Mary |
A Ayuk |
Howard University Biology Coordinator |
mary.ayuk@howard.edu |
2406022208 |
Section 11 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 18 students Section 8 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 20 students Section 9 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 20 students |
Feseha |
Abebe-Akele |
Elizabeth City State University |
fabebeakele@ecsu.edu |
2523353975 |
None entered |
Kelly |
Abshire |
Miami University Department of Microbiology Teaching Professor |
abshirk@miamioh.edu |
5135292028 |
None entered |
Luis |
Actis |
Miami University Department of Microbiology Professor and Chair |
actisla@miamioh.edu |
513-529-5422 |
None entered |
Tammy |
Adair |
Baylor University Department of Biology Senior Lecturer |
tamarah_adair@baylor.edu |
254-710-2129 |
None entered |
Sandra D. |
Adams |
Montclair State University Biology Professor |
adamssa@mail.montclair.edu |
973-655-7527 |
None entered |
George |
Ademowo |
ademowo_g@yahoo.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Olubusuyi Moses |
Adewumi |
University of Ibadan Department of Virology Reader |
adewumi1@hotmail.com |
2348060226655 |
None entered |
Swati |
Agrawal |
University of Mary Washington Biology Assistant Professor |
sagrawal@umw.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Yesmi |
Ahumada |
Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa |
yesmiahumada@uas.edu.mx |
Not entered |
None entered |
Babajide |
Ajanaku |
babajide.ajanaku@tsc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Simon |
Allard |
Madison Area Technical College |
sallard@madisoncollege.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Regina |
Alvarez |
Dominican University New York Science Assistant Professor of Biology |
regina.alvarez@dc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Rick |
Alvey |
Illinois Wesleyan University Biology Assistant Professor |
ralvey@iwu.edu |
309-556-3186 |
None entered |
Ping |
An |
pia1@pitt.edu |
Not entered |

Kirk |
Anders |
Gonzaga University Biology Professor |
anders@gonzaga.edu |
509-313-5933 |
BIOL.207L.06 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 16 students |
Justin |
Anderson |
Southeastern Louisiana University Biological Sciences Professor & Department Head |
justin.anderson-3@selu.edu |
9855492390 |
BIOL2030-02 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 14 students |
Sara |
Anderson |
Minnesota State University Moorhead |
sara.anderson@mnstate.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Christy |
Andrade |
Gonzaga University Biology Asst. Professor |
andradec@gonzaga.edu |
Not entered |
BIOL.105L.03 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 17 students |
John |
Anetor |
johnanetor@gmail.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Lisa |
Antoniacci |
lantoniacci@maryu.marywood.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Mauricio |
Antunes |
University of North Texas Biological Sciences Assistant Professor |
mauricio.antunes@unt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Evelyn |
Apple |
Austin Community College Highland Campus Biotechnology Lab Technician |
egoss@austincc.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Jeffrey |
Aquino-Gomez |
South Texas College Biology Instructor |
jaquinog@southtexascollege.edu |
9563489556 |
None entered |
Elva |
Aréchiga Carvajal |
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León |
elva.arechigacr@uanl.edu.mx |
Not entered |
None entered |
Demelash |
Areda |
Scottsdale Community College |
dareda@phoenixcollege.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Susan |
Arruda |
Franklin Pierce University |
arrudas@franklinpierce.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Staci |
Avery |
staci_avery@byu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Lyndsay |
Avery |
lya2@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Bryan |
Avina |
Mesa Community College Dobson Campus |
bryan.avina@mesacc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Elena |
Baez |
Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa |
elenabf@uas.edu.mx |
Not entered |
None entered |
Alessandro |
Bailetti Saez |
Alessandro.BailettiSaez@evc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Dondra |
Bailey |
Coppin State University Department of Natural Sciences Assistant Professor |
dbailey@coppin.edu |
Not entered |
BIOL 402 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 11 students |
Adeyele Solomon |
Bakary |
drbakarey@yahoo.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Fred |
Baliraine |
LeTourneau University Biology & Kinesiology Professor |
fredbaliraine@letu.edu |
903-233-3353 |
Mitchell |
Balish |
Miami University Department of Microbiology Professor |
balishmf@miamioh.edu |
5135290167 |
MBI 224 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 15 students |
Rebecca |
Balish |
balishrs@miamioh.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |

Sarah |
Ball |
The Ohio State University |
ball.1766@osu.edu |
Not entered |
205 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 22 students 213 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 22 students 214 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 22 students 219 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 22 students 2200 (18008) In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 20 students 2200 (21669) In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 8 students 223 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 22 students 229 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 22 students 235 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 22 students 237 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 22 students 241 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 22 students 614 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 22 students 970H In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 22 students 971H In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 22 students |
Christa |
Bancroft |
University of Southern California Biological Sciences Associate Professor (Teaching), Director of Undergraduate Studies |
cbancrof@usc.edu |
Not entered |
13192 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 16 students |
Brad |
Barbazuk |
bbarbazuk@ufl.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Meredith |
Barbieri |
mbb1@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
Michèle |
Barmoy |
Allegany College of Maryland Science Associate Professor |
mbarmoy@allegany.edu |
301-784-5071 |
None entered |
Karen |
Barnes |
University of West Florida Chemistry Faculty |
kbarnes2@uwf.edu |
850-857-6018 |
None entered |
Ali |
Barrera |
abarrera@ggc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Colleen |
Barrett |
Chatham University Senior Lecturer/Lab Manager |
c.barrett@chatham.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Lois |
Bartsch |
Metropolitan Community College |
lmbartsch@mccneb.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Tonya C. |
Bates |
University of North Carolina at Charlotte Biological Sciences Senior Lecturer |
tcbates@charlotte.edu |
Hidden |
BIOL 4165-001 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 12 students |
Eric |
Battaglioli |
Emory University Biology Department Assistant Teaching Professor |
Hidden |
Not entered |
None entered |
Meghan |
Bechman |
University of Pittsburgh Biological Sciences Faculty and Lab Manager |
meb248@pitt.edu |
412-624-0420 |
None entered |
Erica |
Beckman |
Madison Area Technical College |
ebeckman1@madisoncollege.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Beth |
Behr |
Madison Area Technical College Biology Microbiology Instructor |
eobehr@madisoncollege.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Anna |
Belford |
anb304@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Madison |
Bendele |
bendelmg@dukes.jmu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Mallory |
Benedetto |
University of Louisiana at Monroe |
benedetto@ulm.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Kevin |
Bennett |
University of Hawaii at Manoa |
kevinben@hawaii.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Charlotte |
Berkes |
berkesc@merrimack.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Edward |
Bernard |
University of Maine, Honors College |
Edward.bernard@maine.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Andrea (Andy) |
Beyer |
Richard Bland College Natural Sciences & Mathematics Associate Professor |
abeyer@rbc.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Suparna |
Bhalla |
Mount Saint Mary College Natural Science Associate Professor of Biology |
suparna.bhalla@msmc.edu |
8455693128 |
Seema |
Bharathan |
Indiana University of Pennsylvania |
bharaths@iup.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Shaan |
Bhatt |
Saint Joseph's University |
shantanubhatt106@gmail.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Billy |
Biederman |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Science Education Senior Progam Assistant |
biederma@hhmi.org |
Hidden |
None entered |
Kevin |
Bilyk |
Montclair State University Biology Assistant Professor |
Hidden |
Not entered |
None entered |
Dawn |
Bisi |
University of Pittsburgh Biological Sciences Laboratory Instructor |
dcb47@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
Larry |
Blumer |
Morehouse College Biology Professor |
lblumer@morehouse.edu |
470 639-0283 |
None entered |
Marina |
Bogush |
Rowan University Department of Biological and Biomedical Sciences Associate Teaching Professor |
bogush@rowan.edu |
856 256 4500 |

Dave |
Bollivar |
Indiana University-Bloomington Biology Senior lecturer |
dbolliva@iu.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |

J. Alfred |
Bonilla |
University of Wisconsin-River Falls Department of Biology Professor |
j.alfred.bonilla@uwrf.edu |
715-425-4062 |
None entered |
Lisa |
Bono |
Texas Tech University Biological Sciences Assistant Professor |
Hidden |
Not entered |
None entered |
Graham |
Boorse |
Mesa Community College Red Mountain Campus |
graham.boorse@mesacc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
David |
Boose |
Gonzaga University Biology Professor |
boose@gonzaga.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Greg |
Booton |
The Ohio State University |
booton.1@osu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Kim |
Borges |
University of Maine, Fort Kent Biology and Environmental Studies Professor of Environmental Studies and Biology |
kborges@maine.edu |
207-834-7612 |
None entered |
Beckie |
Bortz |
rlb6@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Dwayne |
Boucaud |
boucaudd@hhmi.org |
Not entered |
None entered |
Tejas |
Bouklas |
University of California, Los Angeles Microbiology, Molecular Genetics, and Immunology Lecturer |
tbouklas@mednet.ucla.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Nancy |
Boury |
nan1@iastate.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Dane |
Bowder |
Doane University Biology Associate Professor |
dane.bowder@doane.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Megan |
Bowman |
High Point University Biology Assistant Professor |
mbowman6@highpoint.edu |
3368419309 |
None entered |

