Below we've collected articles—from a variety of sources—that are related to the SEA-PHAGES program. If you know of an article that should be added to this collection, please contact us and let us know about it!

How naturally occurring viruses could help treat superbug infections
CNN International | Dec. 5, 2023
Phages are naturally occurring viruses that infect and kill bacteria. CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta meets the researchers scouring the world to see if phages could be the key to treating antibiotic resistant more
Related institution: University of Pittsburgh

SEA-PHAGES Program Teaches Students Science Fundamentals as They Discover Novel Phages
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Website | July 27, 2022
Partnership between CU School of Medicine and Aurora Community College guides student interns step-by-step through scientific more
Related institution: University of Colorado Boulder

Bacteria-busting viruses discovered by student researchers
Newport News | July 4, 2022
"This is Oregon Coast Community College’s first year in the SEA PHAGES program, and I think it was pretty darn successful,” said Matthew Fisher, who teaches biology at OCCC and mentors students during the research project. “The goal is to find new phages, but it’s also about developing the next generation of scientists and getting them excited about doing science at OCCC."read more
Related institution: Oregon Coast Community College

PHAMILIA | Nov. 1, 2021
The Ibadan Bacteriophage Research Team, an undergraduate SEA-PHAGES team at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria announces the launch of its first journal issue PHAMILIA. This is the very first undergraduate research journal focused on bacteriophage biology. It showcases all student and faculty team members of the team, as well as publications on diverse subjects of bacteriophage biology from the team and other guest more
Related institution: University of Ibadan
Columbia State students place first in scientific research at state academy
Columbia Daily Herald | Feb. 3, 2021
Columbia State Community College can now add another first-place accolade to its esteemed alumni, this time in the category of scientific more
Related institution: Columbia State Community College

Ibadan Bacteriophage Research Team: A SEA-PHAGES team with a difference
Capsid Tail | Nov. 20, 2020
A team of 8 biomedical science researchers at the University of Ibadan, led by Prof. O. G. Ademowo, envisioned new opportunities to foster early career research participation for young undergraduate students. To achieve this goal, the University of Ibadan was enlisted as a cohort institution in the SEA-PHAGES project, an early-career research initiative of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Graham Hatfull Research group at the University of more
Related institution: University of Ibadan
UMass Inclusive Excellence Initiative Continues for Third Year
University of Massachusetts Amherst News and Media Relations | Oct. 14, 2020
Connor says, “We are delighted with our students’ progress and the power of SEA-PHAGES to excite and engage students in research regardless of their prior experience and background.” She adds, “Courses like SEA-PHAGES teach research skills as part of the curriculum, offering a much more inclusive approach to STEM fields and engaging students early in research experiences.”read more
Related institution: University of Massachusetts Amherst

Austin Peay’s ‘phage hunters’ join front lines of medical research
The Leaf Chronicle | Nov. 19, 2019
The 10 Austin Peay State University students in Dr. Sergei Markov’s junior- and senior-level biology classes this semester are taking advantage of a unique research opportunity that could help lead to medical more
Related institution: Austin Peay State University

The Age of Phage: Phage Therapy with Graham Hatfull
microTalk | Aug. 19, 2019
Hatfull talks about how the SEA-PHAGES program has allowed entering students at more than 100 colleges and universities around the country to discover thousands of new more
‘Virus Hunters’ get hands dirty in UConn class
the Chronicle | Nov. 30, 2018
University of Connecticut students involved in a unique learning experience are getting their hands dirty — more
Related institution: University of Connecticut