A list of meetings in reverse chronological order.
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2025 Phage Discovery Workshop 18C
Jul 12 to Jul 18, 2025
Topic: Microbiology (in situ)
The goal of the workshop is to familiarize the new cohort 16 schools as well as several of the faculty that have been added previously, but have not had formal training. Participants with get to know the concepts and associated techniques of bacteriophage isolation and characterization. Another important component is to share experiences in pedagogy and reagent/supply acquisition and preparation that will help with the implementation of the course at each institution. One of the benefits of being part of the SEA-PHAGES community is the support available from each cohort and the large number of other SEA-PHAGES institutions. This benefit also extends to the students with the knowledge that they are part of a larger scientific community and that their research efforts are valued.
2025 Phage Discovery Workshop 18B
Jun 21 to Jun 28, 2025
Topic: Microbiology (in situ)
The goal of the workshop is to familiarize the new cohort 16 schools as well as several of the faculty that have been added previously, but have not had formal training. Participants with get to know the concepts and associated techniques of bacteriophage isolation and characterization. Another important component is to share experiences in pedagogy and reagent/supply acquisition and preparation that will help with the implementation of the course at each institution. One of the benefits of being part of the SEA-PHAGES community is the support available from each cohort and the large number of other SEA-PHAGES institutions. This benefit also extends to the students with the knowledge that they are part of a larger scientific community and that their research efforts are valued.
2025 Phage Discovery Workshop 18A
May 17 to May 23, 2025
Topic: Microbiology (in situ)
The goal of the workshop is to familiarize the new cohort 16 schools as well as several of the faculty that have been added previously, but have not had formal training. Participants with get to know the concepts and associated techniques of bacteriophage isolation and characterization. Another important component is to share experiences in pedagogy and reagent/supply acquisition and preparation that will help with the implementation of the course at each institution. One of the benefits of being part of the SEA-PHAGES community is the support available from each cohort and the large number of other SEA-PHAGES institutions. This benefit also extends to the students with the knowledge that they are part of a larger scientific community and that their research efforts are valued.
2024 Phage Genomics Workshop
Dec 13 to Dec 17, 2024
Topic: Annotation & Bioinformatics (in silico)
A week-long workshop where new SEA-PHAGES faculty members learn the basics of the second semester of the course. Topics include auto-annotating a genome, adding or deleting genes, calling tRNAs, refining start-site calls, merging annotations, determining functions, and comparative genomics. The two major programs used are DNA Master and Phamerator, both of which participants should be well-acquainted with by the end of the workshop. Link to the new SEA-PHAGES Genomics Guide. Link to the QuinnAvery Genome Annotation and Announcement and Author Form.
2024 Phage Discovery Workshop 17B
Jul 13 to Jul 19, 2024
Topic: Microbiology (in situ)
The goal of the workshop is to familiarize the new cohort 16 schools as well as several of the faculty that have been added previously, but have not had formal training. Participants with get to know the concepts and associated techniques of bacteriophage isolation and characterization. Another important component is to share experiences in pedagogy and reagent/supply acquisition and preparation that will help with the implementation of the course at each institution. One of the benefits of being part of the SEA-PHAGES community is the support available from each cohort and the large number of other SEA-PHAGES institutions. This benefit also extends to the students with the knowledge that they are part of a larger scientific community and that their research efforts are valued.
2024 Phage Discovery Workshop 17A
Jun 22 to Jun 28, 2024
Topic: Microbiology (in situ)
The goal of the workshop is to familiarize the new cohort 16 schools as well as several of the faculty that have been added previously, but have not had formal training. Participants with get to know the concepts and associated techniques of bacteriophage isolation and characterization. Another important component is to share experiences in pedagogy and reagent/supply acquisition and preparation that will help with the implementation of the course at each institution. One of the benefits of being part of the SEA-PHAGES community is the support available from each cohort and the large number of other SEA-PHAGES institutions. This benefit also extends to the students with the knowledge that they are part of a larger scientific community and that their research efforts are valued.
