The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

Archives 2015

A Continuum of Diversity

Our latest paper describing the genomics of 627 bacteriophages known to infect a single host is available in eLife! The phages were collected throughout the past seven years as part of the SEA-PHAGES program by more than 2600 undergraduates. Read about our work in the HHMI News or read the paper itself at eLife.

2014 Faculty Retreat and Symposium Wrap-Up


Here's a look at the video Kevin made.

Postdoc Opportunity at the University of Florida

We wanted to pass along the following opportunity that recently came to our attention.  If you know of any SEA-PHAGES alumni who are finishing up graduate degrees and still have an interest in Mycobacteria, please let them know!

Download the pdf

From Dr. Roy Curtiss III:

Josephine Clark-Curtiss and I are relocating our lab ...

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Abstract Submission for the 2015 SEA-PHAGES Symposium

It's that time of year: weather is warming, spring semesters are winding down, and taxes and Symposium abstracts are due.

This year, the due date for submitting abstracts for the 7th Annual SEA-PHAGES Symposium is 11:59 pm on April 21, 2015.

To submit an abstract for the meeting, you must be a verified SEA-PHAGES ...

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Message in a Bottle, Issue 2

Issue #2 of Message in a Bottle, the SEA-PHAGES newsletter, is now available.  See the 17 schools that will be joining the program in 2015-16, hear from Graham, and see who the keynote speaker at this year's Symposium will be.

Message in a Bottle Issue 2

Phamerator Database Updates


As of late 2015, all phages of Actinobacteria will be consolidated into a single Phamerator database. The server/datbase information is (case-sensitive):


Database: Actino_Draft

To update your copy of Phamerator to point to this new database, open Phamerator then go to Edit-->Preferences and enter the database and server above, taking care to ...

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Annotation: What's new in 2014-15?

The revised DNA Master Annotation Guide is available on PhagesDB and the sea-wiki.  Below are some important revisions to note.

  • The process for submitting genomes for annotation QC has changed slightly.  You are asked to submit two .dnam5 files.  Particular attention to functional calls is needed.
  • Start-site decision-making has been modified to use the Karlin/Kaplan ...

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SEA Virtual Machine 2015

2015 VM Largely Unchanged

Because there were very few changes made in the 2015 version of the SEA Virtual Machine, we decided not to request that all schools replace their 2014 VMs with the 2015 one.  If you've got the 2014 VM installed, you'll have no trouble running Phamerator, AceUtil, Newbler, consed, etc., and do ...

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Sequencing Status 2014-15

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2024 Phage Discovery Workshop 17A

June 22, 2024 to June 28, 2024

Phage Discovery Workshop 17A

June 22, 2024 to June 28, 2024