BIO 200
Primary Instructor: Sara Tolsma
Type: In situ (phage discovery/microbiology)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 5
Sophomores: 5
Meetings per week: 3
Hours per week: 6.0
BIO 202
Primary Instructor: Sara Tolsma
Type: In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 19
Sophomores: 3
Juniors: 12
Seniors: 4
Meetings per week: 4
Hours per week: 6.0
We will be annotating phages that infect M. smegmatis, M. foliorum, and G. terrae.
BIO 202
Primary Instructor: Sara Tolsma
Additional Instructor: Sara Tolsma
Type: In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 21
Sophomores: 2
Juniors: 8
Seniors: 11
Meetings per week: 4
Hours per week: 6.0
We will be annotating phages that infect M. smegmatis and M. foliorum. Student classification is based on credits so many of the juniors are really sophomores and many seniors are really juniors.
BIO 202
Primary Instructor: Sara Tolsma
Type: In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics)
Hosts used: Microbacterium foliorum
Number of students: 20
Sophomores: 3
Juniors: 13
Seniors: 4
Meetings per week: 4
Hours per week: 6.0
Many of our juniors are juniors in terms of credits but are in their 2nd year of college.
BIO 202
Primary Instructor: Sara Tolsma
Type: In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics)
Hosts used: Microbacterium foliorum
Number of students: 20
Freshmen: 2
Sophomores: 7
Juniors: 8
Seniors: 3
Meetings per week: 4
Hours per week: 6.0
This is a spring 2023 section. I'm not sure why this was included in the fall 2022 information.
BIO 202
Primary Instructor: Sara Tolsma
Type: In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics)
Hosts used: Gordonia terrae
Number of students: 15
Sophomores: 2
Juniors: 7
Seniors: 6
Meetings per week: 4
Hours per week: 6.0
BIO 202
Primary Instructor: Sara Tolsma
Type: In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics)
Hosts used: Microbacterium foliorum
Number of students: 23
Freshmen: 1
Sophomores: 10
Juniors: 10
Seniors: 3
Meetings per week: 4
Hours per week: 6.0
We are using phages isolated on M. folio, G. terrae, and M. smegmatis. Students meet in two sections for lab and one section for lecture.
BIO 202
Primary Instructor: Sara Tolsma
Additional Instructor: Sara Tolsma
Type: In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 13
Freshmen: 1
Sophomores: 6
Juniors: 4
Seniors: 2
Meetings per week: 4
Hours per week: 6.0
Primary Instructor: Sara Tolsma
Type: Other
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 9
Juniors: 5
Seniors: 4
Meetings per week: 3
Hours per week: 6.0
Phage Island3
BIO 499 Honors Research
Primary Instructor: Sara Tolsma
Additional Instructor: Sara Tolsma
Type: Other
Hosts used: No host information yet.
Number of students: 2
Seniors: 2
Meetings per week: 4
Hours per week: 6.0
Students will be doing a combination of PHAGES and GENES work as honors research that extends from those courses.
Primary Instructor: Sara Tolsma
Type: In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics)
Hosts used: Microbacterium foliorum
Number of students: 15
Freshmen: 2
Sophomores: 3
Juniors: 3
Seniors: 7
Meetings per week: 4
Hours per week: 6.0
Primary Instructor: Sara Tolsma
Type: In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 3
Sophomores: 2
Juniors: 1
Meetings per week: 4
Hours per week: 6.0
Primary Instructor: Sara Tolsma
Type: In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 3
Juniors: 1
Seniors: 2
Meetings per week: 1
Hours per week: 8.0
Honors research /directed stud
Primary Instructor: Sara Tolsma
Additional Instructor: Sara Tolsma
Type: In silico (phage genomics/bioinformatics)
Hosts used: Mycobacterium smegmatis
Number of students: 7
Sophomores: 2
Juniors: 3
Seniors: 2
Meetings per week: 5
Hours per week: 5.0