2023 Phage Genomics Workshop
Dec 4 to Dec 8, 2023
Topic: Annotation & Bioinformatics (in silico)
A week-long workshop where new SEA-PHAGES faculty members learn the basics of the second semester of the course. Topics include auto-annotating a genome, adding or deleting genes, calling tRNAs, refining start-site calls, merging annotations, determining functions, and comparative genomics. The two major programs used are DNA Master and Phamerator, both of which participants should be well-acquainted with by the end of the workshop. Steve's Observable Notebook https://observablehq.com/@cresawn-labs/sea-bioinformatics-workshop-2023 CNN International "Viruses Fighting Bacteria" https://www.cnn.com/videos/health/2023/12/05/phages-antibiotic-resistance-research-vital-signs-intl-spc.cnn
2023 Phage Discovery Workshop 16B
Jul 8 to Jul 14, 2023
Topic: Microbiology (in situ)
The goal of the workshop is to familiarize the new cohort 16 schools as well as several of the faculty that have been added previously, but have not had formal training. Participants with get to know the concepts and associated techniques of bacteriophage isolation and characterization. Another important component is to share experiences in pedagogy and reagent/supply acquisition and preparation that will help with the implementation of the course at each institution. One of the benefits of being part of the SEA-PHAGES community is the support available from each cohort and the large number of other SEA-PHAGES institutions. This benefit also extends to the students with the knowledge that they are part of a larger scientific community and that their research efforts are valued.
2023 Phage Discovery Workshop 16A
Jun 24 to Jun 30, 2023
Topic: Microbiology (in situ)
The goal of the workshop is to familiarize the new cohort 16 schools as well as several of the faculty that have been added previously, but have not had formal training. Participants with get to know the concepts and associated techniques of bacteriophage isolation and characterization. Another important component is to share experiences in pedagogy and reagent/supply acquisition and preparation that will help with the implementation of the course at each institution. One of the benefits of being part of the SEA-PHAGES community is the support available from each cohort and the large number of other SEA-PHAGES institutions. This benefit also extends to the students with the knowledge that they are part of a larger scientific community and that their research efforts are valued.
2022 Phage Genomics Workshop
Dec 5 to Dec 9, 2022
Topic: Annotation & Bioinformatics (in silico)
A week-long workshop where new SEA-PHAGES faculty members learn the basics of the second semester of the course. Topics include auto-annotating a genome, adding or deleting genes, calling tRNAs, refining start-site calls, merging annotations, determining functions, and comparative genomics. The two major programs used are DNA Master and Phamerator, both of which participants should be well-acquainted with by the end of the workshop. SEA-PHAGES Bioinformatics Guide
Phage Discovery Workshop 15B
Jul 9 to Jul 15, 2022
Topic: Microbiology (in situ)
The goal of the workshop is to familiarize the new cohort 15 schools as well as several of the faculty that have been added previously, but have not had formal training. Participants with get to know the concepts and associated techniques of bacteriophage isolation and characterization. Another important component is to share experiences in pedagogy and reagent/supply acquisition and preparation that will help with the implementation of the course at each institution. One of the benefits of being part of the SEA-PHAGES community is the support available from each cohort and the large number of other SEA-PHAGES institutions. This benefit also extends to the students with the knowledge that they are part of a larger scientific community and that their research efforts are valued.
2022 Phage Discovery Workshop 15A
Jun 25 to Jul 1, 2022
Topic: Microbiology (in situ)
The goal of the workshop is to familiarize the new cohort 15 schools as well as several of the faculty that have been added previously, but have not had formal training. Participants with get to know the concepts and associated techniques of bacteriophage isolation and characterization. Another important component is to share experiences in pedagogy and reagent/supply acquisition and preparation that will help with the implementation of the course at each institution. One of the benefits of being part of the SEA-PHAGES community is the support available from each cohort and the large number of other SEA-PHAGES institutions. This benefit also extends to the students with the knowledge that they are part of a larger scientific community and that their research efforts are valued.
2022 SEA Faculty Meeting
Jun 3 to Jun 3, 2022
A virtual meeting to which all SEA faculty are invited. We'll share program updates, have faculty presentations, facilitate conversations, and work in groups on items relevant to the SEA's programs.
Cohort 14 Phage Genomics Workshop (Dec 2021)
Dec 6 to Dec 17, 2021
Topic: Annotation & Bioinformatics (in silico)
November 12, 2021 Virtual Faculty Meeting: Bioinformatics Update
Nov 12 to Nov 12, 2021
Topic: Annotation & Bioinformatics (in silico)
More information about this meeting can be found on the Monthly Virtual Faculty Meetings forum page.
September 10, 2021 Virtual Faculty Meeting: Host Range Journal Club
Sep 10 to Sep 10, 2021
Topic: Microbiology (in situ)
More information about this meeting can be found on the Monthly Virtual Faculty Meetings forum page.
2021 SEA Faculty Meeting
Jun 7 to Jun 9, 2021
Gathering of SEA Faculty to Share and Work on Program Related Activities.
