The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

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All posts created by scaruso

| posted 21 Mar, 2022 14:14
Good morning all,

Has anyone noticed an issue with PECAAN running BLAST over the last week? I have checked the jobs table, and they haven't been changing. Is it down?

Posted in: PECAANPECAAN not BLASTing?
| posted 01 Feb, 2022 22:59
Hi Steve,

There's a forum thread that talks about this error, but apparently the link to the fix isn't working anymore.

But this should be basically the same thing. Maybe try installing one of the Visual C++ packages here and giving it a shot?


Any chance you know how to deal with the error messages:

An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Borland Database Engine (error #2108 ) and Queries table corrupt; reload from DNA Master FTP site?

I have agreed to the latter. Tried uninstalling, reinstalling, reinitializing the database, etc. But DNAM simply doesn't work on the 'puter anymore.

Edited 01 Feb, 2022 22:59
Posted in: DNA MasterCould not load SSL library
| posted 01 Feb, 2022 22:00
Thank you, I will try it right away.

Posted in: DNA MasterCould not load SSL library
| posted 01 Feb, 2022 21:31
Hello all,

I have tried installing DNAM on a new Windows 11 machine in my teaching lab since it won't run on my old office computer anymore, and it installed. Once all the setting were updated, I tried BLASTING a gene and got: Could not load SSL library.
This is very troubling since we start using DNAM in class on lab computers tomorrow.
Any ideas from anyone? I am at a loss to get DNAM to work at UMBC.

Posted in: DNA MasterCould not load SSL library
| posted 04 Oct, 2021 20:02
I have been unable to use DNA Master for the last few weeks. It may or may not be coincident with a Windows 10 update, I can't be sure, I'm afraid. But I am getting a "Error occurred while attempting to initialize the Borland database" message alternating with "Query table is corrupt." I have tried rebuilding the database and reinstalling DNAM, but same issue.

Has anyone else had this issue? I am at a loss. I also need to provide the program to our DoIT soon for the spring, but I don't know what to give them, now, since the link from PITT is often non-functional. I would appreciate any guidance anyone can provide.

Posted in: DNA MasterDNAM failure
| posted 20 Sep, 2021 18:21
Hello all,

Any new news? DNAM suddenly failed on my machine. No changes made, just the databases up and quit. Can't re-initialize. I'm a little nervous for the Spring. Do we have a version to give to my DoIT?

Posted in: DNA MasterDNA master server down?
| posted 30 Jun, 2021 19:59
I am grateful.

Posted in: SEA-PHAGES Virtual MachineFresh Install = no Validation folder
| posted 30 Jun, 2021 19:46
Can I ask one more dumb question, though? I have looked through all the old emails and posts on here and I can only find links to the 2017 VM. No rush, but when you have a moment, could someone post a link the 2020 VM? I am sure it's in some old email I saved. But I can't find it.


Posted in: SEA-PHAGES Virtual MachineFresh Install = no Validation folder
| posted 28 Jun, 2021 16:12
Thank you, I used the link I found from since I always lose the ones in my emails. It's the 2017 version. That's likely my error.

Posted in: SEA-PHAGES Virtual MachineFresh Install = no Validation folder
| posted 26 Jun, 2021 21:50
Good afternoon,

After so many years of the VM working flawlessly for me, it was bound to be my turn. To avoid pestering Christian, I simply started fresh with a new VM download and install and followed the instructions on how to make the changes to the new pipeline following his video. Only - I don't have a "Validation" folder as expected this time. Huh. That means there is nowhere to put the newer config file and no way to check files.

Any idea what I could have done wrong?
Posted in: SEA-PHAGES Virtual MachineFresh Install = no Validation folder