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All posts created by fogartym1

| posted 22 May, 2018 15:47
the second Octobien lysin A HHPRED result
Posted in: Functional AnnotationLysins in Gordonia
| posted 22 May, 2018 15:46
I am also having problems deciding the best functional calls for Gordonia split lysin A genes.
In the singleton phage Octobien14 the first lysin gene product shows evidence for being a peptidase domain - possibly C39-likeA - a subfamily of c39 peptidases. The functional call Lysin A, protease M15 domain just doesn't seem quite right. A more generic 'peptidase domain' might be a better fit?

For the second lysin A gene, there is evidence for hydrolase: N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase family. Would glycosyl hydrolase be the correct functional call here? Again, a less specific call like hydrolase domain feels safer!

Thank you for any advice. HHPRED results are attached.
Posted in: Functional AnnotationLysins in Gordonia
| posted 20 Feb, 2018 16:10
This semester we are annotating Octobien14 - a Gordonia singleton.
When using blastP to help inform our start sites many of the 1:1 alignments that we see are from proteins in bacterial hosts and not bacteriophage. In situations where there is a 1:1 alignment with a bacterial protein and all phage protein alignments are not 1:1, should we just document the bacterial protein alignment, the phage protein alignment, or both?
Posted in: Choosing Start SitesGordonia singleton annotation help
| posted 26 Jan, 2018 20:57
A related question:
For annotation of Gordiona phages in PECAAN, is there a preference to which GENEMARK file is uploaded to PECAAN and hence will ultimately be incorporated in the DNA MASTER file.

We are using Gordonia bronchialis as our host for the GENEMARK input for PECAAN and I am now wondering if GENEMARK S is a better option. Which one does DNAM use as a default? I see some difference in gene mark calls between PECAAN and out auto annotated DNA master file
Posted in: Notes and Final FilesPECAAN NOTES TEMPLATE
| posted 26 Jan, 2018 20:57
A related question:
For annotation of Gordiona phages in PECAAN, is there a preference to which GENEMARK file is uploaded to PECAAN and hence will ultimately be incorporated in the DNA MASTER file.

We are using Gordonia bronchialis as our host for the GENEMARK input for PECAAN and I am now wondering if GENEMARK S is a better option. Which one does DNAM use as a default? I see some difference in gene mark calls between PECAAN and out auto annotated DNA master file
Posted in: Notes and Final FilesPECAAN NOTES TEMPLATE
| posted 26 Jan, 2018 20:57
A related question:
For annotation of Gordiona phages in PECAAN, is there a preference to which GENEMARK file is uploaded to PECAAN and hence will ultimately be incorporated in the DNA MASTER file.

We are using Gordonia bronchialis as our host for the GENEMARK input for PECAAN and I am now wondering if GENEMARK S is a better option. Which one does DNAM use as a default? I see some difference in gene mark calls between PECAAN and out auto annotated DNA master file
Posted in: Notes and Final FilesPECAAN NOTES TEMPLATE
| posted 25 Jan, 2018 15:57
We are seeing this too - which leads me to this question.
For annotation of Gordiona phages in PECAAN, is there a preference to which GENEMARK file is uploaded to PECAAN and hence will ultimately be incorporated in the DNA MASTER file.

We used Gordonia bronchialis as our host for the GENEMARK input for PECAAN and are now wondering if GENEMARK S is a better option. Which one does DNAM use as a default?

Edited 25 Jan, 2018 15:58
Posted in: PECAANDNAM/PECAAN GeneMark calls differ?
| posted 09 Jan, 2017 14:14
Where can we access the Web Phamerator from? I can't seem to find a link.
Posted in: Web PhameratorAccess to web-phamerator?
| posted 03 Jan, 2017 15:42
Where can we access the Web Phamerator from, I can't seem to see a link anywhere.

Posted in: Web PhameratorAre we there yet?
| posted 24 Apr, 2016 18:17
If there is a function assigned to a gene in Phamerator for some Phage (but not many) can we assume this is a function that can be assigned?

Specifically, gp14 of mycobacterioum Swish is annotated as a SAP domain. I do not see SAP domain on the 2015 function assignment list though.
Posted in: Functional AnnotationFunction called for some but not all members of pham