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All posts created by CCSNH-NHTI

| posted 20 Aug, 2021 15:16
IT won't give me admin rights so I'll have them come back. I did just see an "FTP failure" message when I hit Begin, did not see that earlier today. I saw a forum post re: FTP messages- is that what I should follow if the admin update does not work?
Posted in: DNA MasterDNA Master Issue
| posted 20 Aug, 2021 15:16
IT won't give me admin rights so I'll have them come back. I did just see an "FTP failure" message when I hit Begin, did not see that earlier today. I saw a forum post re: FTP messages- is that what I should follow if the admin update does not work?
Posted in: DNA MasterDNA Master Issue
| posted 20 Aug, 2021 14:54
Hi. I just had my IT department reinstall DNAM on my computer because I was getting so many error messages. As I'm setting Preferences for the Gene Prediction settings, the Glimmer and Genemark server url's are there but I don't have the "Use PBI Server…" part
And the Internet section does not have the "Secure Connections" tab after Blast (or the Home Site tab to select the connection to the ncbi genomes/QBlast server. Any thoughts?
Posted in: DNA MasterDNA Master Issue