Associate Professor
BIOL 121L / UNIV 110
Primary Instructor: Daniel Williams
Additional Instructor: Karoline Baldus
Type: In situ (phage discovery/microbiology)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 23
Freshmen: 23
Meetings per week: 3
Hours per week: 6.0
First run of Phage Discovery at CCU!
BIOL 121L H11
Primary Instructor: Daniel Williams
Type: In situ (phage discovery/microbiology)
Hosts used: Gordonia rubripertincta
Number of students: 15
Freshmen: 12
Sophomores: 3
Meetings per week: 2
Hours per week: 3.0
BIOL 121L H12
Primary Instructor: Daniel Williams
Type: In situ (phage discovery/microbiology)
Hosts used: Gordonia rubripertincta
Number of students: 8
Freshmen: 5
Sophomores: 2
Juniors: 1
Meetings per week: 2
Hours per week: 3.0
BIOL 302 - Phage Discovery
Primary Instructor: Daniel Williams
Type: In situ (phage discovery/microbiology)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 6
Freshmen: 1
Sophomores: 1
Juniors: 4
Meetings per week: 3
Hours per week: 6.0
BIOL 302L - Phage Discovery
Primary Instructor: Daniel Williams
Type: In situ (phage discovery/microbiology)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis, Gordonia rubripertincta, Microbacterium foliorum
Number of students: 10
Freshmen: 4
Sophomores: 6
Meetings per week: 3
Hours per week: 5.0
BIOL 302L Q1
Primary Instructor: Daniel Williams
Type: In situ (phage discovery/microbiology)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis, Gordonia rubripertincta, Microbacterium foliorum
Number of students: 11
Freshmen: 3
Sophomores: 5
Juniors: 1
Seniors: 1
Meetings per week: 3
Hours per week: 5.0
BIOL 302L Q1 - Phage Discovery
Primary Instructor: Daniel Williams
Type: In situ (phage discovery/microbiology)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 15
Freshmen: 5
Sophomores: 5
Juniors: 1
Seniors: 4
Meetings per week: 3
Hours per week: 5.0
BIOL 303 - Phage Bioinformatic
Primary Instructor: Daniel Williams
Type: In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 9
Freshmen: 2
Sophomores: 3
Juniors: 2
Seniors: 2
Meetings per week: 2
Hours per week: 5.0
Primary Instructor: Daniel Williams
Type: In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 8
Freshmen: 3
Juniors: 1
Seniors: 3
Meetings per week: 2
Hours per week: 4.0
BIOL 397
Primary Instructor: Megan Cevasco
Additional Instructor: Daniel Williams
Type: In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 12
Freshmen: 5
Sophomores: 2
Juniors: 2
Seniors: 3
Meetings per week: 2
Hours per week: 3.0
BIOL 399*H1
Primary Instructor: Daniel Williams
Type: In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 2
Seniors: 2
Meetings per week: 1
Hours per week: 1.0
BIOL 492 - Phylogenomics
Primary Instructor: Daniel Williams
Type: In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics)
Hosts used: Gordonia rubripertincta
Number of students: 19
Freshmen: 2
Sophomores: 5
Juniors: 3
Seniors: 8
Meetings per week: 2
Hours per week: 4.0