Maggie |
Braun |
Carnegie Mellon University Biological Sciences Assistant Department Head, Assistant Teaching Professor |
mabraun@andrew.cmu.edu |
412-268-5934 |
None entered |
John |
Braverman |
Saint Joseph's University |
jbraverm@sju.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Don |
Breakwell |
Brigham Young University Microbiology Professor |
breakwell@byu.edu |
8014222378 |
None entered |
Caroline |
Breitenberger |
The Ohio State University Center for Life Sciences Education Retired |
breitenberger.1@gmail.com |
Hidden |
None entered |
Tim |
Breton |
University of Maine, Farmington Natural Sciences Assistant Professor of Biology |
timothy.breton@maine.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Jerry |
Bricker |
Nebraska Wesleyan University Biology Department Associate Professor of Biology |
jbricker@nebrwesleyan.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Eileen |
Bridge |
BridgeE@MiamiOH.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Laura |
Briggs |
Truckee Meadows Community College Biology Professor |
lbriggs@tmcc.edu |
775-673-7257 |
None entered |
Jennifer |
Broderick |
Thiel College Department of Biological Sciences Assistant Professor of Biology |
jbroderick@thiel.edu |
Not entered |
Alex |
Broussard |
Durham Technical Community College |
broussarda@durhamtech.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Cheryl |
Brown |
Minnesota State University Moorhead Chemistry and Biochemistry Lab Manager |
cheryl.brown@mnstate.edu |
2184772246 |
None entered |
Victoria |
Brown-Kennerly |
Webster University Biological Sciences Assistant Professor |
vbrownkennerly64@webster.edu |
314-246-8645 |
None entered |
Kristina |
Brzoza-Lewis |
kbrzoza-lewis@thiel.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Alaina |
Buchanan |
Metropolitan Community College |
abuchanan@mccneb.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Mark |
Buchheim |
University of Tulsa Biological Science Professor and Chair |
mark-buchheim@utulsa.edu |
19186313833 |
BIOL 1711-02 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 12 students |
Mike |
Buckholt |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
mbuckhol@wpi.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Christopher |
Buehl |
University of Wisconsin-River Falls Biology Assistant Professor |
christopher.buehl@uwrf.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
David |
Bullock |
North Carolina Central University |
dbullo22@nccu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Sharon |
Bullock |
University of North Carolina at Charlotte Biological Sciences Senior Lecturer, Biotechnology Program Head |
sbulloc8@uncc.edu |
7046878536 |
None entered |
Temple |
Burling |
tburling@carthage.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Brian |
Burnes |
Mississippi University for Women Sciences & Mathematics Associate Professor of Biology |
bsburnes@muw.edu |
Not entered |

Kristen |
Butela |
University of Pittsburgh Biological Sciences Laboratory Course Developer |
kab340@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Deanna |
Byrnes |
dbyrnes@carthage.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Christine |
Byrum |
College of Charleston Department of Biology Associate Professor |
byrumc@cofc.edu |
(843)953-7176 |
None entered |
Jorge |
Cantu |
jcantu28@southtexascollege.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Kit |
Carlson |
Madison Area Technical College Biology Faculty and Dept. Chair |
kmcarlson2@madisoncollege.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Tyrell |
Carr |
Saint Augustine's University |
tcarr@st-aug.edu |
9195164309 |
None entered |
Megan |
Carroll |
Indian River State College Biological Science |
mcarroll@irsc.edu |
7723366261 |
None entered |
Steve |
Caruso |
University of Maryland, Baltimore County Biological Sciences Principal Lecturer |
scaruso@umbc.edu |
(410) 455-2246 |
Verena |
Carvalho |
University of Massachusetts Amherst |
vcarvalho@umass.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Dana |
Case |
cased@gonzaga.edu |
Not entered |
BIOL.105L.16 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 17 students |
Nancy |
Castro |
University of Southern California |
ncastro@usc.edu |
Not entered |
13148 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 20 students 13194 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 13 students |
Joy |
Caughron |
jcaughron2@radford.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Anne |
Cedergren-Healy |
Scottsdale Community College Biology Faculty |
anne.cedergren-healy@scottsdalecc.edu |
480-423-6779 |
None entered |
Maria |
Cervantes |
mycervantes@southtexascollege.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Megan |
Cevasco |
Coastal Carolina University Biology |
mcevasco@coastal.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Jasmin |
Chahal |
jasmin.chahal@mail.mcgill.ca |
Not entered |
None entered |
Kin |
Chan |
kin.chan@uottawa.ca |
Not entered |
None entered |
Robert |
Charvat |
rcharvat@highpoint.edu |
3368419663 |
None entered |
Vaishali |
Chaubal |
University of Houston-Downtown |
chaubalv@uhd.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Catherine |
Chia |
University of Nebraska-Lincoln School of Biological Sciences |
cchia1@unl.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Peter |
Chien |
University of Massachusetts Amherst |
pchien@umass.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Saroj |
Chirravuri |
GateWay Community College |
chirravuri@gatewaycc.edu |
602-703-4707 |
None entered |
Badriah |
Cho |
Queens University of Charlotte Biology Lab assistan/manager |
chob@queens.edu |
704-688-2796 |
None entered |
Becky |
Chong |
University of Hawaii at Manoa Department of Biology Assistant Professor |
rachong@hawaii.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Hui-Min |
Chung |
University of West Florida Biology |
hchung@uwf.edu |
850-4908486 |
None entered |
James |
Church |
Austin Peay State University Computer Science Associate Professor |
churchj@apsu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Kari |
Clase |
kclase@purdue.edu |
Not entered |
Kristen |
Clermont |
La Salle University Biology Assistant Professor |
clermont@lasalle.edu |
Not entered |
BIO 250-21 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 19 students |
Kari |
Clifton |
University of West Florida |
kclifton@uwf.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Sean |
Coleman |
Wartburg College Biology Associate Professor |
sean.coleman@wartburg.edu |
Not entered |
Parks |
Collins |
Mitchell Community College Natural Sciences Biology Professor |
pcollins@mitchellcc.edu |
Not entered |
BIO 111 HSB1 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 14 students BIO 112 SSB1 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 13 students |
Stephanie |
Conant |
University of Detroit Mercy |
conantsb@udmercy.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Pamela |
Connerly |
Indiana University-Southeast Professor of Biology |
pconnerl@iu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Brian |
Connolly |
connollyb@gonzaga.edu |
Not entered |
BIOL.105L.05 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 17 students |
Juan Francisco |
Contreras |
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León |
juan.contrerascr@uanl.edu.mx |
Not entered |
None entered |
Kathleen |
Cornely |
Providence College Chemistry and Biochemistry Professor |
kcornely@providence.edu |
401-865-2866 |
CHM 396 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 2 students CHM 496 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 3 students |
Jonathan |
Cornett |
jonathancornett@leeuniversity.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Lindsey |
Costantini |
North Carolina Central University |
lmcostantini@nccu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Robin |
Cotter |
robin.cotter@phoenixcollege.edu |
Not entered |
Steven |
Cresawn |
James Madison University Department of Biology Associate Professor |
cresawsg@jmu.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Davida |
Crossley |
Mississippi University for Women Department of Sciences and Mathematics Associate Professor of Microbiology |
dcrossley@muw.edu |
6623297378 |
None entered |
Katie |
Crump |
Nova Southeastern University Biological Sciences Associate Professor |
kcrump@nova.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Alex |
Culley |
University of Hawaii at Manoa |
aculley@hawaii.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Lisa |
D'Ambrosio |
University of Ottawa Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Immunology Assistant Professor |
ldambros@uottawa.ca |
Not entered |
None entered |
Katherine |
D'Amico-Willman |
North Carolina State University Entomology & Plant Pathology Postdoctoral Scholar |
kmwillma@ncsu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Tom |
D'Elia |
Indian River State College |
tdelia@irsc.edu |
Not entered |
Capstone 2 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 10 students |
Joseph |
Daft |
Lee University Natural Sciences Associate Professor of Biology |
jdaft@leeuniversity.edu |
14233035141 |
None entered |
Luke |
Daniels |
ldaniels@collegeofidaho.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Chuck |
Daniels |
The Ohio State University Microbiology |
daniels.7@osu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Aimee |
Danley |
aid18@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Jaya |
Dasgupta |
Hudson Valley Community College |
j.dasgupta@hvcc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Shawn |
Dash |
Hampton University Biological Science Assistant Professor |
shawn.dash@hamptonu.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Anne |
Davenport |
University of Texas at Dallas Biology Assistant Professor of Instruction |
anne.davenport@utdallas.edu |
Not entered |
BIOL2V01.001 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 5 students |
Catalina |
Dávila |
Universidad Ana G. Mendez, Gurabo campus School of Natural Sciences and Technology Assistant Professor |
davilac2@uagm.edu |
787-743-7979 |
None entered |
Bill |
Davis |
Washington State University |
wbdavis@wsu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Christopher |
de Graffenried |
Brown University MMI Assistant Professor |
christopher_degraffenried@brown.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Francesca |
De Martini |
Mesa Community College Dobson Campus Biology Residential faculty |
francesca.de.martini@mesacc.edu |
4804668530 |
BIO 107 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 17 students |
Natasha |
Dean |
ndean@lasierra.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |

Randy |
DeJong |
rdejong@calvin.edu |
Not entered |
BIOL 161L-N In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 13 students |
Kristen |
Delaney-Nguyen |
Fayetteville State University Biological Sciences Assistant Professor of Microbiology & Immunology |
kdelaney@uncfsu.edu |
910.672.1046 |
None entered |

