The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

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All posts created by scaruso

| posted 24 May, 2016 16:02
What a tragic accident. David will be missed, and I will miss the excitement and energy he brought with him to each new challenge.
Edited 24 May, 2016 16:02
Posted in: Messages for Cabrini CollegeMessages for Cabrini College
| posted 16 Nov, 2015 20:35

Is there a link we can provide to our OIT depts or do I need to give them my log-in information?

Posted in: SEA-PHAGES Virtual Machinemd5 sum for 2016 Virtual Machine download files
| posted 16 Sep, 2015 14:05
Hello all,

I have started working with Strep. griseus and would like to solicit some advice.

Lee generously provided me with a lot of information, but, honestly, these are critters that I have seen for the first time. I am growing them in nutrient broth (NB) + PEG to prevent clumping then using NB + supplements described by Lee for enrichments, and nutrient agar with the same supplements for plating.

I have a culture being maintained at 30-deg w/ shaking in NB+PEG which I am sub-culturing for students, and I am starting it fresh on Fridays from a spore stock I created.

So, my issues. Lawns with Strep. are not dense since TA is not used, so plaques are really tough to see. So far, those that the students have tested have proven not to be such. So, no phage so far, which is discouraging, of course. The cultures are pretty dense, but I am wondering how/if I can make thicker lawns or increase the likelihood of picking up a phage.

Any thoughts are appreciated.

Posted in: StreptomycesStrep problems