The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

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All topics created by EWisner

Topics Posts Views Last post
capsid maturation protease or hypothetical protein (MuF-like minor capsid protein)
10 74 May 16, 2024
3:58 PM
Gene or no gene?
2 17 Apr 27, 2023
11:43 AM
Trimming a tRNA only called by tRNA scan-SE
4 27 Apr 27, 2023
10:13 AM
5’nucleotidase v. phosphatase
5 23 Apr 19, 2023
7:55 PM
SSB protein or RecT-like pairing protein
2 20 Apr 3, 2023
8:54 AM
head-to-tail stopper
2 30 Mar 29, 2023
8:54 AM
secreted protein?
2 7 Mar 16, 2023
7:42 PM
Cluster DC - tail assembly chaperones
3 21 May 11, 2020
7:06 AM
Gap or a gene?
3 36 May 8, 2020
9:44 AM
Cluster DC - Capsid maturation protease and MuF-like protein
2 23 May 6, 2020
5:36 PM
SIF HHPred Notation
2 28 May 1, 2020
4:16 PM