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The Future of Wine on OS
Link to this post | posted 20 Nov, 2019 01:27 | |
Good afternoon Sea-Team, My name is D'Andrew from the College of Southern Nevada. I am one of the assistants with the SEA-PHAGES program here focusing on the bioinformatics portion of the course load. With this being said, the new OS Catalina update no longer supports an x86 file structure so WINE is no longer usable for DNA Master mounting. Has anyone found any workarounds that are effective? I understand there is a base image on Windows - but it is only usable for a week. I've been looking at cloud computing via Cyverse, but I keep bumping into errors in the run cycles when using WINE. Thank you all so much! Happy Hunting! ~D |
Link to this post | posted 20 Nov, 2019 14:52 | |
Hi D'Andrew, Have you tried the steps outlined in this document? https://phagesdb.org/media/docs/InstallingWindowsOnMac.pdf We definitely recommend running a Windows virtual machine if possible rather than using Wine, since it's much more likely to work smoothly. –Dan |
Link to this post | posted 20 Nov, 2019 17:48 | |
Good Morning Dan, I've certainly had luck with the virtual machine installation. The only hiccup I've found is that the virtual machine seems to only be available for 2 weeks then a fresh install needs to be provided. We can certainly use it in a pinch, but I'm curious if any other cohorts have found luck in another method that allows the students something more long standing. For the time being I'm trying to Wine Bottle a version of DNAMaster for Ubuntu 18, but, the dlls are proving to be a laundry list. Thank you so much for the recommendation Dan. -D'Andrew |
Link to this post | posted 12 May, 2020 16:01 | |
I had not realized there was a problem with MacOS10 Catalina until COVID caused us to disperse. Students with Macs had been relying on the PCs in the university computer labs. Once they did not have access, we had to scramble. The easiest solution I could find (I have not used a Mac in years other than to keep my wife's iMac running), was to give students instructions on how to run "Boot Camp" on their Macs and install Windows 10 as a second boot environment. MS Win10 is free to our students through the university. Every student that needed to install DNA Master on their Mac with MacOS Catalina, was able to do so. Instructions on installing MS Win10 with Boot Camp on a Mac are available here: https://support.apple.com/boot-camp Hopefully this is helpful. Greg |