The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.


The SEA-PHAGES M*ycobacteriophage Annotation Review Team is a group of SEA-PHAGES faculty members who review genome annotations done in SEA-PHAGES classrooms, revise them as needed, and submit them to GenBank.

In the early years of the SEA-PHAGES program, each school annotated a single genome sequence. These were reviewed at the University of Pittsburgh by Welkin Pope and Debbie Jacobs-Sera before they were sent off to GenBank. By 2012, between the advances in Next-Gen sequencing technology and the number of schools participating in SEA-PHAGES, it became apparent that two people were not enough to review everything! SM*ART was started in 2013 as a team of experienced faculty members who would review the annotations from all the SEA schools, revise them as needed, and submit them to GenBank, as well as provide feedback to professors on their annotation work to improve the annotation quality of the SEA as a whole.

SM*ART duties now also include ongoing curation of the and Phamerator databases to ensure that the data is of the highest possible quality.

SM*ART membership is invitation-only. The best way to get an invitation is to submit genome annotations of the highest possible quality.

The SMART Scholars are led and organized by Welkin Pope.

* The SMART and its acronym were conceived when the SEA-PHAGES program was primarily concerned with mycobacteriophages. Now that the focus has broadened to all Actinobacteriophages, and SMART members do indeed QC annotations of phages that infect Gordonia, Streptomyces, Arthrobacter, and others, the acronym should technically be changed. But SAART doesn't have the same ring.

2016 SMART Scholars

So far in 2016, a total of 103 annotations have been reviewed and quality-controlled by SMART Scholars.

Sarah Ball

15 genomes QCed

The Ohio State University

Dave Bollivar

11 genomes QCed

Indiana University-Bloomington

Kristen Butela

11 genomes QCed

University of Pittsburgh

Veronique Delesalle

11 genomes QCed

Gettysburg College

Lee Hughes

18 genomes QCed

University of North Texas

Deborah Jacobs-Sera

1 genome QCed

University of Pittsburgh

Karen Klyczek

5 genomes QCed

University of Wisconsin-River Falls

Sally Molloy

6 genomes QCed

University of Maine, Honors College

Alex Peister

Morehouse College

Welkin Pope

Chatham University

Vassie Ware

5 genomes QCed

Lehigh University

Marcie Warner

8 genomes QCed

University of Pittsburgh

Jackie Washington

12 genomes QCed

Alliance University (formerly Nyack College)

2015 SMART Scholars

In 2015, a total of 77 annotations were reviewed and quality-controlled by SMART Scholars.

Kirk Anders

13 genomes QCed

Gonzaga University

Sarah Ball

10 genomes QCed

The Ohio State University

Veronique Delesalle

19 genomes QCed

Gettysburg College

Lee Hughes

5 genomes QCed

University of North Texas

Deborah Jacobs-Sera

19 genomes QCed

University of Pittsburgh

Welkin Pope

3 genomes QCed

Chatham University

Vassie Ware

8 genomes QCed

Lehigh University

2014 SMART Scholars

In 2014, a total of 30 annotations were reviewed and quality-controlled by SMART Scholars.

Kirk Anders

6 genomes QCed

Gonzaga University

Veronique Delesalle

6 genomes QCed

Gettysburg College

Lee Hughes

14 genomes QCed

University of North Texas

Deborah Jacobs-Sera

2 genomes QCed

University of Pittsburgh

Welkin Pope

1 genome QCed

Chatham University

Vassie Ware

1 genome QCed

Lehigh University

Upcoming Events

2025 SEA Symposium

April 25, 2025 to April 27, 2025

2025 SEA Faculty Meeting

June 6, 2025 to June 9, 2024

Recent Events

2024 Phage Genomics Workshop

December 13, 2024 to December 17, 2024

2024 Phage Discovery Workshop 17B

July 13, 2024 to July 19, 2024

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