The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

2017 Genome Announcement Workshop
Jun 11
5 PM
Jun 13
1:30 PM

In lieu of the standard biennial Advanced Bioinformatics Workshop, this year we will host a Genome Announcement Workshop following the 9th Annual SEA-PHAGES Symposium in June.

Instead of a single paper describing in-depth analyses of a group of phages, this year’s workshop will focus on helping participants produce their own high-quality genome announcements. The facilitators will demonstrate the use of bioinformatic tools to tease out interesting genomic features, and will provide guidance about the particulars of writing this very specific type of paper. Participants will then work in small teams to write a genome announcement for a related group of phages, including their own.

ICMJE Guidelines

Genome Announcements Instructions to Authors

Meeting type: Workshop

Workshop type: Advanced Bioinformatics

Facility: HHMI Headquarters

Agenda: Genome Workshop Agenda

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