Veronique |
Delesalle |
Gettysburg College Biology |
delesall@gettysburg.edu |
717-337-6153 |
Bio 214 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 14 students |
John |
Dennehy |
CUNY, Queens College Biology Associate Professor |
john.dennehy@qc.cuny.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Megan |
Dennis |
Marist University Biology Associate Professor |
megan.dennis@marist.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Janay |
Dennis |
Mitchell Community College |
jdennis@mitchellcc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Deepa |
DeSilva |
Montana Technological University |
ddesilva@mtech.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Linda |
DeVeaux |
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Biology Professor Emerita |
linda.deveaux@nmt.edu |
5758355504 |
None entered |
Jeanne |
Devine |
jeanne.devine@marist.edu |
Not entered |
Lautaro |
Diacovich |
Universidad Nacional de Rosario Microbiology |
diacovich@ibr-conicet.gov.ar |
+5493415772505 |
None entered |
Francisco |
Diaz |
Texas Southmost College Science Adjunct Instructor |
francisco.diaz@tsc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Arturo |
Diaz |
La Sierra University Biology Associate Professor |
adiaz@lasierra.edu |
951-785-2140 |
Bio 114L In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 18 students |
Laura |
Diaz-Martinez |
Gonzaga University Biology Assistant Professor |
diazmartinez@gonzaga.edu |
Not entered |
BIOL.105L.11 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 18 students BIOL.105L.13 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 17 students |
Cuong |
Diep |
Indiana University of Pennsylvania Biology Associate Professor |
cqdiep@gmail.com |
724-357-2269 |
None entered |
Cathleen |
Dobbs |
cdobbs@jjc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Madeline |
Dojs |
University of Mary Science Instructor |
madojs@umary.edu |
701-355-8036 |
None entered |
Stuart |
Donachie |
University of Hawaii at Manoa Department of Microbiology Professor |
donachie@hawaii.edu |
8089565336 |
None entered |
Dominique |
Dotson |
Coppin State University Department of Natural Sciences |
ddotson@coppin.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Jean |
Doty |
University of Maine, Farmington Natural Sciences Professor of Biology |
jeandoty@maine.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Erin |
Doyle |
Doane University Biology Associate Professor |
erin.doyle@doane.edu |
Not entered |
John |
Drummond |
Lafayette College General Biology Laboratory Coordinator |
drummonj@lafayette.edu |
610-330-5912 |
None entered |
Iain |
Duffy |
iain.duffy@saintleo.edu |
352-588-8410 |
None entered |
Jennifer |
Easterwood |
Queens University of Charlotte Biology Associate Professor |
easterwj@queens.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Megan |
Eckardt |
Western Carolina University |
meckardt21@gmail.com |
Not entered |
None entered |

Nicholas |
Edgington |
Southern Connecticut State University Biology Professor |
EdgingtonN1@SouthernCT.edu |
203-392-6219 |
BIO386-01 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 12 students |
Dale |
Edwards |
de3@evansville.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Dustin |
Edwards |
Tarleton State University Biological Sciences Associate Professor |
dcedwards@tarleton.edu |
254-968-9153 |
BIOL 4090-010 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 10 students |
Tenny |
Egwuatu |
tenoglad@yahoo.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Denni |
Einarsson |
Queens University of Charlotte |
einarssons@queens.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Elvira |
Eivazova |
Columbia State Community College STEM Division, Biology Department Associate Professor |
eeivazova@columbiastate.edu |
Hidden |
Chandrakanth |
Emani |
Western Kentucky University Biology Associate Professor |
chandrakanth.emani@wku.edu |
270-745-2104 |
None entered |
Christine |
Emmons |
Truckee Meadows Community College |
cemmons@tmcc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Eric |
Engstrom |
Monmouth College Biology Professor |
eengstrom@monmouthcollege.edu |
309-457-2445 |
Biology 300 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 3 students |
Marcy |
Erb |
University of California, San Diego |
merb@ucsd.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Ivan |
Erill |
University of Maryland, Baltimore County Biological Sciences Associate Professor |
erill@umbc.edu |
410-455-2470 |
None entered |
Darcy |
Ernst |
darcy.ernst@evc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Martín |
Espariz |
Universidad Nacional de Rosario Department of Bioinformatics Adjunct professor |
mespariz@fbioyf.unr.edu.ar |
Not entered |
None entered |
Ann-Scott |
Ettinger |
Gonzaga University Biology Biology Lab Specialist |
ettingera@gonzaga.edu |
509-313-6703 |
BIOL.207L.01 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 16 students |
William |
Ettinger |
Gonzaga University Biology Professor |
ettinger@gonzaga.edu |
5093136623 |
None entered |
James |
Fackenthal |
Benedictine University Biological Sciences |
jfackenthal@ben.edu |
Not entered |
Matthew |
Fagerburg |
matt.fagerburg@gmail.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Patricia |
Fallest-Strobl |
stroblp@neumann.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Kayla |
Fast |
University of West Alabama |
kaylafast0@gmail.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Christy |
Fillman |
University of Colorado Boulder Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology Teaching Professor |
christy.fillman@Colorado.EDU |
303-492-8559 |
None entered |
Ann |
Findley |
University of Louisiana at Monroe |
afindley@ulm.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Jonathan |
Finkel |
University of Detroit Mercy Biology Assistant Professor |
finkeljs@udmercy.edu |
5715505462 |
None entered |
Matthew |
Fisher |
Oregon Coast Community College Biology Faculty |
fisher.matthew.r@gmail.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Emily |
Fisher |
Johns Hopkins University Department of Biology Lecturer and Director of Undergraduate Studies |
Hidden |
Hidden |
None entered |
Christine |
Fleischacker |
University of Mary Biology Associate Professor |
chris@fleischacker.org |
701-989-1680 |
None entered |
Robert |
Fleming |
Trinity College Biology Professor |
robert.fleming@trincoll.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Linnea |
Fletcher |
Austin Community College Highland Campus Biotechnology Department Chair |
linneaf@austincc.edu |
15124977726 |
None entered |
Marie |
Fogarty |
Durham Technical Community College Biology Instructor |
fogartym@durhamtech.edu |
Not entered |
BIO 280 100P In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 7 students |
Lisa-Anne |
Foster |
lisaanne.foster@trincoll.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Joy |
Freidenbloom |
Allegany College of Maryland Science Science Lab Coordinator |
jfreidenbloom@allegany.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Amanda |
Freise |
None Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics Director of Undergraduate Research |
amandafreise@gmail.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Daniel |
French |
University of Evansville Biology Laboratory Supervisor |
df95@evansville.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Victoria |
Frost |
frostv@winthrop.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Clay |
Fuqua |
Indiana University-Bloomington |
cfuqua@iu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Maria |
Gainey |
Western Carolina University Chemistry and Physics Assistant Professor |
mdgainey@email.wcu.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Carla |
Gallagher |
cgallagher@lincoln.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Courtney |
Galle |
South Texas College Biology Assistant Professor |
cgalle@southtexascollege.edu |
Not entered |
BIOL1407 SH1 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 15 students BIOL1407 SH2 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 10 students |
Shrijeeta |
Ganguly |
sganguly@spelman.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Amaya |
Garcia Costas |
Colorado State University-Pueblo Biology Assistant Professor |
amaya.garciacostas@csupueblo.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Terrence |
Gardner |
Morehouse College Biology Visiting Assistant Professor |
terrence.gardner@morehouse.edu |
470-639-0661 |
None entered |

