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cdshaffer posted in Whole phage starterator reports
fbaliraine posted in Phage DoRead Start at 52714 bp with 8 bp overlap vs start at 52718 with 4 bp overlap?
Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in Phage DoRead Start at 52714 bp with 8 bp overlap vs start at 52718 with 4 bp overlap?
DNA master server down?
Link to this post | posted 24 Jun, 2021 20:14 | |
Update-Dan is working on troubleshooting the issue with DNA Master on Windows 10 machines. For now, it appears that new installations are problematic but existing installations are able to successfully update and have full functionality. Depending on the nature of the problem, Jeffrey Lawrence may need to modify some settings in DNA Master. I will keep everyone updated on the status of this issue. |
Link to this post | posted 20 Sep, 2021 18:21 | |
Hello all, Any new news? DNAM suddenly failed on my machine. No changes made, just the databases up and quit. Can't re-initialize. I'm a little nervous for the Spring. Do we have a version to give to my DoIT? Steve |
Link to this post | posted 21 Sep, 2021 20:04 | |
Hi Steve, Jeffrey has made a couple of changes that should help:
The first will help with downloading the installer, while the second should make the first couple of updates work on most systems. That said, the usual caveats still apply: run as Admin, make sure preferences are correct, etc. Not sure why yours suddenly stopped working, but mine seems to be okay. –Dan |
Link to this post | posted 11 Jul, 2023 17:59 | |
Hi Dan, I tried to do this and got the error attached in the screenshot. How do I fix this as DNA Master keeps giving me an "FTP Failure" error when I try to update or close it. DanRussell |
Link to this post | posted 11 Jul, 2023 18:17 | |
Hi! The server is down. Please refer to this post for updates. https://seaphages.org/forums/topic/5569/ |