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All posts created by tperezmo

| posted 30 Mar, 2024 20:23
Hi all,

I recently switched one section to work on A. atrocyaneus while the others work on A. globiformis. For A. globiformis, we always have really good DNA yields 40 - 100 ng per ul. However, for A. atrocyaneus, we are not hitting even 20 ng / ul. I have used the original protocol with nucleases, SDS, EDTA, Proteinase K. The results are for all students in the class, for 2 semesters now.
When trying to do the restriction digests, we can barely see a band in the controls.
I have looked at the Microbacterium forum but there it seems it's a lysate concentrations. All my students have at least 1 x 10^8 or more.
Any thoughts? Thank you!
Posted in: Phage Discovery/IsolationA atrocyaneus DNA extraction
| posted 06 Mar, 2023 21:10
Hello all,

I checked previous conversations for RBS but they don't match the error we receive. 2 of our students are unable to visualize the RBS table with the Z values included. We have done the following with no result: uninstall and reinstall, update DNA Master to latest version successfully. Neither brings up the RBS table with all the required information. Other PCs were able to see the RBS table after the DNA Master update.
Hope you are able to help us!
Thank you

Posted in: DNA MasterRBS table in PC
| posted 17 Sep, 2020 20:00
Thanks Dan!

We'll give it a shot.

Posted in: DNA MasterMac errors
| posted 17 Sep, 2020 19:29
Hi Dan

Yes, I asked them if they were following that document and they said yes. But I can't see it
How fo they get a functional version of virtual box?
Thank you for your prompt response
Posted in: DNA MasterMac errors
| posted 17 Sep, 2020 18:15
Hi all

I need help for student with Macs. They have errors I did not find through the forums yet.
I've attached them in a document with their explanations.
Thank you

Posted in: DNA MasterMac errors
| posted 02 Sep, 2020 20:17
Hi all

Thanks! I will give it a try!

Posted in: SEA-PHAGES Virtual MachineVirtual box installation error
| posted 02 Sep, 2020 18:32
Hi all

My student tried to install the virtual box and she receives over and over the same error (see attached).
She is following the instructions for DNA Master Mac installation.
Please advise, thank you!

Posted in: SEA-PHAGES Virtual MachineVirtual box installation error