Cohort 13 Phage Genomics Workshop (Dec 2020)
Dec 7 to Dec 18, 2020
Topic: Annotation & Bioinformatics (in silico)
Please use the following information to access the workshop from a computer https://hhmi.zoom.us/j/97323945108 Meeting ID: 973 2394 5108 Password: 1111
Cohort 13 Phage Genomics Workshop (June 2020)
Jun 15 to Jun 26, 2020
Topic: Annotation & Bioinformatics (in silico)
This meeting will be hosted on Zoom: Link: https://pitt.zoom.us/j/97135496272 Meeting #: 97135496272
2019 Phage Genomics Workshop
Dec 9 to Dec 13, 2019
Topic: Annotation & Bioinformatics (in silico)
A week-long workshop where new SEA-PHAGES faculty members learn the basics of the second semester of the course. Topics include auto-annotating a genome, adding or deleting genes, calling tRNAs, refining start-site calls, merging annotations, determining functions, and comparative genomics. The two major programs used are DNA Master and Phamerator, both of which participants should be well-acquainted with by the end of the workshop. Update: BodEinwohner17 has been submitted to GenBank, accession # MN945900. The DNA Master file is available on its phage page. Check out how you did with your own version of the annotation by using the "Review to Improve" protocol in the Bioinformatics Guide. SEA-PHAGES Bioinformatics Guide BodEinwohner17 Gene Sign-up Sheet
Phage Discovery Workshop 12B
Jul 7 to Jul 13, 2019
Topic: Microbiology (in situ)
The goal of the workshop is to familiarize the new cohort 12 schools with the concepts and associated techniques of bacteriophage isolation and characterization. Another important component is to share experiences in pedagogy and reagent/supply acquisition and preparation that will help with the implementation of the course at each institution. One of the benefits of being part of the SEA-PHAGES community is the support available from each cohort and the large number of other SEA-PHAGES institutions. This benefit also extends to the students with the knowledge that they are part of a larger scientific community and that their research efforts are valued.
Phage Discovery Workshop 12A
Jun 22 to Jun 28, 2019
Topic: Microbiology (in situ)
The goal of the workshop is to familiarize the new cohort 12 schools with the concepts and associated techniques of bacteriophage isolation and characterization. Another important component is to share experiences in pedagogy and reagent/supply acquisition and preparation that will help with the implementation of the course at each institution. One of the benefits of being part of the SEA-PHAGES community is the support available from each cohort and the large number of other SEA-PHAGES institutions. This benefit also extends to the students with the knowledge that they are part of a larger scientific community and that their research efforts are valued.
2019 SEA Microbacterium Genomics Workshop
Jun 9 to Jun 11, 2019
Topic: Advanced Bioinformatics
This meeting will focus on comparative genomics of the first 117 sequenced Microbacterium phages. Participants will work together to learn advanced bioinformatics tools and create products that can be used in a descriptive paper about these phages. What to bring: You must bring a laptop with a working copy of DNA Master. We strongly recommend that this computer also have: -a working copy of the 2017 SEA VM -some kind of graphics software like Illustrator, Inkscape, or Canvas -Excel -SplitsTree (splitstree.org) which requires Java -PhamNexus https://github.com/chg60/phamnexus/wiki (at the moment, PhamNexus only runs on Linux. PhamNexus generates the files that SplitsTree uses as input, so if you do not want to make SplitsTree files, you do not have to run this program). IF you no longer have the SEA VM on your computer, we have a new version formatted for Virtual Box with PhamNexus and the Phamerator QC program pre-installed: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nreonw7wuov10tc/Updated_2017_SEAVM.zip?dl=0 Before the workshop: Review similar papers on phage genomics (Arthrobacter paper, Gordonia paper) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29437090 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28811342 Install Phamnexus and SplitsTree Google Doc with Post-It Details https://docs.google.com/document/d/19o2TmW8xATtfacrgMJcTS_cR_LVWIdtDsSRF52mxxQk/edit?usp=sharing Link to submit products: https://www.dropbox.com/request/wpzI1Vx7yqZjKsc4bppQ
2019 SEA GENES Faculty Meeting
Jun 9 to Jun 11, 2019
This meeting is a focused workshop for SEA Faculty who will implement the SEA-GENES project as part of Cohort 1 in the 2019-2020 academic year.