Becky |
Garlena |
University of Pittsburgh Department of Biological Sciences |
rag4@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Jeremy |
Garza |
Austin Community College Highland Campus |
jeremy.garza@austincc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
David |
Gauthier |
dgauthie@odu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Hannah |
Gavin |
Providence College Health Sciences Assistant Professor |
hgavin@providence.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Renee |
Geck |
Gonzaga University Assistant Professor of Biology |
geck@gonzaga.edu |
Not entered |
BIOL.207L.02 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 16 students |
Kerry |
Geiler-Samerotte |
kerry.samerotte@asu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Sean |
Gess |
swg28@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Raffaella |
Ghittoni |
University of Southern California Biological Sciences |
rghitton@usc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Somiranjan |
Ghosh |
sghosh@howard.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Bryan |
Gibb |
New York Institute of Technology Life Sciences Assistant Professor |
bgibb@nyit.edu |
5169381630 |
BIOL150W11L In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 11 students |
Rivka |
Glaser |
rglaser@stevenson.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Alyssa |
Gleichsner |
State University of New York-Plattsburgh Biological Sciences |
aglei002@plattsburgh.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
James |
Godde |
Monmouth College Biology Professor & Chair |
jgodde@monm.edu |
3093515736 |
None entered |
Elizabeth |
Godin |
Marist University Biology Lecturer |
elizabeth.godin@marist.edu |
Hidden |
Johann |
Gogarten |
University of Connecticut |
gogarten@uconn.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Urszula |
Golebiewska |
Queensborough Community College |
ugolebiewska@qcc.cuny.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Kaarin |
Goncz |
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology |
kaarin.goncz@nmt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Elizabeth |
Gonzalez |
South Texas College Biology Faculty |
egonza27@southtexascollege.edu |
Not entered |
BIOL1407 H01 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 10 students BIOL1407 SH3 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 13 students |
Sean |
Gosselin |
University of Connecticut |
sean.gosselin@uconn.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Hugo |
Gramajo |
Universidad Nacional de Rosario |
gramajo@ibr-conicet.gov.ar |
Not entered |
None entered |
Theresa |
Grana |
University of Mary Washington Biological Sciences Associate Professor |
tgrana@umw.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Elmira |
Grant-Akhundova |
Madison Area Technical College |
egrantakhundova@madisoncollege.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Juris |
Grasis |
University of California, Merced |
jagrasis@ucmerced.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Amanda |
Grennell |
amanda_grennell@skc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Anna |
Grinath |
annagrinath@isu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Christina |
Grogan |
University of Pittsburgh Biological Sciences Lab Instructor |
CLG122@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
Julianne |
Grose |
Brigham Young University Microbiology and Molecular Biology Associate Professor |
julianne_grose@byu.edu |
801-422-4940 |
None entered |
Jennifer |
Grousd |
jag282@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Hebe |
Guardiola-Diaz |
Hebe.GuardiolaDiaz@trincoll.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Jennifer |
Guerrero |
University of Texas at San Antonio Integrative Biology Senior Lecturer |
jennifer.guerrero@utsa.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Elena |
Guevara |
Dominican University New York |
e.guevaratalarico@duny.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Ayele |
Gugssa |
ayele.gugssa@howard.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Linda |
Guilani |
University of Connecticut |
linda.mccollam-guilani@uconn.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Nancy |
Guild |
University of Colorado Boulder |
nancy.guild@colorado.edu |
Not entered |
Mandy |
Guinn |
United Tribes Technical College |
mguinn@uttc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Srilakshmi |
Gummadi |
New York Institute of Technology |
sgumma07@nyit.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Susan |
Gurney |
None Biology Department Associate Lecturer |
smrw@st-andrews.ac.uk |
Hidden |
None entered |
Sharon |
Gusky |
Connecticut State Community College Northwestern STEM Professor |
sharon.gusky@ctstate.edu |
8607386395 |
None entered |
Eid |
Haddad |
Fayetteville State University Department of Biological Sciences Assistant Professor of Physiology |
ehaddad@uncfsu.edu |
910-672-2436 |
None entered |
Julia |
Halo Knerr |
Bowling Green State University |
halojv@bgsu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Brenda |
Hammer |
BWH23@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Georgia |
Hammond |
ghammond@radford.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
David |
Hanauer |
University of Pittsburgh Lead Assessment Coordinator for the SEA-PHAGES Program |
hanauer@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Deborah |
Harbour |
College of Southern Nevada Biological Sciences Professor of Microbiology |
deborah.harbour@csn.edu |
702-651-5956 |
None entered |
Rebekah |
Hare |
Gonzaga University Biology Lab Instructor Lab Coordinator |
hare@gonzaga.edu |
5093135901 |
BIOL.105L.01 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 17 students BIOL.105L.09 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 18 students BIOL.207L.03 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 16 students |
Bob |
Harms |
St. Louis Community College Biology Department Chair, Faculty |
rharms@stlcc.edu |
314-984-7710 |
BIO 140 601 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 12 students BIO 140 601 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 12 students BIO 140 602 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 20 students BIO 141 601 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 10 students |
Deborah |
Harris |
Case Western Reserve University |
dlv7@case.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Melinda |
Harrison |
Cabrini University Science Professor of Chemistry |
mah348@gmail.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Grant |
Hartzog |
University of California, Santa Cruz |
hartzog@ucsc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Graham |
Hatfull |
University of Pittsburgh Department of Biological Sciences Eberly Family Professor of Biotechnology, HHMI Professor |
gfh@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Charles |
Hauser |
St. Edward's University Biological Sciences Associate Professor Bioinformatics |
charlesh@stedwards.edu |
512.233.1671 |
None entered |
Joey |
Haydock |
haydock@gonzaga.edu |
Not entered |
BIOL.207L.04 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 16 students BIOL.207L.05 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 16 students |
Danielle |
Heller |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Program Officer |
hellerd@hhmi.org |
Not entered |
None entered |
Steven |
Heninger |
Allegany College of Maryland Science Professor |
sheninger@allegany.edu |
301-784-5257 |
Ben |
Hilldorfer |
bbh21@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
Delia |
Hindman |
Austin Community College Highland Campus |
delia.hindman1@austincc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
John |
Hinz |
Washington State University |
jmhinz@wsu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Renee |
Ho |
reh196@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Eric |
Ho |
Lafayette College Biology Assistant Professor of Biology |
hoe@lafayette.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Mariah |
Hopkins |
University of Texas at San Antonio Integrative Biology Director of CURE Labs |
mariah.hopkins@utsa.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Margaret |
Hopson-Fernandes |
Hillsborough Community College |
mhopsonfernandes@hccfl.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Kris |
Horabik |
Madison Area Technical College |
khorabik@madisoncollege.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Daiju |
Hoshino |
Tarrant County College Northwest Campus |
daiju.hoshino@tccd.edu |
8175157241 |
None entered |
Marsha |
Howard |
marsha-howard@utulsa.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |

Lee |
Hughes |
University of North Texas Biological Sciences Associate Professor |
lhughes@unt.edu |
Not entered |
Matthew |
Ilori |
University of Lagos Department of Microbiology, University of Lagos Professor |
milori@unilag.edu.ng |
Hidden |
None entered |
Dana |
Indihar |
Alabama A & M University Biological Sciences Assistant Professor of Microbiology/Virology |
dana.indihar@aamu.edu |
2563724982 |
None entered |
Jennifer |
Ingram |
University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg |
jraeingram@pitt.edu |
Not entered |

Deborah |
Jacobs-Sera |
University of Pittsburgh Department of Biological Sciences Lab Instructor |
djs@pitt.edu |
412-648-3170 |
None entered |
Isabel |
Jaimes |
Austin Community College Highland Campus |
isabel.jaimes@outlook.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Pradeepa |
Jayachandran |
Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences |
pradeepa.jayachandran@acphs.edu |
5186947260 |
None entered |
Liesl |
Jeffers-Francis |
North Carolina A & T State University |
ljeffers@ncat.edu |
336-285-2506 |
None entered |
Michelle |
Jenson |
University of West Florida Biology Adjunct Professor |
mjenson@uwf.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Alexandra |
Jerby |
Wingate University Biology Instructor and SEA-PHAGES Coordinator |
a.jerby@wingate.edu |
Not entered |
Johnny |
Johnson |
Savannah State University |
johnsonj@savannahstate.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |

Allison |
Johnson |
Virginia Commonwealth University |
aajohnson@vcu.edu |
Not entered |
Section 1 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 31 students Section 1 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 35 students Section 2 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 36 students Section 2 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 31 students |
Darlynn |
Johnson |
Front Range Community College |
darlynn.johnson@frontrange.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Kristen |
Johnson |
University of New Hampshire at Manchester Biotechnology Assistant Professor |
kristen.johnson@unh.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Amy |
Jones |
University of Texas at San Antonio |
amy.jones@utsa.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Sima |
Jonusaite |
sij0511@utulsa.edu |
Not entered |
BIOL 1711-03 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 16 students |
Gnanada |
Joshi |
University of Detroit Mercy |
gnanadjs@udmercy.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Jacob |
Kagey |
University of Detroit Mercy Biology Associate Professor |
kageyja@udmercy.edu |
313-993-1408 |
None entered |
Alison |
Kanak |
University of North Georgia Biology Associate Professor |
alison.kanak@ung.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Nick |
Kapp |
kapp@smccd.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Vedham |
Karpakakunjaram |
Montgomery College Biology Professor |
vedham.karpakakunjaram@montgomerycollege.edu |
240-567-5480 |
None entered |
Evdokia |
Kastanos |
Montgomery College Biology Department Professor/BIOL 150 coordinator |
evdokia.kastanos@montgomerycollege.edu |
240-567-5478 |
None entered |
Joanna |
Katsanos |
Queens University of Charlotte Biology Instructor |
katsanosj@queens.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Nancy |
Kaufmann |
nkaufman@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Bessie |
Kebaara |
Bessie_Kebaara@baylor.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Tracy |
Keener |
University of West Alabama |
tkeener@uwa.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Melissa |
Kelly |
Allegany College of Maryland Biological Science Assistant Professor |
mkelly5@allegany.edu |
301-784-5245 |
None entered |
Margaret |
Kenna |
makg@lehigh.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Behnam |
Khatabi |
University of Maryland Eastern Shore Associate Professor |
bkhatabi@umes.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Wendy |
Kimber |
wkimber@stevenson.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Kendra |
Kimberley |
College of Southern Nevada |
kendra.kimberley@csn.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |

Rodney |
King |
Western Kentucky University Biology Professor |
rodney.king@wku.edu |
270-745-6910 |
Christina |
King Smith |
Saint Joseph's University Biology Professor and Chair |
csmith@sju.edu |
610.660.1118 |
None entered |
Dan |
Kinsey |
dkinsey@ancollege.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Bridgette |
Kirkpatrick |
Collin College Biology, Biotechnology Professor |
bkirkpatrick@collin.edu |
9725785513 |
Katsuhiro |
Kita |
St Francis College Department of Biology Assistant Professor |
kkita@sfc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |

