The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

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Topics Posts Views Last post
One of our draft phage genomes has a 'stop' in …
2 44 Feb 24, 2016
10:45 AM
LO: Designation Question
9 55 Feb 18, 2016
3:04 PM
Cluster G genes spanning the COS site
6 38 Feb 18, 2016
12:39 PM
Genes Across COS sites???
3 24 Feb 17, 2016
2:38 PM
Genemark Graphical Representation Q1
3 39 Feb 11, 2016
5:18 PM
Tutorial on Phamerator and Starterator Use? pages: 1 2
13 164 Feb 8, 2016
9:01 AM
PhagesDB vs NCBI BLASTp results - the value of both?
9 59 Jan 27, 2016
4:14 PM
Oracle VB Updates - How often do you recommend students …
4 23 Jan 27, 2016
3:39 PM
DM File Edited Notes Not Saved
3 21 Jan 27, 2016
9:52 AM
F: and FS: determination question.
3 21 Jan 27, 2016
9:42 AM
Running VM on a PC with low free hard drive …
1 18 Jan 22, 2016
9:22 AM
VirtualBox/Machine Error Message - How to fix???
5 60 Jan 22, 2016
9:09 AM
Smeg grown in 7H9 Complete W/ or W/O Tween for … pages: 1 2
15 137 Sep 15, 2015
6:15 PM
Plaque Bottom Agar - Recipe???
4 64 Sep 9, 2015
12:22 PM