The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

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All topics created by fbaliraine

Topics Posts Views Last post
Minor tail proteins far upstream of the tape measure protein?
6 68 Feb 28, 2024
9:40 PM
Is the current subcluster A4 pham 4236 (as of 2/14/2024) …
4 21 Feb 17, 2024
8:54 AM
Glitch in phagesDB GeneMark? Reverse frames being flipped!
3 19 Jan 30, 2024
2:31 PM
A very short, 15 amino acid (45 nucleotides) long gene: …
3 13 Jan 21, 2024
2:58 AM
Gene or no gene at Subcluster P1 phage Sonah position …
4 27 Jan 19, 2024
11:45 PM
Phosphoesterase or metallophosphoesterase? A clarification question
2 23 Jun 14, 2023
8:33 PM
DNA Master Preferences Issue
2 23 Jun 1, 2023
8:26 PM
Is this really not a Minor Tail Protein?
3 29 May 30, 2023
1:40 PM
Clarification Question About HNH Endonuclease Function Determination in view of …
7 127 May 12, 2023
8:14 PM
Follow-up Clarifying Question about tRNA and protein genes not overlapping
3 31 May 4, 2023
7:11 PM
“Hydrolase” or “NKF” for hits to LAGLIDADG endonuclease, homing endonuclease, …
3 45 Jul 21, 2022
2:29 PM
Function for subcluster A11 phage Gilberta (37505-37777 rev): Thioredoxin, NrdH-like …
3 25 May 9, 2022
3:08 PM
A small minor tail protein called based on solely on …
3 29 May 6, 2022
2:27 PM
Is there any recent evidence of a tRNA overlapping a …
7 45 Apr 22, 2022
7:22 AM
Can we call DNA Binding proteins based on DNABIND and …
8 62 Feb 16, 2022
2:31 PM
Filling in the Product field
8 115 Dec 17, 2020
10:12 AM
Having trouble getting NCBI Blast data for a gene via …
3 20 May 10, 2020
3:38 PM
Query about Function assignment for MrMiyagi gene 97
3 17 May 8, 2020
10:46 PM
Tricky Start position decision: Need 2nd Opinion; Two overlapping Genes …
3 27 May 6, 2020
5:59 PM
Strong CP but no significant hit; 2nd opinion sought: MrMiyagi
3 21 May 5, 2020
12:29 PM