Karen |
Klyczek |
University of Wisconsin-River Falls Biology Professor |
karen.k.klyczek@uwrf.edu |
715-425-4021 |
None entered |
Corey |
Knadler |
knadler@gonzaga.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Colleen |
Knight |
College of Coastal Georgia Natural Sciences Chair and Assoc. Prof of Chemistry |
cknight@ccga.edu |
9122795937 |
None entered |
Rebecca |
Koch |
University of Tulsa Biological Sciences Postdoctoral Researcher |
rebeccabethkoch@gmail.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Vanessa |
Koelling |
Auburn University at Montgomery Biology and Environmental Science Associate Professor |
vkoellin@aum.edu |
3342443144 |
None entered |
Ann |
Koga |
College of Idaho Biology Instructor |
akoga@collegeofidaho.edu |
208-459-5040 |
None entered |
Kathryn |
Kohl |
Winthrop University Biology Associate Professor |
kohlk@winthrop.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Sheryl |
Konrad |
Carthage College Biology Senior Lecturer of Biology |
skonrad@carthage.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Benjamin |
Kopek |
kopek@hope.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Hari |
Kotturi |
University of Central Oklahoma Biology Professor of Biology |
hkotturi@uco.edu |
405-974-5778 |
None entered |
Greg |
Krukonis |
gregkrukonis@gmail.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Michael |
Kuchka |
Lehigh University Biological Sciences Associate Professor |
mrk5@lehigh.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Amy |
Kulesza |
The Ohio State University |
kulesza.5@osu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Cécile |
Labarre |
cecile.labarre@universite-paris-saclay.fr |
Not entered |
None entered |
Jessica |
Labonté |
Texas A & M University-Galveston |
labontej@tamug.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Jade |
LaDow |
Elizabeth City State University |
jeladow@ecsu.edu |
2523353239 |
None entered |
Jennifer |
Laing |
Community College of Baltimore County Essex Campus |
jlaing@ccbcmd.edu |
4438402619 |
None entered |
Michael |
LaMontagne |
University of Houston-Clear Lake |
lamontagne@uhcl.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Amber |
LaPeruta |
alaperut@andrew.cmu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Raymond |
Larsen |
Bowling Green State University Biological Sciences Associate Professor & Graduate Coordinator |
larsera@bgsu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Emily |
Lavering |
University of Michigan-Flint Biochemistry Assistant Professor |
lavering@umich.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Jonathan |
Lawson |
Baylor University Biology Lecturer |
Jonathan_Lawson@baylor.edu |
254-710-2080 |
BIO 1406-C In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 17 students |
Jennifer |
Lazare |
Austin Community College Eastview Campus |
jkeelen@austincc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Jeremy |
Lee |
University of California, Santa Cruz MCD Biology Teaching Professor |
jeremyl@ucsc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Leong |
Lee |
Austin Peay State University Computer Science Department Chair, Professor |
leel@apsu.edu |
931-221-7038 |
None entered |
Jacqueline |
Lee |
Nassau Community College Biology Professor and Chair |
jacqueline.lee@ncc.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Julia |
Lee-Soety |
Saint Joseph's University Biology Associate Professor |
jlee04@sju.edu |
610-660-3439 |
BIO 151L D02 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 12 students |
Ruth |
Leehacharoenkul |
rul13@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Justin |
Leonard |
Mitchell Community College Natural Sciences Biology Faculty |
jleonard@mitchellcc.edu |
704-978-1339 |
None entered |
Lynn |
Lewis |
University of Mary Washington Biological Sciences Professor |
llewis@umw.edu |
540/654-1415 |
None entered |
Amanda |
Limiac |
Purdue University Agricultural & Biological Engineering Teaching Lab Manager |
montgom8@purdue.edu |
7654946690 |
None entered |
Heather |
Lindberg |
Virginia Western Community College Biology Associate Instructor of Biology |
hlindberg@virginiawestern.edu |
540-857-6818 |
Amy |
Liptak |
NHTI Concords Community College |
aliptak@ccsnh.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Manuel |
Llano |
University of Texas at El Paso |
mllano@utep.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Robert |
Logan |
rlogan@endicott.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Christine |
Logue |
Hillsborough Community College All Sciences Lab Manager and Adjunct Biology Faculty |
clogue2@hccfl.edu |
813-253-7249 |
None entered |
Anne |
Lopes |
anne.lopes@universite-paris-saclay.fr |
Not entered |
None entered |
Javier |
Lopez |
Carnegie Mellon University |
jlaa@andrew.cmu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Olga |
Lubman |
Maryville University of Saint Louis Assistant Professor of Biology |
olubman@maryville.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Patrick |
Lypaczewski |
patrick.lypaczewski@mcgill.ca |
Not entered |
None entered |
Christina |
MacLaren |
maclarenc@merrimack.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Kyle |
MacLea |
University of New Hampshire at Manchester Life Sciences, University of New Hampshire Associate Professor |
kyle.maclea@unh.edu |
+1 603-641-4129 |
BIOT 418 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 8 students |
Bonnie |
Madden |
BMadden1@gmu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Jaclyn |
Madden |
Harford Community College Associate Professor of Biology and Biotechnology |
jmadden@harford.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Mehrzad |
Mahmoudian-Geller |
South Texas College Biology Faculty |
mmahmoud@southtexascollege.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Bhaswati |
Manish |
Metropolitan Community College Biology Biology Instructor |
bmanish@mccneb.edu |
5316221384 |
Lindsey |
Mao |
lmao@ben.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Matt |
Marcec |
Gonzaga University Biology Instructor |
marcec@gonzaga.edu |
Not entered |
BIOL.105L.06 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 16 students BIOL.105L.08 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 18 students BIOL.105L.14 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 17 students |
Sergei |
Markov |
Austin Peay State University Biology Professor |
markovs@apsu.edu |
9312217440 |
Anna |
Marti-Subirana |
ana.marti-subirana@phoenixcollege.edu |
6022857874 |
None entered |
Stephanie |
Martin |
Austin Community College Highland Campus Biology Adjunct Professor |
smartin5@austincc.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Breonna |
Martin |
Harford Community College Life Sciences Department Assistant Professor of Biology |
brmartin@harford.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Florencia |
Mascali |
Universidad Nacional de Rosario Aquatic Biotechnology Laboratory - Parana River Aquarium - Argentina Postdoctoral Researcher |
Hidden |
Not entered |
None entered |
Matthew |
Mastropaolo |
Neumann University Mathematics and Science Associate Dean, Sciences and Associate Professor of Biology |
mastropm@neumann.edu |
610-358-4240 |
Stephanie |
Mathews |
North Carolina State University Biological Sciences Assistant Professor |
stephanie_mathews@ncsu.edu |
9195133492 |
None entered |
Vinayak |
Mathur |
Cabrini University Science Assistant Professor of Biology |
vm7027@cabrini.edu |
610-902-8727 |
None entered |
Corinne |
Maurice |
corinne.maurice@mcgill.ca |
Not entered |
None entered |
Dmitri |
Mavrodi |
University of Southern Mississippi School of Biological, Environmental, and Earth Sciences Associate Professor |
dmitri.mavrodi@usm.edu |
(601) 266-6926 |
None entered |
Jaime |
Mayoral |
Florida International University Biological Sciences Associate Teaching Professor |
mayoralj@fiu.edu |
305 348 4457 |
BSC3441L U02 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 15 students |
Anne |
McCabe |
Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences |
anne.mccabe@acphs.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Sean |
McClory |
La Salle University Biology and Integrated Science, Business, and Technology Assistant Professor |
mcclory@lasalle.edu |
215-951-5133 |
None entered |
Jessica |
McCoy |
mccoyja@cofc.edu |
Not entered |
Biol312L-01 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 16 students Biol312L-02 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 16 students |
Kevin |
McDade |
kkm66@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
Matthew |
McDonald |
Drexel University Biology Laboratory Director |
mtm35@drexel.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Harris |
McFerrin |
Xavier University of Louisiana Biology Department Associate Professor |
hmcferri@xula.edu |
5045205011 |
Natalie |
McGuier |
Carnegie Mellon University Biological Sciences Special Lecturer, Undergraduate Laboratories |
nmcguier@cmu.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Chelsey |
McKenna |
College of Southern Nevada |
chelsey.mckenna@csn.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Angela |
McKinney |
Nebraska Wesleyan University |
amckinne@nebrwesleyan.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Brett |
McKinney |
University of Tulsa Tandy School of Computer Science Professor of Bioinformatics |
brett-mckinney@utulsa.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Maeve |
McLaughlin |
University of Michigan-Flint |
maevemcl@umich.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Jeffrey |
McLean |
Rockland Community College Science Assistant Professor |
jmclean2@sunyrockland.edu |
8455744420 |
None entered |
Josh |
McLoud |
LeTourneau University Biology and Kinesiology Assistant Professor |
JoshMcLoud@letu.edu |
Not entered |
Laurie Shannon |
Meadows |
Rowan College at Burlington County STEM - Biology Assistant Professor |
lmeadows@rcbc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Elizabeth |
Medina |
Front Range Community College Science Department Instructor |
Elizabeth.Medina@frontrange.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
James |
Melton |
Spelman College Biology Senior Lecturer |
jmelton@spelman.edu |
205-915-7027 |
BIO351-01 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 10 students BIO351-01 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 10 students |
Bowen |
Meng |
Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences |
Bowen.Meng@acphs.edu |
Not entered |
Evan |
Merkhofer |
Mount Saint Mary College Natural Sciences Assistant Professor |
evan.merkhofer@msmc.edu |
845-569-3369 |
None entered |
Julie |
Merkle |
University of Evansville Biology Associate Professor |
jm757@evansville.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Wynn |
Meyer |
wmeyer@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Scott |
Michael |
Florida Gulf Coast University Biological Sciences Professor |
smichael@fgcu.edu |
239.590.7439 |
None entered |
Katie |
Mika |
University of Tulsa Biological Science Assistant Professor |
katie-mika@utulsa.edu |
918-631-2530 |
None entered |
Natane |
Miles |
Northwest Indian College Salish Sea Research Center Assistant Researcher |
nmmiles@nwic.edu |
360-223-7104 |
None entered |

Eric |
Miller |
North Carolina State University Plant & Microbial Biology Professor |
eric_miller@ncsu.edu |
919-513-1368 |
None entered |
Noel |
Milton |
Southeastern Louisiana University |
noel.milton@selu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Liz |
Mitchell |
McLennan Community College |
emitchell@mclennan.edu |
2542998187 |
None entered |
Jon |
Mitchell |
Northern State University |
jon.mitchell@northern.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |

