The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

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All posts created by cellokiwi

| posted 15 May, 2024 16:19
Hi Claire,
I am having an issue where Aragorn is calling A BUNCH of tRNAs when I manually enter the FASTA and PECAAN is calling none of them. I went to put them in with the "Add a gene" button but it only lets me put in stop coordinates, not start. What am I missing? Thanks!
Posted in: PECAANNew Features in PECAAN
| posted 11 Jul, 2023 17:59
Hi Dan,

I tried to do this and got the error attached in the screenshot. How do I fix this as DNA Master keeps giving me an "FTP Failure" error when I try to update or close it.
Hi Kathleen,

Looks like that screenshot shows someone using a Windows VM within a Mac, so they can't use Chris or Debbie's procedures, which would be Mac-specific. Instead, they can follow the directions here to connect to an FTP site from Windows:

1. In Windows, open up a File Explorer window either using the Start Menu or clicking the little folder icon at the bottom of the screen.
2. In that File Explorer window, click on "This PC" on the left.
3. Right-click in the blank area called "Drives and Devices", and select "Add a network location" from the dropdown menu.
4. Then click "Choose a custom network location".
5. When it asks for an internet address, put "", then on the next screen make sure "Log in anonymously" is checked.
6. Complete the wizard with the open now option selected.
7. You should now see a folder open with the contents of that FTP site. Open the "DNAMas" folder, find the file "dna master.exe", and drag it to your desktop.

Then you should be able to install! Much more complicated than it used to be, but hopefully this will work.

Posted in: DNA MasterDNA master server down?
| posted 17 Sep, 2022 19:15
What pH is perfect for these bugs?
Posted in: ArthrobacterMedia pH
| posted 13 Sep, 2022 12:52
So when you pass it, it goes back to yellow for a bit then turns orange again. We sadly don't have the resources to check 16S. Is there a resource for this through the program? The first time we saw it was in a lysogen so I just attributed it to wherever the genome had integrated itself messing with the color. Now, there has been zero change whatsoever. Same media, same CaCl2, same buffer, same incubator, same everything. One colleague suggested it is a carotenoid response to oxidative stress? Does that sound possible? Since we're using the same everything what would suddenly be stressing them out that wasn't before?

In the picture the one on the left is a normal Arthrobacter culture and the one on the right is just starting to turn orange. They get darker than that.
Posted in: ArthrobacterOrange Cells
| posted 12 Sep, 2022 16:19
Has anyone ever had experience with Arthrobacter turning orange rather than yellowish? We are pretty sure there is no contamination, but the culture is orange suddenly.
Posted in: ArthrobacterOrange Cells
| posted 31 Mar, 2022 14:55

Thank you SO much for the info. I feel much better for not being able to locate it since it is apparently a lot more complicated. Especially since it is a serine integrase.
Posted in: Lysogeny/ImmunityattP Location
| posted 29 Mar, 2022 20:01
I'm trying to find the attP of my temperate phage. I know it will be directly downstream of the integrase gene. However, how do we find the exact bp number? Is there a tool that will search for it? Is there a particular consensus I should be looking for? Thanks!
Posted in: Lysogeny/ImmunityattP Location
| posted 06 Oct, 2021 23:45
I was wondering if anyone knows of a good program/tool to construct circular diagrams of our genomes (given that they circularize almost immediately inside the host)? I'm wanting to relate gene expression data to location on the chromosome. Thanks in advance for your help!
Posted in: Bioinformatic Tools and AnalysesCircular Genome Visualization
| posted 13 Jan, 2020 21:01
Hello Hive Mind

I'm hoping I can get some help with a one step growth curve. My students have tried two different protocols, one of which works successfully in another mycobacteriophage lab, and we have not been able to get a nice S-curve. There is a trend that we see every time, high titer initially that continues to drop. The earliest time point we have tried (other than 0 min which has no plaques) is 10 min and I honestly refuse to believe that they are completing a replication cycle that quickly… So why do we have essentially inverse data to what you would expect? Again, this is highly repeatable; we have tried many times. I'm attaching a representative graph of what we are seeing. Thanks for any and all help we can get!
Posted in: Phage BiologyOne Step Growth Curve
| posted 15 Oct, 2019 15:00
We finally had success again by doing 2 things. We let the culture get older in the shaking flask before plating and we doubled the amount of bacteria (from 250 uL to 500uL) when we plated. I still don't know what to do about the fridge plates degrading. Letting them sit at room temp just makes this microbiologist get a nervous tick… lol. Good luck!
We are having the exact same problem right now as you describe cellokiwi with A. globiformis.
After incredible success in the first few several weeks with several of our students reaching high titer and others just needing to titer their likely high titer lysates, we have been met with a standstill for the last week and half unable to get an adequate lawn plate from our bacterial liquid culture(s).
Most of our attempts at lawn plates have either given us NO lawn at all (after 24 hrs, our typical incubation at 30 degrees) or a very inconsistent/spotty lawn.
We have restreaked from several glycerol stocks onto new PyCa plates and remade our liquid PyCa media and top agar.
Any other thoughts would help as well for us in order to get our last students through the last steps and to the DNA extraction phase.
Thank you,
Posted in: ArthrobacterSuccess followed by failure?