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All posts created by Pollenz

| posted 15 Jun, 2018 10:33
Ok, thanks to all and the version is correct and settings are also correct. When I hit blast this gene it returns: Cannot load SSL library with a big X
RS Pollenz
Posted in: DNA MasterImportant DNA Master Update
| posted 13 Jun, 2018 15:33
Thanks Dan, the version i have is updated, but where do i see the info above about the build, i dont see it in the preferences. I can say that the secure window does not look exactly like the notes I saw as its missing one of the check boxes. I also am getting a "cant load SSL library when I tried to blas a single gene.
RS Pollenz
Posted in: DNA MasterImportant DNA Master Update
| posted 13 Jun, 2018 14:42
Madison and I tried this but we dont get the box about a secure connection after restarting we get the what do you want to do box.
RS Pollenz
Posted in: DNA MasterImportant DNA Master Update
| posted 13 Jun, 2018 12:23

I installed DNA Master in Dec 2017
I cant get any BLAST data it returns error and error and is unable to connect
Sorry that I did not address we were at HHMI……simply forgot
RS Pollenz
Posted in: DNA MasterImportant DNA Master Update
| posted 23 Sep, 2017 19:02
I am unable to find the 200-400 mesh carbon-formvar coated copper grids as specified in the ordering guide and listed as item #1813. Is there a typo or can someone help me to purchase the correct item as I have no experience with these materials.
RS Pollenz
Posted in: General Message BoardEM GRIDS PURCHASE ITEM 1813 not showing up