The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

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All topics created by mdgainey

Topics Posts Views Last post
Electron Microscopes
8 54 Jun 21, 2023
2:36 PM
Singleton FuzzBuster Major Capsid
3 19 Jan 24, 2021
7:08 AM
Singleton FuzzBuster Frameshift
5 30 Jun 3, 2019
4:12 PM
Starterator not matching up with listed phams
4 42 Feb 26, 2019
5:02 PM
Cluster N HicA-like toxin/antitoxin functional assignment
1 20 Jan 2, 2019
3:53 PM
tRNA in EA2 and EA5 phages called by tRNAscan SE …
2 43 Jul 22, 2018
6:54 AM
New Frameshift in K5 bacteriophage RtcB-ligase ?
3 24 Jul 17, 2018
4:42 PM
Cluster K5 terminases
3 15 Jul 17, 2018
12:32 PM
Restriction Enzyme Digests
3 170 Oct 17, 2017
10:18 AM