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All posts created by nietof

| posted 27 May, 2022 22:24
Muchas gracias!!!
Posted in: Sequencing, Assembling, and Finishing GenomesMiSeq protocol and info
| posted 27 May, 2022 15:49
We just got a MiniSeq and plan to try our own sequencing. I would like to follow your protocol. Would you be able to share the protocol you use for sequencing? Any recommendations for the MiniSeq? Recommended coverage? Any information is greatly appreciated.
Edited 27 May, 2022 17:15
Posted in: Sequencing, Assembling, and Finishing GenomesMiSeq protocol and info
| posted 27 Apr, 2021 14:56
I will check that out!
In the meantime I went to pecaan to look at the six frames.
thank you
Posted in: DNA MasterScroll bar in six frame translation
| posted 27 Apr, 2021 03:14
Hi everyone
All of the sudden the scrolling bar in the six frame translation window is gone. THe rest of the components of the ribbon at the bottom are there, but I can't scroll through the sequence. I attached a picture of the window. I uninstalled and reinstalled DNA Master and it still happening. I am running on a PC with windows 10.
thank you
Posted in: DNA MasterScroll bar in six frame translation
| posted 20 Feb, 2021 00:03
I do not think that this protein (gene35 of Sarma624) has a reportable function. HHPred has no hits to an applicable function.
thanks for confirming.
Posted in: Functional AnnotationPLA2-like domain in Cluster B1s
| posted 20 Feb, 2021 00:03
I do not think that this protein (gene35 of Sarma624) has a reportable function. HHPred has no hits to an applicable function.
thanks for confirming.
Posted in: Functional AnnotationPLA2-like domain in Cluster B1s
| posted 20 Feb, 2021 00:02
I do not think that this protein (gene35 of Sarma624) has a reportable function. HHPred has no hits to an applicable function.
thanks for confirming.
Posted in: Functional AnnotationPLA2-like domain in Cluster B1s
| posted 19 Feb, 2021 23:39
Retaking this thread. We are annotating Sarma624. Gene 35 blasted in phagesdb gets two hits with a PLA2-like protein domain function, Bigphil_35 and Mozy_42. It is a phospholipase A2 It doesn't appear in the list of accepted functions yet. Most of the other F1 phages have NKF for the same gene. The HHPred hits are all human actin binding protein or other not close to a phospholipase. I would be inclined to think BigPhil and Mozy's annotations are incorrect and thus to call it NKF for Sarma.
Posted in: Functional AnnotationPLA2-like domain in Cluster B1s
| posted 19 Feb, 2021 23:38
Retaking this thread. We are annotating Sarma624. Gene 35 blasted in phagesdb gets two hits with a PLA2-like protein domain function, Bigphil_35 and Mozy_42. It is a phospholipase A2 It doesn't appear in the list of accepted functions yet. Most of the other F1 phages have NKF for the same gene. The HHPred hits are all human actin binding protein or other not close to a phospholipase. I would be inclined to think BigPhil and Mozy's annotations are incorrect and thus to call it NKF for Sarma.
Posted in: Functional AnnotationPLA2-like domain in Cluster B1s
| posted 05 Jan, 2021 15:07
Thank you, I will try that, and Happy New Year!!!
Posted in: DNA MasterDNAMaster BLAST failure