2018 Bioinformatics Workshop
Dec 10 to Dec 14, 2018
Topic: Annotation & Bioinformatics (in silico)
A week-long workshop where new SEA-PHAGES faculty members learn the basics of the second semester of the course. Topics include auto-annotating a genome, adding or deleting genes, calling tRNAs, refining start-site calls, merging annotations, determining functions, and comparative genomics. The two major programs used are DNA Master and Phamerator, both of which participants should be well-acquainted with by the end of the workshop. SEA-PHAGES Bioinformatics Guide Agenda with links to guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sLXur88RU71YGUXxw3uU7B3UThSBjmGs75vcwATWgJo/
Phage Discovery Workshop 11B
Jul 7 to Jul 13, 2018
Topic: Microbiology (in situ)
The goal of the workshop is to familiarize the new cohort 11 schools with the concepts and associated techniques of bacteriophage isolation and characterization. Another important component is to share experiences in pedagogy and reagent/supply acquisition and preparation that will help with the implementation of the course at each institution. One of the benefits of being part of the SEA-PHAGES community is the support available from each cohort and the large number of other SEA-PHAGES institutions. This benefit also extends to the students with the knowledge that they are part of a larger scientific community and that their research efforts are valued.
Phage Discovery Workshop 11A
Jun 23 to Jun 29, 2018
Topic: Microbiology (in situ)
The goal of the workshop is to familiarize the new cohort 11 schools with the concepts and associated techniques of bacteriophage isolation and characterization. Another important component is to share experiences in pedagogy and reagent/supply acquisition and preparation that will help with the implementation of the course at each institution. One of the benefits of being part of the SEA-PHAGES community is the support available from each cohort and the large number of other SEA-PHAGES institutions. This benefit also extends to the students with the knowledge that they are part of a larger scientific community and that their research efforts are valued.
SEA-PHAGES Faculty Meeting 2018
Jun 10 to Jun 12, 2018
SEA-PHAGES Faculty Meeting 2018 Survey Link
2017 Bioinformatics Workshop
Dec 8 to Dec 12, 2017
Topic: Annotation & Bioinformatics (in silico)
Participants will be able to annotate a phage genome, RagingRooster. SEA-PHAGES Bioinformatics Guide: https://seaphagesbioinformatics.helpdocsonline.com/ Spreadsheet for draft function annotation: Here
Phage Discovery Workshop 10B
Jul 8 to Jul 14, 2017
Topic: Microbiology (in situ)
The goal of the workshop is to familiarize the new cohort 10 schools with the concepts and associated techniques of bacteriophage isolation and characterization. Another important component is to share experiences in pedagogy and reagent/supply acquisition and preparation that will help with the implementation of the course at each institution. One of the benefits of being part of the SEA-PHAGES community is the support available from each cohort and the large number of other SEA-PHAGES institutions. This benefit also extends to the students with the knowledge that they are part of a larger scientific community and that their research efforts are valued.
Phage Discovery Workshop 10A
Jun 24 to Jun 30, 2017
Topic: Microbiology (in situ)
The goal of the workshop is to familiarize the new cohort 10 schools with the concepts and associated techniques of bacteriophage isolation and characterization. Another important component is to share experiences in pedagogy and reagent/supply acquisition and preparation that will help with the implementation of the course at each institution. One of the benefits of being part of the SEA-PHAGES community is the support available from each cohort and the large number of other SEA-PHAGES institutions. This benefit also extends to the students with the knowledge that they are part of a larger scientific community and that their research efforts are valued.
2017 Genome Announcement Workshop
Jun 11 to Jun 13, 2017
Topic: Advanced Bioinformatics
In lieu of the standard biennial Advanced Bioinformatics Workshop, this year we will host a Genome Announcement Workshop following the 9th Annual SEA-PHAGES Symposium in June. Instead of a single paper describing in-depth analyses of a group of phages, this year’s workshop will focus on helping participants produce their own high-quality genome announcements. The facilitators will demonstrate the use of bioinformatic tools to tease out interesting genomic features, and will provide guidance about the particulars of writing this very specific type of paper. Participants will then work in small teams to write a genome announcement for a related group of phages, including their own. ICMJE Guidelines Genome Announcements Instructions to Authors
2016 SEA-PHAGES Bioinformatics Workshop
Dec 5 to Dec 9, 2016
Topic: Annotation & Bioinformatics (in silico)
An intensive week-long workshop where new SEA-PHAGES faculty members learn the basics of the second semester of the course. Topics include auto-annotating a genome, adding or deleting genes, calling tRNAs, refining start-site calls, merging annotations, determining functions, and comparative genomics. The two major programs used are DNA Master and Phamerator, both of which participants should be well-acquainted with by the end of the workshop. CrystalP was successfully submitted to GenBank on Friday, December 9, 2016 with a release date of January 15, 2017. Accession # is KY319168.
Phage Discovery Workshop 9B
Jul 10 to Jul 15, 2016
Topic: Microbiology (in situ)
The goal of the workshop is to familiarize the new cohort 9 schools with the concepts and associated techniques of bacteriophage isolation and characterization. Another important component is to share experiences in pedagogy and reagent/supply acquisition and preparation that will help with the implementation of the course at each institution. One of the benefits of being part of the SEA-PHAGES community is the support available from each cohort and the large number of other SEA-PHAGES institutions. This benefit also extends to the students with the knowledge that they are part of a larger scientific community and that their research efforts are valued.
