Luis |
Actis |
Miami University Department of Microbiology Professor and Chair |
actisla@miamioh.edu |
513-529-5422 |
None entered |
Tammy |
Adair |
Baylor University Department of Biology Senior Lecturer |
tamarah_adair@baylor.edu |
254-710-2129 |
None entered |
Mauricio |
Antunes |
University of North Texas Biological Sciences Assistant Professor |
mauricio.antunes@unt.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Rebecca |
Balish |
balishrs@miamioh.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Suparna |
Bhalla |
Mount Saint Mary College Natural Science Associate Professor of Biology |
suparna.bhalla@msmc.edu |
8455693128 |

J. Alfred |
Bonilla |
University of Wisconsin-River Falls Department of Biology Professor |
j.alfred.bonilla@uwrf.edu |
715-425-4062 |
None entered |
Megan |
Bowman |
High Point University Biology Assistant Professor |
mbowman6@highpoint.edu |
3368419309 |
None entered |
Christopher |
Buehl |
University of Wisconsin-River Falls Biology Assistant Professor |
christopher.buehl@uwrf.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Verena |
Carvalho |
University of Massachusetts Amherst |
vcarvalho@umass.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Vaishali |
Chaubal |
University of Houston-Downtown |
chaubalv@uhd.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Stephanie |
Conant |
University of Detroit Mercy |
conantsb@udmercy.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Arturo |
Diaz |
La Sierra University Biology Associate Professor |
adiaz@lasierra.edu |
951-785-2140 |
Bio 114L In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 18 students |
Iain |
Duffy |
iain.duffy@saintleo.edu |
352-588-8410 |
None entered |

Nicholas |
Edgington |
Southern Connecticut State University Biology Professor |
EdgingtonN1@SouthernCT.edu |
203-392-6219 |
BIO386-01 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 12 students |
Dustin |
Edwards |
Tarleton State University Biological Sciences Associate Professor |
dcedwards@tarleton.edu |
254-968-9153 |
BIOL 4090-010 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 10 students |
Jonathan |
Finkel |
University of Detroit Mercy Biology Assistant Professor |
finkeljs@udmercy.edu |
5715505462 |
None entered |
Marie |
Fogarty |
Durham Technical Community College Biology Instructor |
fogartym@durhamtech.edu |
Not entered |
BIO 280 100P In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 7 students |
Victoria |
Frost |
frostv@winthrop.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Amaya |
Garcia Costas |
Colorado State University-Pueblo Biology Assistant Professor |
amaya.garciacostas@csupueblo.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Theresa |
Grana |
University of Mary Washington Biological Sciences Associate Professor |
tgrana@umw.edu |
Hidden |
None entered |
Susan |
Gurney |
None Biology Department Associate Lecturer |
smrw@st-andrews.ac.uk |
Hidden |
None entered |
Danielle |
Heller |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Program Officer |
hellerd@hhmi.org |
Not entered |
None entered |

Lee |
Hughes |
University of North Texas Biological Sciences Associate Professor |
lhughes@unt.edu |
Not entered |

Allison |
Johnson |
Virginia Commonwealth University |
aajohnson@vcu.edu |
Not entered |
Section 1 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 31 students Section 1 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 35 students Section 2 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 36 students Section 2 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 31 students |
Kristen |
Johnson |
University of New Hampshire at Manchester Biotechnology Assistant Professor |
kristen.johnson@unh.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |

Rodney |
King |
Western Kentucky University Biology Professor |
rodney.king@wku.edu |
270-745-6910 |
Kathryn |
Kohl |
Winthrop University Biology Associate Professor |
kohlk@winthrop.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Michael |
Kuchka |
Lehigh University Biological Sciences Associate Professor |
mrk5@lehigh.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Kyle |
MacLea |
University of New Hampshire at Manchester Life Sciences, University of New Hampshire Associate Professor |
kyle.maclea@unh.edu |
+1 603-641-4129 |
BIOT 418 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 8 students |
Dmitri |
Mavrodi |
University of Southern Mississippi School of Biological, Environmental, and Earth Sciences Associate Professor |
dmitri.mavrodi@usm.edu |
(601) 266-6926 |
None entered |
Jaime |
Mayoral |
Florida International University Biological Sciences Associate Teaching Professor |
mayoralj@fiu.edu |
305 348 4457 |
BSC3441L U02 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 15 students |
Laurie Shannon |
Meadows |
Rowan College at Burlington County STEM - Biology Assistant Professor |
lmeadows@rcbc.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Fernando |
Nieto |
SUNY Old Westbury Biological Sciences Professor of Biology |
nietof@oldwestbury.edu |
Not entered |
Jillian |
Nissen |
nissenj@oldwestbury.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Byron |
Noordewier |
dr_no@nwciowa.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Jesús Ricardo |
Parra Unda |
Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa Investigación en Salud Pública "Dra Kaethe Wilms" Professor/ Researcher |
ricardoparraund@uas.edu.mx |
Hidden |
None entered |
Richard |
Pollenz |
University of South Florida Molecular Biosciences Research Professor |
pollenz@usf.edu |
813-767-3984 |
Harold |
Rathburn |
Tarleton State University Department of Biological Sciences Associate Professor |
rathburn@tarleton.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Jerome |
Ricard |
Drexel University Biology Assistant Research Professor |
jjr325@drexel.edu |
2158956366 |
None entered |
Ramesh |
Rijal |
University of Southern Mississippi |
ramesh.rijal@usm.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Claire |
Rinehart |
Western Kentucky University Biology Professor |
claire.rinehart@wku.edu |
270-745-6892 |
None entered |
Adam |
Rudner |
University of Ottawa Associate Professor |
arudner@uottawa.ca |
6135012933 |
Amy |
Ryan |
State University of New York-Plattsburgh Biology Associate Professor |
ryan1585@plattsburgh.edu |
5185645163 |
BIO101LB In situ (phage discovery/microbiology) 20 students |
Sanghamitra |
Saha |
University of Houston-Downtown Natural Sciences Lecturer |
sahas@uhd.edu |
713-222-5357 |
None entered |
Sloan |
Siegrist |
University of Massachusetts Amherst |
siegrist@umass.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Kara |
Thoemke |
College of St. Scholastica |
kthoemke@css.edu |
Not entered |
None entered |
Sara |
Tolsma |
Northwestern College Biology Professor of Biology |
stolsma@nwciowa.edu |
712.707.7278 |
BIO 202 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 19 students |
Peter |
Uetz |
Virginia Commonwealth University Life Sciences - Center for Biological Data Science Associate Professor |
Hidden |
Not entered |
None entered |
Megan |
Valentine |
State University of New York-Plattsburgh Biological Sciences Assistant Professor |
mvale016@plattsburgh.edu |
5185643174 |
None entered |
Patricia |
Waikel |
Florida International University Biological Sciences Assistant Teaching Professor |
pwaikel@fiu.edu |
Hidden |
BSC3441L U01 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 18 students |
Catherine |
Ward |
Durham Technical Community College Science and Math Science Instructor, Biology Lab Coordinator |
wardc@durhamtech.edu |
9195367223 8092 |
None entered |

Vassie |
Ware |
Lehigh University Biological Sciences Professor and SEA Program Director |
vcw0@lehigh.edu |
610-758-3690 |
Chloe |
Wasendorf |
Alfred University Biology and Biochemistry Assistant Professor |
wasendorf@alfred.edu |
3193898485 |
None entered |
Lori |
West |
Lee University Natural Sciences Professor of Biology |
lwest@leeuniversity.edu |
423-614-8335 |
None entered |
Daniel |
Westholm |
College of St. Scholastica |
dwesthol@css.edu |
Not entered |
Section 1 In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics) 8 students |
Daniel |
Williams |
Coastal Carolina University Biology Associate Professor |
dwilliams@coastal.edu |
843.349.6566 |
None entered |
Liz |
Williams |
edoddmoh@uottawa.ca |
Not entered |
None entered |
Bethany |
Wise |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute |
wiseb@hhmi.org |
Not entered |
None entered |