Sally |
Molloy |
University of Maine, Honors College Molecular and Biomedical Sciences Assistant Professor |
sally.dixon@maine.edu |
207-581-2818 |
None entered |
Kirsten |
Monsen-Collar |
Montclair State University |
monsenk@mail.montclair.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Denise |
Monti |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute |
montid@hhmi.org |
Not entered |
None entered |
Chelsea |
Morales |
Aaniiih Nakoda College Allied Health Instructor |
ctmorales@ancollege.edu |
4063532607 |
None entered |
Johanna |
Morales |
Virginia Western Community College |
jmorales@virginiawestern.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
J. Claudio |
Moreno Rocha |
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León Cellular Biology and Genetics Associate Professor |
jose.morenor@uanl.mx |
Not entered |
None entered |
Alison |
Moyer |
Drexel University Biology Assistant Teaching Professor. |
aem442@drexel.edu |
215-932-5983 |
Ben |
Moyer |
NHTI Concords Community College |
bmoyer@ccsnh.edu |
Not entered |
Raifu |
Muideen Kolawole |
raifumuideen@yahoo.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Luke |
Mumaw |
Mesa Community College Dobson Campus |
luk2038681@mesacc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Chris |
Murdock |
Jacksonville State University |
murdock@jsu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Alejandra |
Mussi |
Universidad Nacional de Rosario Microbiology Researcher at CONICET. Faculty at FCBioyF, UNR. |
mussi@cefobi-conicet.gov.ar |
+543414804592 |
None entered |
Arun |
Muthiah |
La Sierra University Biology Lecturer |
amuthiah@lasierra.edu |
951-785-2109 |
None entered |
Holly |
Nance |
College of Coastal Georgia Natural Sciences Assistant Professor of Biology |
hnance@ccga.edu |
9122795890 |
None entered |
Thomas |
Ndolo |
South Texas College Biology Associate Professor |
tndolo@southtexascollege.edu |
956-872-6742 |
None entered |
Melody |
Neely |
University of Maine, Honors College |
melody.neely@maine.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Jim |
Neitzel |
The Evergreen State College |
neitzelj@evergreen.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Peter |
Nelson |
University of Maine, Fort Kent |
peter.nelson@maine.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Rebecca |
Newcomer |
University of Connecticut |
rebecca.newcomer@uconn.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Rob |
Newman |
North Carolina A & T State University |
rhnewman@ncat.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Irene |
Newton |
Indiana University-Bloomington Department of Biology Professor |
irene.newton@gmail.com |
812-855-3883 |
None entered |
Rocky |
Ng |
Skyline College Adjunct Faculty |
ngrocky@smccd.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Fernando |
Nieto |
SUNY Old Westbury Biological Sciences Professor of Biology |
nietof@oldwestbury.edu |
Not entered |
Aparna |
Nigam |
apn20@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
Jillian |
Nissen |
nissenj@oldwestbury.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Byron |
Noordewier |
dr_no@nwciowa.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Christos |
Noutsos |
SUNY Old Westbury Biology Assistant Professor |
noutsosc@oldwestbury.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Imade |
Nsa |
insa@unilag.edu.ng |
Not entered |
None entered |
Mary |
O'Donnell |
Thiel College Department of Biology Assistant Professor |
mgemmel-odonnell@thiel.edu |
Not entered |
Aileen |
O'Hearn |
aileenohearn@gmail.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Sam |
Obae |
sobae@stevenson.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Opeyemi |
Oduniyi |
ooduniyi@purdue.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Ola |
Olapade |
oolapade@albion.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Ogunleye |
Olatimbo |
lolaore@yahoo.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Paul |
Olson |
University of Central Oklahoma Biology |
polson@uco.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Benjamin |
Onyeagucha |
Mississippi University for Women |
bonyeagucha@muw.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Nneka |
Osiah |
Virginia State University Biology Instructor |
nosiah@vsu.edu |
3132821263 |
None entered |
Elizabeth |
Ostrowski |
eostrowski@gmail.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Deborah |
Overath |
Texas Southmost College Mathematics and Sciences Biology Adjunct Instructor |
roverath@delmar.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Ganiyu |
Oyetibo |
University of Lagos Microbiology Senior Lecturer |
goyetibo@unilag.edu.ng |
+234833538860 |
None entered |
Ferhat |
Ozturk |
University of Texas at San Antonio Integrative Biology Assistant Professor of Biology |
ferhat.ozturk@utsa.edu |
2104585922 |
None entered |
Elizabeth |
Padilla-Crespo |
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Aguadilla |
epadilla@aguadilla.inter.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |

Shallee |
Page |
Franklin Pierce University Health and Natural Sciences Professor of Chemistry and Biology |
pages@franklinpierce.edu |
6038994204 |
Carleitta |
Paige-Anderson |
None Center for Undergraduate Research Director |
clpaige@vuu.edu |
(804) 257-5613 |
None entered |
Andrea |
Panagakis |
Salish Kootenai College STEM Academy Program Coordinator |
andrea_panagakis@skc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Sumali |
Pandey |
Minnesota State University Moorhead |
sumali.pandey@mnstate.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Pamela |
Pape-Lindstrom |
Harford Community College Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Dean |
ppapelindstrom@harford.edu |
4434122240 |
None entered |
Jesús Ricardo |
Parra Unda |
Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa Investigación en Salud Pública "Dra Kaethe Wilms" Professor/ Researcher |
ricardoparraund@uas.edu.mx |
Hidden |
None entered |
Carlos |
Partida |
carlos.partida@tsc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Michelle B. |
Pass |
University of North Carolina at Charlotte Biological Sciences Senior Lecturer, Laboratory Coordinator |
mbpass@uncc.edu |
7046878519 |
None entered |
Rachelle |
Patterson |
rap348@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
John |
Patton |
Evangel University Natural and Applied Sciences Professor |
PattonJ@evangel.edu |
4178652815 |
BIOL 448 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 10 students |
Misty |
Peacock |
mdbpeacock@gmail.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Marisa |
Pedulla |
Montana Technological University |
mpedulla@mtech.edu |
Not entered |
327-01 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 2 students |
Craig |
Peebles |
University of Pittsburgh Biological Sciences Professor |
cpeebles@pitt.edu |
4129837421 |
None entered |

Alex |
Peister |
Morehouse College Biology Associate Professor |
alexandra.peister@morehouse.edu |
4706390366 |
None entered |
Tiara |
Perez Morales |
Benedictine University Biological Sciences Associate Professor |
tperezmorales@ben.edu |
6308291359 |
Dana |
Perry |
dperry@leeuniversity.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Tom |
Peters |
St. Louis Community College Biology Assistant Professor |
tpeters34@stlcc.edu |
314-984-7412 |
None entered |
Nick |
Peters |
ntpeters@iastate.edu |
Not entered |
1 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 5 students |
Susanne |
Pfeifer |
Arizona State University School of Life Sciences Assistant Professor |
spfeife1@asu.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Vipaporn |
Phuntumart |
Bowling Green State University |
vphuntu@bgsu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Brett |
Pickett |
Brigham Young University Microbiology & Molecular Biology Assistant Professor |
brett_pickett@byu.edu |
(801) 422-2506 |
None entered |
Marie |
Pizzorno |
Bucknell University Biology Associate Professor |
pizzorno@bucknell.edu |
570-577-3084 |
None entered |
Michael |
Plotkin |
Mt San Jacinto Community College District |
mplotkin@msjc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Karel |
Pluhar |
NHTI Concords Community College |
kpluhar@ccsnh.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |

Ruth |
Plymale |
Ouachita Baptist University |
plymaler@obu.edu |
870-245-5081 |
None entered |
Mark |
Poch |
mpoch@ben.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Kit |
Pogliano |
University of California, San Diego Biological Sciences Professor |
kpogliano@ucsd.edu |
858 822 1314 |
None entered |
Joe |
Pogliano |
University of California, San Diego |
jpogliano@ucsd.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Michael |
Pollack |
Columbia State Community College |
mpollack@columbiastate.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Richard |
Pollenz |
University of South Florida Molecular Biosciences Research Professor |
pollenz@usf.edu |
813-767-3984 |
Donovan |
Pollock |
Austin Community College Highland Campus |
donovan.pollock@g.austincc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |

Welkin |
Pope |
W.Pope@Chatham.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Megan |
Porter |
University of Hawaii at Manoa School of Life Sciences Professor |
mlporter@hawaii.edu |
808-956-3266 |
Rick |
Portman |
richard-portman@utulsa.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Ann |
Powell |
University of Evansville Biology Associate Professor |
ap96@evansville.edu |
Not entered |

Marianne |
Poxleitner |
Gonzaga University Biology Assistant professor |
poxleitner@gonzaga.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Kumkum |
Prabhakar |
Kumkum.prabhakar@ncc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Mary |
Preuss |
Webster University Biological Sciences Associate Professor |
marypreuss34@webster.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
David |
Puthoff |
Frostburg State University Biology Associate Professor |
dpputhoff@frostburg.edu |
3016874172 |
None entered |
Pushpa |
Ramakrishna |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Program Officer |
ramakrishnap@hhmi.org |
Not entered |
None entered |
Harold |
Rathburn |
Tarleton State University Department of Biological Sciences Associate Professor |
rathburn@tarleton.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Kristin |
Ratliff |
KRR134@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Jennifer |
Reamer |
University of the Incarnate Word |
jreamer@uiwtx.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Sarah |
Reardon |
sreardon@culver.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Kris |
Reddi |
University of California, Los Angeles |
krisr@microbio.ucla.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Bri |
Reed |
brr60@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Floyd |
Reed |
University of Hawaii at Manoa Biology Associate Professor |
floydr@hawaii.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Christophe |
Regeard |
University Paris-Saclay Associate professor |
christophe.regeard@universite-paris-saclay.fr |
+33169826150 |
Kurt |
Regner |
University of Nevada Las Vegas School of Life Sciences Professor |
kurt.regner@unlv.edu |
7028951071 |
None entered |
Noah |
Reid |
University of Connecticut |
noah.reid@uconn.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Tali |
Reiner Brodetzki |
reinerbrodetzki@lasalle.edu |
Not entered |
BIO 250-31 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 16 students |

