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All posts created by nietof

| posted 05 Jan, 2021 12:38
I am running DMA Master in windows 10. Set it up all preferences according to latest instructions. I am able to autoannotate my genome. I ran the BLAST all genes overnight and it doesn't complete. DNA Master becomes unresponsive and the only way to get out is by ending it using task manager. This is the first time I am running DNA Master in windows 10 and it is a brand new laptop. Thank you
Posted in: DNA MasterDNAMaster BLAST failure
| posted 09 May, 2020 20:52
Hi Dan
THank you. Trust all is well with you the UPitt folks and your families.
Posted in: General Message BoardActinobacteriophage database in Phagesdb
| posted 09 May, 2020 16:58
The entry for Temperate shows either true or false, but in some instances the entry for this column is none. Is none the same as false?
thank you
Posted in: General Message BoardActinobacteriophage database in Phagesdb
| posted 09 Mar, 2020 17:58
What is the best way for downloading fasta files for a selected group of phages to build phylogenetic trees? I downloaded the complete fasta file from phagesdb and then I searched the sequences using the phage names, but it takes forever for large clusters like A1.
Thank you
Posted in: Phage BiologyDownloading cluster specific fasta files
| posted 21 Jan, 2020 16:00
Hi Dan
I am using a school laptop from home, the laptop was initially set up by our IT. I am working using an administrator account. I found a post on DNA Master and Windows 10 from Welkin dealing with the Windows 10 UAC. I follow her instructions to add DNA Master as a trusted application in windows 10. I reinstalled DNA Master. Let's see how long it works.
Thank you
Posted in: DNA MasterDNA Master Issue
| posted 21 Jan, 2020 14:52
I installed DNA Master in a PC with windows 10. It works fine for a while then it doesn't find the path and the application doesn't open up at all. The icon in the desktop appears white. When I try to open the application from the actual folder where it is installed, the DNAMas icon also appears white and it gives me the following error: "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item". This is the second time it happens. The first time I uninstalled it and install it again. Any clues?
Posted in: DNA MasterDNA Master Issue
| posted 05 Dec, 2019 21:52
Not sure why the smiley appears there the error number is 2108.
Posted in: DNA MasterTbQueries
| posted 05 Dec, 2019 21:44
All of a sudden today I am getting an error when I open DNA Master "Queries table is corrupt. Reload from FTP DNA Master FTP site. When I try to reload from FTP site it gives me a second error "An error occurred when attempting to initialize the Borland Database Engine (Error $210smile".
Any helps is appreciated.
Posted in: DNA MasterTbQueries
| posted 03 Jun, 2019 19:00
Here is the other orpham gene 58 in phamerator (gene 57 in DNA Master). This gene is called by Glimmer not by GeneMark but with strong CP in GeneMarkS. There is no functional assignment in BlastP and poor hits in HHPred, smallest E value is 31. We are inclined not to call it either. It is in the forward strand but all the genes in that region of the genome are on the reverse strand.
Posted in: Gene or not a Genequestion on orpham gene on forward strand of Snazzy
| posted 03 Jun, 2019 16:16
Snazzy Gene 58 in phamerator is called as a forward gene overlapping with gene 57 a reverse gnee in a section of the genome where all the genes are coded on the reverse strand. Glimmer calls it in DNA Master but as gene 57 (difference in gene numbers between phagesDB/phamerator and DNA master is due to another questionable orpham gene 35 called only in PhagesDB/phamerator, but not called by Glimmer in DNA Master and with very poor CP in GeneMarkS). Gene 57 is called by Glimmer not by GeneMark but with strong CP in GeneMarkS. There is no functional assignment in BlastP and poor hits in HHPred, smallest E value is 31. We are inclined not to call either one of these orpham genes.
Sorry, here is orpham gene 35 in phamerator.
Posted in: Gene or not a Genequestion on orpham gene on forward strand of Snazzy