having trouble could check and let me know. (It was always working fine for me so I don't have an easy way to test.)


Yes! It works!


Posted in: PhameratorPhamerator down?