Assistant. Professor of Computational Biology
Science and Mathematics
BIOL151LGenBiol Honors/26642
Primary Instructor: Jon Mitchell
Additional Instructor: John Long
Type: In situ (phage discovery/microbiology)
Hosts used: Gordonia rubripertincta, Microbacterium foliorum
Number of students: 14
Freshmen: 14
Meetings per week: 1
Hours per week: 3.0
Primary Instructor: Jon Mitchell
Additional Instructor: John Long
Type: In situ (phage discovery/microbiology)
Hosts used: Gordonia rubripertincta, Microbacterium foliorum
Number of students: 11
Freshmen: 1
Sophomores: 3
Juniors: 3
Seniors: 5
Meetings per week: 3
Hours per week: 4.0
Primary Instructor: Jon Mitchell
Additional Instructor: John Long
Type: In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics)
Hosts used: Gordonia rubripertincta
Number of students: 13
Freshmen: 3
Sophomores: 2
Juniors: 3
Seniors: 5
Meetings per week: 2
Hours per week: 4.0