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Auto-annotation fix for fall 2017 and later
Link to this post | posted 20 Feb, 2018 22:32 | |
I just figured out what was going on with only auto-annotating the tRNA genes. I was working on a computer lab computer which I had set preferences on previously. But apparently DNA Master over-rode those preferences on an update at some point. Something reset the preferences to the default "Use NCBI servers". Anyway, once I went through again and reset the server settings as listed in the page below everything worked again. https://seaphages.org/media/docs/DNA_Master_Gene_Prediction_Settings.docx I hope this helps save headaches for someone else. Greg |
Link to this post | posted 11 Feb, 2019 02:26 | |
Hello, I'm having a strange problem with the auto annotation in DNA Master. I am running the latest update of DNA Master (5.23.3; 08Jan2019), and all the preferences are updates as per the 2017 fix. When auto annotating, I get a "Glimmer failure", but interestingly, I do get auto annotated features. The start sites are all predicted by Glimmer, but no features have start sites predicted by GeneMark. I am connected to the internet and can BLAST individual genes without a problem. I have tried several times to autoannotate today without any luck getting the GeneMark predicted starts. Any suggestions? Thanks, Dana Pape-Zambito |
Link to this post | posted 11 Feb, 2019 11:20 | |
Dana, Hi. I believe that the issue is a licensing issue that we need to do on our end. It should be fixed later today. debbie |
Link to this post | posted 11 Feb, 2019 22:12 | |
I believe that GeneMark is now working! Back in business! debbie |
Link to this post | posted 11 Feb, 2019 22:12 | |
Thanks Debbie. I was able to auto annotate this afternoon with GeneMark calls. -Dana |
Link to this post | posted 03 Dec, 2019 16:07 | |
I am having this same problem today!d.zambito |
Link to this post | posted 03 Dec, 2019 17:52 | |
Dana, Thanks for the heads-up. This periodically happens due to the way GeneMark makes this available. It is corrected. Your auto-annotation should now include Glimmer and GeneMark calls. debbie |
Link to this post | posted 14 Dec, 2019 02:20 | |
I am using DNA Master Version 5.23.2 from 11 Dec 2017. For the past few weeks, when a run the auto-annotation I get a blank features table. Today I decided to export the information from PECAAN to populate the table. This worked, but when I close the file and try to reopen it I get a "range check error". I have tried on multiple computers, but can't get the auto-annotation to work. When I try to run the update, that also doesn't work. The update runs, but there is no window saying I should close DNA Master. When I eventually try to close it, it has not updated. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Susan |
Link to this post | posted 14 Dec, 2019 12:57 | |
Susan, Hi! Start by updating your DNA Master. The current version is 5.23.3 Build 2639 from November 6, 2019. So the exact dates escape me, but the reason (I think) your version may not be working is that you do not have DNA Master pointing to the right servers. We have Glimmer and GeneMark running on our own servers. Go to 'Setting your Preferences' in the Bioinformatics Guide to check. If you still are having problems, there are more options. debbie |
Link to this post | posted 20 Jan, 2020 22:55 | |
Dear Dan, I am only getting tRNAs annotated on DNA master. When I go to preferences and click on internet I do not have the option of entering a password for the pbi server. Instead the NCBI glimmer and genemark sites are listed. I have attached a screen shot of what I am seeing . Any suggestions? Thanks, Nancy |