Phage Discovery Workshop 9A
Jun 26 to Jul 1, 2016
Topic: Microbiology (in situ)
The goal of the workshop is to familiarize the new cohort 9 schools with the concepts and associated techniques of bacteriophage isolation and characterization. Another important component is to share experiences in pedagogy and reagent/supply acquisition and preparation that will help with the implementation of the course at each institution. One of the benefits of being part of the SEA-PHAGES community is the support available from each cohort and the large number of other SEA-PHAGES institutions. This benefit also extends to the students with the knowledge that they are part of a larger scientific community and that their research efforts are valued.
2016 SEA-PHAGES Faculty Workshop
Jun 12 to Jun 14, 2016
A gathering for faculty members currently active in the SEA-PHAGES program. One goal is to inform faculty of the improvements and developments in the program. Another goal is to have worthwhile working sessions for the faculty to create meaningful products that can be used by others in the program.
2015 SEA-PHAGES Bioinformatics Workshop
Dec 7 to Dec 11, 2015
Topic: Annotation & Bioinformatics (in silico)
An intensive week-long workshop where new SEA-PHAGES faculty members learn the basics of the second semester of the course. Topics include auto-annotating a genome, adding or deleting genes, calling tRNAs, refining start-site calls, merging annotations, determining functions, and comparative genomics. The two major programs used are DNA Master and Phamerator, both of which participants should be well-acquainted with by the end of the workshop. View live stream here, when available, or archived videos of presentations: http://mediasiteex.hhmi.org/Mediasite/Catalog/Full/672215ce45df45caa93499b86d49c64821
In Situ Workshop 8B
Jul 12 to Jul 17, 2015
Topic: Microbiology (in situ)
The goal of the workshop is to familiarize the new cohort 8 schools with the concepts and associated techniques of bacteriophage isolation and characterization. Another important component is to share experiences in pedagogy and reagent/supply acquisition and preparation that will help with the implementation of the course at each institution. One of the benefits of being part of the SEA-PHAGES community is the support available from each cohort and the large number of other SEA-PHAGES institutions. This benefit also extends to the students with the knowledge that they are part of a larger scientific community and that their research efforts are valued.
In Situ Workshop 8A
Jun 21 to Jun 26, 2015
Topic: Microbiology (in situ)
The goal of the workshop is to familiarize the new cohort 8 schools with the concepts and associated techniques of bacteriophage isolation and characterization. Another important component is to share experiences in pedagogy and reagent/supply acquisition and preparation that will help with the implementation of the course at each institution. One of the benefits of being part of the SEA-PHAGES community is the support available from each cohort and the large number of other SEA-PHAGES institutions. This benefit also extends to the students with the knowledge that they are part of a larger scientific community and that their research efforts are valued.
2015 Advanced Bioinformatics Workshop
Jun 15 to Jun 17, 2015
Topic: Advanced Bioinformatics
At this year's Advanced Bioinformatics Workshop, approximately 30 SEA-PHAGES faculty members will investigate the genomes of Cluster N phages. The genome and gene sequences are available at PhagesDB and Phamerator, with some still under final review, though all will be finalized by the workshop. Students and faculty at Lehigh, Southern Connecticut State and Pitt are doing some wet bench experiments that include electron microscopy, lysogeny and immunity testing along with preliminary bioinformatic analyses. A draft agenda is now available.
Inaugural GIFT Workshop
Dec 8 to Dec 10, 2014
Topic: Genome Inspection and Finishing
Attendees of this workshop will learn to assemble, quality-control, and finish genomes from a variety of sequencing technologies. The attendees will then form the first SEA-PHAGES Genome Inspection and Finishing Team (GIFT), responsible for assembling and finishing genomes sequenced for participating SEA-PHAGES member institutions.
2014 SEA-PHAGES In Silico Workshop
Dec 8 to Dec 12, 2014
Topic: Annotation & Bioinformatics (in silico)
An intensive week-long workshop where new SEA-PHAGES faculty members learn the basics of the second semester of the course. Topics include auto-annotating a genome, adding or deleting genes, calling tRNAs, refining start-site calls, merging annotations, determining functions, and comparative genomics. The two major programs used are DNA Master and Phamerator, both of which participants should be well-acquainted with by the end of the workshop.
Do you know of a meeting that should appear in this list? Let us know using our contact form or by email to info@seaphages.org.