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cdshaffer posted in Whole phage starterator reports
fbaliraine posted in Phage DoRead Start at 52714 bp with 8 bp overlap vs start at 52718 with 4 bp overlap?
Debbie Jacobs-Sera posted in Phage DoRead Start at 52714 bp with 8 bp overlap vs start at 52718 with 4 bp overlap?
DprA DNA processing chain A
Link to this post | posted 20 Apr, 2018 20:18 | |
I would like to propose DprA DNA processing chain A to be added to the official list. It is required for processing DNA in natural transformation of bacteria and is ubiquitous. The putative gene in Hookmount, an A3 is over 99.6% match and nearly 100% coverage to the DprA gene in several bacteria with evalue ~3x10-18. It is Pham 30776. The HHpred results are attached. |
Link to this post | posted 24 Apr, 2018 12:18 | |
done. |