Four letter SEA-PHAGES code: EVER
Location: Olympia, WA USA
Website: http://www.evergreen.edu/
Joined SEA-PHAGES: PHAGES Cohort 6 (started in 2013)
Buddy school: Gonzaga University
Term type: None
Total SEA-PHAGES sections taught: 11
Total SEA-PHAGES students: 342
SEA Faculty
SEA-PHAGES Faculty Members
No other faculty yet
Legal Contact
David McAvity
Academic Terms
Fall Quarter 2017 ▼
Start: Sep 25, 2017, End: Dec 15, 2017
PHAGES Sections in this Term
Research in phage biology
Primary Instructor: Jim Neitzel
Additional Instructor: Jim Neitzel
Type: In situ (phage discovery/microbiology)
Hosts used: Microbacterium foliorum
Number of students: 3
Meetings per week: 3
Hours per week: 6.0
Winter Quarter 2017 ▼
Start: Jan 09, 2017, End: Mar 24, 2017
Part of Introduction to Natural Sciences, which is an integrated general biology and general chemistry program.
PHAGES Sections in this Term
INS Biology Group 1
Primary Instructor: Jim Neitzel
Type: In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 33
Freshmen: 3
Sophomores: 12
Juniors: 14
Seniors: 4
Meetings per week: 1
Hours per week: 1.5
INS Biology Group 2
Primary Instructor: Jim Neitzel
Type: In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 34
Freshmen: 6
Sophomores: 5
Juniors: 15
Seniors: 8
Meetings per week: 1
Hours per week: 1.5
Fall quarter 2016 ▼
Start: Sep 26, 2016, End: Dec 16, 2016
Phage biology as part of the Introduction to Natural Sciences interdisciplinary program
PHAGES Sections in this Term
Laboratory group A
Primary Instructor: Jim Neitzel
Additional Instructor: Jim Neitzel
Type: In situ (phage discovery/microbiology)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 40
Meetings per week: 2
Hours per week: 4.5
Laboratory Group B
Primary Instructor: Jim Neitzel
Type: In situ (phage discovery/microbiology)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 40
Meetings per week: 2
Hours per week: 4.5
Spring quarter 2015 ▼
Start: Mar 30, 2015, End: Jun 06, 2015
Bioinformatics work in Introduction to Natural Sciences
PHAGES Sections in this Term
Annotation group A
Primary Instructor: Jim Neitzel
Type: In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 24
Freshmen: 3
Sophomores: 12
Juniors: 8
Seniors: 1
Meetings per week: 1
Hours per week: 2.0
Annotation group B
Primary Instructor: Jim Neitzel
Type: In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 24
Freshmen: 2
Sophomores: 12
Juniors: 8
Seniors: 2
Meetings per week: 1
Hours per week: 2.0
Winter Quarter 2015 ▼
Start: Jan 05, 2015, End: Mar 14, 2015
This term did DNA isolation and characterization work and introduced bioinformatics tools
PHAGES Sections in this Term
Lab group A
Primary Instructor: Jim Neitzel
Type: Other
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 33
Freshmen: 3
Sophomores: 15
Juniors: 13
Seniors: 2
Meetings per week: 2
Hours per week: 4.0
This time was used to purify and characterize DNA, with bioinformatics tools introduced.
Lab group B
Primary Instructor: Jim Neitzel
Type: Other
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 33
Freshmen: 3
Sophomores: 16
Juniors: 12
Seniors: 2
Meetings per week: 2
Hours per week: 4.0
Lab work done on isolation and characterization of DNA, followed by an introduction to the bioinformatics tools
Fall 2014 ▼
Start: Sep 29, 2014, End: Dec 19, 2014
PHAGES Sections in this Term
Primary Instructor: Jim Neitzel
Type: In situ (phage discovery/microbiology)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 39
Freshmen: 4
Sophomores: 18
Juniors: 14
Seniors: 3
Meetings per week: 2
Hours per week: 4.0
Number of meetings varied from week to week from 1-3 depending on stage of isolation.
Primary Instructor: Jim Neitzel
Type: In situ (phage discovery/microbiology)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 39
Freshmen: 5
Sophomores: 17
Juniors: 14
Seniors: 3
Meetings per week: 2
Hours per week: 4.0
Meetings per week varied from 1-3 depending on results and stage of isolation.
Institution Addresses
Current Mailing Address
James Neitzel
The Evergreen State College
Laboratory I
The Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA 98502