Nathan |
Reyna |
Ouachita Baptist University Biology |
reynan@obu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Jerome |
Ricard |
Drexel University Biology Assistant Research Professor |
jjr325@drexel.edu |
2158956366 |
None entered |
Christie |
Ricco |
University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg |
chr61@pitt.edu |
724-836-7939 |
None entered |
Priya |
Richards |
Austin Community College Highland Campus |
priya.richards@austincc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Ramesh |
Rijal |
University of Southern Mississippi |
ramesh.rijal@usm.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Karen |
Riley |
University of Colorado Boulder Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology Teaching Associate Professor |
karen.riley@colorado.edu |
3034921886 |
None entered |
Claire |
Rinehart |
Western Kentucky University Biology Professor |
claire.rinehart@wku.edu |
270-745-6892 |
None entered |
Francisco |
Rivera - Figueroa |
Universidad Ana G. Mendez, Gurabo campus School of Natural Science and Technology Lab Technician and Lecturer Professor |
frivera@uagm.edu |
787-743-7979 |
None entered |
Jessica |
Robertson |
jah99@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Courtney |
Robinson |
courtney.robinson@howard.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Mariana |
Rocha de Souza |
University of Hawaii at Manoa Teaching Assistant |
mrds@hawaii.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Jessica |
Rocheleau |
University of Massachusetts Amherst Biology Senior Lecturer |
jmrocheleau@umass.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Nelda |
Rogers |
Texas Southmost College Biological Sciences Adjunct Professor in Biology |
nelda.rogers@tsc.edu |
956.548.9983 |
None entered |
John |
Rombold |
jrombold@nwic.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Sharath |
Rongali |
Missouri State University-West Plains |
SRongali@MissouriState.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Germán |
Rosas-Acosta |
University of Texas at El Paso |
grosas3@utep.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Antoni |
Rossi |
arrossi@radford.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Ombeline |
Rossier |
University Paris-Saclay Biology Associate Professor |
ombeline.rossier@universite-paris-saclay.fr |
+33 169826121 |
None entered |
David |
Rothblat |
rothblat@lasalle.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Naomi |
Rowland |
Western Kentucky University Biology Biology Lab Instructor |
naomi.rowland@wku.edu |
2707456931 |
None entered |
Adam |
Rudner |
University of Ottawa Associate Professor |
arudner@uottawa.ca |
6135012933 |
Elizabeth |
Rueschhoff |
Indiana University-Southeast |
erueschh@iu.edu |
Not entered |
Dannise |
Ruiz-Ramos |
University of Maryland Eastern Shore |
dvruizramos@umes.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Jill |
Rulfs |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
jrulfs@wpi.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Breonna |
Runk |
brr126@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |

Dan |
Russell |
University of Pittsburgh Department of Biological Sciences Lab Instructor |
dar78@pitt.edu |
412-624-4313 |
None entered |
Amy |
Ryan |
State University of New York-Plattsburgh Biology Associate Professor |
ryan1585@plattsburgh.edu |
5185645163 |
BIO101LB In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 20 students |
Liz |
Ryder |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
ryder@wpi.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Andrew |
Sackman |
Virginia Commonwealth University Center for Biological Data Science Assistant Professor |
sackmanam@vcu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Rachna |
Sadana |
University of Houston-Downtown |
sadanar@uhd.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Margaret |
Saha |
College of William & Mary Biology Professor |
mssaha@wm.edu |
757-221-2407 |
Sanghamitra |
Saha |
University of Houston-Downtown Natural Sciences Lecturer |
sahas@uhd.edu |
713-222-5357 |
None entered |
Eric |
Sakowski |
Mount St. Mary’s University Biology Assistant Professor |
e.g.sakowski@msmary.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Leonidas |
Salichos |
New York Institute of Technology Biological & Chemical Sciences Assistant professor |
lsalicho@nyit.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Eric |
Saliim |
North Carolina Central University |
esaliim@nccu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Michael |
Sandel |
None Wildlife, Fisheries, and Aquaculture Assistant Professor |
mws297@msstate.edu |
2053940237 |
None entered |
Lori |
Saunders |
lsaunder@smith.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Emily |
Savage |
Southern Maine Community College Marine Science Lab Manager |
esavage@smccme.edu |
2077415759 |
None entered |
Ken |
Saville |
Albion College Biology Professor and Chair |
ksaville@albion.edu |
517-629-0388 |
None entered |
Brian |
Sayre |
Virginia State University Biology Professor |
bsayre@vsu.edu |
804-524-6990 |
None entered |
Anne |
Scherer |
aschere2@gmu.edu |
Not entered |
01 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 22 students |
Joel |
Schildbach |
Johns Hopkins University Biology Professor and Vice Dean of Undergraduate Education |
joel@jhu.edu |
410-516-0176 |
None entered |
Heather |
Schiller |
Marist University Biology Lecturer |
heather.schiller@marist.edu |
Not entered |
Stephanie |
Schroeder |
schroeds@webster.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Manuel |
Seman Senderos |
mas952@drexel.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Mozhgan |
Sepehri |
University of Maryland Eastern Shore Natural Sciences Assistant Professor of Biology |
msepehri@umes.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Sidney |
Serivas |
GateWay Community College |
sidney.rivas@gatewaycc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Chris |
Shaffer |
Washington University in St. Louis Biology |
shaffer@wustl.edu |
Not entered |
Bio 192 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 21 students |
Teresa |
Shakespeare |
Savannah State University |
shakespearet@savannahstate.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Ryan |
Shanks |
University of North Georgia Biology Professor |
ryan.shanks@ung.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
James |
Shanks |
University of California, Santa Cruz |
jshanks@ucsc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Jesse |
Shapiro |
jesse.shapiro@gmail.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Joel |
Sharbrough |
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology |
joel.sharbrough@nmt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Indu |
Sharma |
Hampton University Biological Sciences Assistant Professor |
indu.sharma@hamptonu.edu |
7577275492 |
None entered |
Bob |
Sheehy |
Radford University Biology Professor of Biology |
rsheehy@radford.edu |
(540) 831-5655 |
None entered |
Melanie |
Shorter |
Fayetteville State University |
mcshorter@uncfsu.edu |
9106721660 |
None entered |
Jack |
Shurley |
Idaho State University Biological Sciences Senior Lecturer |
shurjack@isu.edu |
208 282 3720 |
None entered |
Sloan |
Siegrist |
University of Massachusetts Amherst |
siegrist@umass.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Julia |
Simler |
jsimler@purdue.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Katie |
Sinagoga |
sinagogak@gmail.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Vir |
Singh |
Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences |
Vir.Singh@acphs.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
April |
Sipprell |
Queens University of Charlotte |
sipprella@queens.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Viknesh |
Sivanathan |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Science Education Senior Program Lead |
sivanathanv@hhmi.org |
Hidden |
None entered |
Tina |
Slowan-Pomeroy |
Truckee Meadows Community College |
TinaBina@me.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
John |
Smarrelli |
La Salle University Biology Adjunct Professor |
smarrelli@lasalle.edu |
9016262024 |
None entered |
Sarah |
Smiley |
sas1167@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Julian |
Smith |
smithj@winthrop.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Allie |
Smith |
Texas Tech University Honors College Assistant Professor |
allie.c.smith@ttu.edu |
8068341087 |
SEA-PHAGES In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 11 students |
Mary Ann |
Smith |
Marywood University Science Lab Instructor |
SmithMaryAnnV@aol.com |
5707026618 |
None entered |
LeeAnn |
Smith |
lsmith@ben.edu |
Not entered |
Lisa |
Smith |
Hillsborough Community College |
drlisaksmith@gmail.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Martha |
Smith-Caldas |
Kansas State University Division of Biology Teaching Associate Professor |
mscaldas@ksu.edu |
(785) 532 0867 |
BIOL 462 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 13 students |
Sherrie |
Sprangers |
University of Maine, Machias Environmental and Biological Sciences Professor of Biology |
ssprange@maine.edu |
207-255-1205 |
None entered |
Amy |
Sprenkle |
Salem State University Biology Professor |
asprenkle@salemstate.edu |
9785426706 |
None entered |
Ashlyn |
Spring |
University of Wisconsin-River Falls |
ashlyn.spring@uwrf.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Archana |
Srivanas |
East Texas A&M University |
archana.srinivas@tamuc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Jay |
Stafstrom |
jpstafstrom@gmail.com |
Not entered |
BIOL.105L.02 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 16 students BIOL.105L.04 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 17 students BIOL.105L.10 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 18 students BIOL.105L.12 In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 17 students |
Joyce |
Stamm |
Hidden |
Not entered |
None entered |
Nancy |
Staub |
staub@gonzaga.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Frank |
Stearns |
fstearns@stevenson.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Jared |
Stees |
jared.stees@sfcollege.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Dawn |
Stoddard |
dawnstoddard@isu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Levi |
Storks |
University of Detroit Mercy Biology Assistant Professor |
storksle@udmercy.edu |
Hidden |
Tara |
Stoulig |
Southeastern Louisiana University Biological Sciences Instructor |
tara.turley@selu.edu |
985-549-5268 |
None entered |
Emily |
Stowe |
Bucknell University Biology Department |
estoweva@bucknell.edu |
570-577-1320 |
None entered |
Sarah |
Straud |
Saint Augustine's University |
sbstraud@st-aug.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Christy |
Strong |
University of Nevada Las Vegas School of Life Sciences Associate Professor in Residence |
christy.strong@unlv.edu |
702-895-3089 |
Biol217-1001 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 23 students |
Scott |
Stuckman |
University of Pittsburgh Biological Sciences Laboratory Instructor |
stuckman@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Joseph |
Stukey |
Hope College Biology Assistant Professor |
stukey@hope.edu |
616-395-7295 |
BIOL208-01 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 15 students |
C. Nicole (Nikki) |
Sunnen |
Saint Joseph's University Biology Associate Professor |
csunnen@sju.edu |
Not entered |
BIO 151L D01 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 18 students |
Sarah J. |
Swerdlow |
University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg Biology Associate Professor of Biology |
sjs308@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Matthew |
Talbert |
High Point University Biology Chair and Associate Professor |
mtalbert@highpoint.edu |
3368419729 |
None entered |
Pamela |
Tanner |
University of West Florida |
ptanner@uwf.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Brian |
Tarbox |
Southern Maine Community College |
btarbox@smccme.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Sarah |
Taylor |
sarah_taylor@brown.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Rebekah |
Taylor |
Frostburg State University Biology Associate Professor |
rtaylor@frostburg.edu |
3016874172 |
None entered |
Kissaou |
Tchedre |
Austin Community College Highland Campus Biology Associate Professor |
kissaou.tchedre@austincc.edu |
5122288335 |
None entered |
Louise |
Temple |
James Madison University School of Integrated Sciences Professor |
templelm@jmu.edu |
540-568-4415 |
None entered |
Carol |
Teschke |
University of Connecticut |
carolyn.teschke@uconn.edu |
Not entered |
MCB 1201 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 13 students |
James |
Theoret |
College of Southern Nevada |
james.theoret@csn.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Kara |
Thoemke |
College of St. Scholastica |
kthoemke@css.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Rebecca |
Thomas |
rebecca.thomas@montgomerycollege.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Michael |
Thomas |
Idaho State University Department of Biological Sciences, Idaho State University Professor |
mthomas@isu.edu |
Hidden |
Section 1 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 9 students Section 2 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 9 students |
Kirsten |
Thompson |
University of Maine, Fort Kent Biology Adjunct professor |
Hidden |
Not entered |
None entered |
Michelle |
Tigges |
Minnesota State University Moorhead |
michelle.tigges@mnstate.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Deb |
Tobiason |
Carthage College Biology Associate Professor |
dtobiason@carthage.edu |
262-551-2372 |
None entered |
Sara |
Tolsma |
Northwestern College Biology Professor of Biology |
stolsma@nwciowa.edu |
712.707.7278 |
BIO 202 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 19 students |
Matthew |
Toomey |
matthew-toomey@utulsa.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Mariano |
Torres Manno |
Universidad Nacional de Rosario Department of Bioinformatics |
matorres@fbioyf.unr.edu.ar |
Hidden |
None entered |
Julie |
Torruellas Garcia |
Nova Southeastern University Biological Sciences Professor |
jg1511@nova.edu |
954-262-8195 |
None entered |
Holly |
Travis |
Indiana University of Pennsylvania |
h.j.travis@iup.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Sotiris |
Tsadaris |
New York Institute of Technology |
sotiris_ts@windowslive.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Ranalda |
Tsosie |
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology |
ranalda.tsosie@nmt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Ranalda |
Tsosie |
ranalda_tsosie@skc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Suleyman |
Tufa |
San Jacinto Community College |
suleyman.tufa@sjcd.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Carole |
Twichell |
Collin College Math and Natural Science Professor of Biology |
ctwichell@collin.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Peter |
Uetz |
Virginia Commonwealth University Life Sciences - Center for Biological Data Science Associate Professor |
Hidden |
Not entered |
None entered |
Carl |
Urbinati |
Loyola Marymount University Biology Associate Professor and Chair |
carlo.urbinati@lmu.edu |
310-338-4415 |
None entered |
Megan |
Valentine |
State University of New York-Plattsburgh Biological Sciences Assistant Professor |
mvale016@plattsburgh.edu |
5185643174 |
None entered |
Ana Maria |
Valle-Rivera |
Austin Community College Highland Campus Biology Associate Professor |
anamaria.valle-rivera@austincc.edu |
512-223-0202 |
None entered |
Ana |
Vallor |
University of the Incarnate Word Biology Associate Professor |
vallor@uiwtx.edu |
210 805-3017 |
Rik |
van Antwerpen |
Virginia Union University |
hgvanantwerpen@vuu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Julia |
van Kessel |
Indiana University-Bloomington Biology Associate Professor |
jcvk@iu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Megan |
VanBuskirk |
Harford Community College Coordinator for Science Support |
mvanbuskirk@harford.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Dirk |
VandePol |
dirkvandepoL@gmail.com |
Not entered |
Adrinel |
Vazquez |
Universidad Ana G. Mendez, Gurabo campus |
vazquezmontesadrinel@gmail.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Edwin |
Vazquez |
University of Puerto Rico at Cayey Biology Professor |
edwin.vazquez4@upr.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Nic |
Vega |
Emory University Biology Department Assistant Professor |
nic.vega@emory.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Quinn |
Vega |
Montclair State University Biology Professor |
vegaq@mail.montclair.edu |
973-655-7178 |
None entered |
Daniel |
Velez-Ramirez |
University of California, Los Angeles Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics Lecturer |
Hidden |
Not entered |
Eric |
Voll |
Northern Virginia Community College Loudoun Campus Mathematics, Science, Technology, and Business Division Professor |
evoll@nvcc.edu |
7034502510 |
None entered |
Stephanie |
Voshell |
Virginia Tech Biological Sciences Instructor |
Hidden |
Not entered |
Patricia |
Waikel |
Florida International University Biological Sciences Assistant Teaching Professor |
pwaikel@fiu.edu |
Hidden |
BSC3441L U01 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 18 students |
Susan |
Walker |
Harford Community College Life Sciences Department Assistant Professor of Biology |
swalker@harford.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Jamie |
Wallen |
Western Carolina University Chemistry & Physics Assistant Professor |
jamiewallen@email.wcu.edu |
828-227-2491 |
None entered |
Heidi |
Wangerin |
Northern Virginia Community College Loudoun Campus |
hwangerin@nvcc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Catherine |
Ward |
Durham Technical Community College Science and Math Science Instructor, Biology Lab Coordinator |
wardc@durhamtech.edu |
9195367223 8092 |
None entered |
Chelsea |
Ward |
Auburn University at Montgomery |
cward3@aum.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Rob |
Ward |
Case Western Reserve University |
rew130@case.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |

