The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

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All posts created by afreise

| posted 11 Nov, 2021 00:43
Hi everyone,

In 2022 I will be developing a new CURE at UCLA focusing on analysis of the human microbiome. I'd like to align it with our Phage Hunters class, and try some hosts that have some relevance. Before I dive in, just wanted to see if anyone has any thoughts or experience with the following hosts:

-Corynebacterium is my plan A right now since we've already had numerous phages isolated on this host.

-We're also thinking of trying to isolate from oral samples on Rothia dentocariosa. I noticed there are just a couple of phages for this one; from a quick lit search it seems like it might be a rare microbe, at least in healthy mouths? Maybe we can get some samples donated from the UCLA dental school…

-I noticed a couple of new hosts, Kocuria kristinae and Dietzia maris, on the Hosts page. They haven't had more than a couple phages isolated on them yet. Is this a potential/good option? (Wondering if they haven't had phages isolated yet because they are difficult to work with…smile

Also, I'd be interested to hear if anyone at SEA-PHAGES HQ has priority hosts they'd like new phages on.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts!
Posted in: Phage Discovery/IsolationNew hosts - human microbiome
| posted 15 Oct, 2021 01:24
Thank you both very much!
Posted in: Notes and Final FilesQuestion about notes template
| posted 08 Oct, 2021 20:05
Hi everyone,

Our former primary SEA-PHAGES faculty member, Jordan Parker, was an expedited submitter and had been doing things somewhat differently than the general SEA-PHAGES requirements. For example, she (and I) have been asking students to take notes using a customized template in the PECAAN "Notes" box. Jordan has since left UCLA and I am now the primary faculty for SEA-PHAGES at UCLA.

Now that Jordan has left UCLA, I need to return to the standard SEA-PHAGES requirements for recording annotations since I am not an expedited submitter. Since we have been completing our annotations in PECAAN since I started teaching the course, I want to make sure I'm doing things correctly going forward.

The PECAAN output actually does follow the DNA Master notes requirements exactly - so do I need to make edits to our template and/or have students fill things out differently as we complete our primary annotations in PECAAN? Or is the standardize PECAAN output sufficient?

I have attached the output from PECAAN for PumpkinSpice so you can see the template we are using, if that is useful.

Hopefully this is acceptable for PumpkinSpice, at least, since it was a huge genome and those students have since graduated! smile

Thank you in advance for your guidance!
Posted in: Notes and Final FilesQuestion about notes template
| posted 08 Sep, 2021 17:07
You are so welcome, Kyle! Let me know if you have any feedback, suggestions, or questions.
Posted in: Bioinformatic Tools and AnalysesPhage Comparative Genomics Lab Manual - QUBES Resource
| posted 30 Aug, 2021 21:25
Hi everyone,

The comparative genomics lab manual we created at UCLA is now officially a QUBES resource. You can access the lab manual there as well as teaching/implementation notes.

Happy analyses,
Posted in: Bioinformatic Tools and AnalysesPhage Comparative Genomics Lab Manual - QUBES Resource
| posted 19 Feb, 2021 01:35
awesome! thanks, Debbie!
Posted in: AnnotationPhage Predator (H1) mis-annotation of lysin A gene?
| posted 19 Feb, 2021 00:45
Hello SEA-PHAGES team,

Some students doing characterization of cluster H phages noticed an interesting discrepancy in the lysin A gene of Predator (cluster H1). Many other phages, including others in H1, have lysin A genes in pham 52459. Predator also has this pham, but the small orpham 17367 immediately upstream is the one that has been annotated as lysin A (see Pham Map photo). The orpham has no hits in NCBI BLAST. Could this be an annotation error?
Edited 19 Feb, 2021 00:46
Posted in: AnnotationPhage Predator (H1) mis-annotation of lysin A gene?
| posted 09 Dec, 2020 17:05
Dear SEA-PHAGES colleagues,

Jordan and I are giving the virtual poster symposium format a try at UCLA, and we'd be so glad to have you and your students attend! The symposium has 8 posters about phage bioinformatics research, as well as research by other students in our department.

You can read the attached flyer for more details. The basics:

UCLA Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics Poster Symposium
Friday, Dec 11, 2-4pm PST
Padlet (Posters, Abstracts, and Video Abstracts):
Zoom (for short presentations and Q&A):

Note that you have two ways to interact: you can chat with the presenters on Zoom, and you can also leave comments and questions asynchronously on the Padlet itself.

This is our first time trying this format out, but we're optimistic that it will showcase the students' work well and give everyone opportunities to learn and engage about phage research.

Please let me know if you have questions!
Posted in: General Message BoardVirtual Phage Poster Symposium - Fri Dec 11
| posted 17 Nov, 2020 19:51
Great! Thanks, Debbie.
Posted in: AnnotationPhage Jinkies - error in annotation?
| posted 17 Nov, 2020 05:10
Hello all,

We were excited to see that a phage of interest, former singleton Vibaki, has been clustered with phage Jinkies in new cluster FL. However, when I compared the two phages on, the last ~10,000 bp of phage Jinkies (starting at 40k bp) has some nucleotide similarity with Vibaki and quite a lot of coding potential on Genemark-Self, but there are no genes annotated. This is also reflected on PhagesDB and in the Genbank entry. The last gene is gene 57, but there are close to 10,000bp after that with no genes annotated and plenty of coding potential.

In PECAAN, Jinkies (noted as unclustered for now) was annotated up through gene #84, which makes much more sense to me based on the coding potential. Has there been an error with the final annotation files that were Phamerated and submitted to Genbank? It was submitted back in May 2020.

Thanks for any insight!
Posted in: AnnotationPhage Jinkies - error in annotation?