Vassie |
Ware |
Lehigh University Biological Sciences Professor and SEA Program Director |
vcw0@lehigh.edu |
610-758-3690 |

Marcie |
Warner |
mwarner1@pitt.edu |
Not entered |
Derek |
Warren |
University of the Ozarks Biology Assistant Professor |
dwarren@ozarks.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Chloe |
Wasendorf |
Alfred University Biology and Biochemistry Assistant Professor |
wasendorf@alfred.edu |
3193898485 |
None entered |

Jackie |
Washington |
Alliance University (formerly Nyack College) Dept. of Biology and Chemistry Professor and Chair of Biology |
washjd4@gmail.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Matthew |
Waterman |
Eastern Nazarene College Biology |
matthew.jf.waterman@gmail.com |
Hidden |
None entered |
Danielle |
Watt |
Indiana University-Southeast |
dakwatt@iu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Shane |
Webb |
University of North Georgia Biology Professor |
shane.webb@ung.edu |
706-867-2947 |
None entered |
Catherine |
Weinstein |
catherine.weinstein@ncc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
John |
Wertz |
jwertz59@calvin.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Gina |
Wesley |
gina.wesley@montgomerycollege.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Lori |
West |
Lee University Natural Sciences Professor of Biology |
lwest@leeuniversity.edu |
423-614-8335 |
None entered |
Daniel |
Westholm |
College of St. Scholastica |
dwesthol@css.edu |
Not entered |
Section 1 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 8 students |
Kathleen |
Weston-Hafer |
Washington University in St. Louis |
hafer@wustl.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Kristi |
Westover |
Winthrop University Biology Professor |
westoverk@winthrop.edu |
Hidden |
Emily |
Whitaker |
University of Maine, Honors College |
emily.whitaker@maine.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Simon |
White |
University of Connecticut Molecular and Cell Biology Assistant Professor |
simon.white@uconn.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
JoAnn |
Whitefleet-Smith |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
jaws@wpi.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Caitlin |
Wiafe-Kwakye |
University of Maine, Honors College |
caitlin.tetteh@maine.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Allison |
Wiedemeier |
University of Louisiana at Monroe Biology Associate Professor |
awiedemeier@ulm.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Paul |
Wiedemeier |
University of Louisiana at Monroe Computer Science Associate Professor |
wiedemeier@ulm.edu |
318-342-1856 |
None entered |
Beth |
Wilkes |
NHTI Concords Community College Natural Sciences Professor |
bwilkes@ccsnh.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Daniel |
Williams |
Coastal Carolina University Biology Associate Professor |
dwilliams@coastal.edu |
843.349.6566 |
None entered |
Liz |
Williams |
edoddmoh@uottawa.ca |
Not entered |
None entered |
Erin |
Windsor |
College of Southern Nevada Biological Sciences Instructor |
erin.windsor@csn.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
David |
Wingfield |
Hillsborough Community College |
dwingfield@hccfl.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Bethany |
Wise |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute |
wiseb@hhmi.org |
Not entered |
None entered |
Ellen |
Wisner |
University of North Carolina at Charlotte Biological Sciences Associate Teaching Professor |
EWisner@charlotte.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Emily |
Wollmuth |
Carthage College Biology Assistant Professor |
ewollmuth@carthage.edu |
262-551-6317 |
None entered |
Mike |
Wolyniak |
mwolyniak@hsc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Louie |
Wurch |
James Madison University Biology Assistant Professor |
wurchll@jmu.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Earl |
Yoon |
College of Southern Nevada Biological Sciences Instructor |
earl.yoon@csn.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Nicholas |
Young |
University of Texas at San Antonio Integrative Biology Senior Lecturer |
nicholas.young@utsa.edu |
(210) 458-5497 |
BIO 3053-0F1 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 18 students |
Patricio |
Zapata |
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León |
dr.patriciozm@gmail.com |
Not entered |
None entered |
Kathy |
Zarilla |
Durham Technical Community College Arts, Sciences and University Transfer Chair, Science |
zarillak@durhamtech.edu |
919 536-7223 |
None entered |
Gerry |
Zegers |
University of Maine, Machias |
gzegers@maine.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Daisy |
Zhang |
Del Mar College Natural Science Biotechnology Professor |
dzhang@delmar.edu |
361-6981484 |
None entered |
Yang |
Zhou |
yang_zhou@brown.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |