The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

Posts tagged: Forums

Annotation Forum Reorganization

An Inherent Problem with Annotation

With the constant influx of new software tools, new genomes, and new publications, the way we annotate genomes is always changing. We always know a bit more than we did last year, and often a lot more than we did 5 years ago.

This leads to an inherent problem, however, ...

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Current Events

Phage Discovery Workshop 17B

July 13, 2024 to July 19, 2024

2024 Phage Discovery Workshop 17B

July 13, 2024 to July 19, 2024

Upcoming Events

2024 Phage Genomics Workshop

December 9, 2024 to December 13, 2024

2025 SEA Symposium

April 25, 2025 to April 27, 2025

2025 SEA Faculty Meeting

June 6, 2025 to June 9, 2024

Recent Events

2024 Phage Discovery Workshop 17A

June 22, 2024 to June 28, 2024

Phage Discovery Workshop 17A

June 22, 2024 to June 28, 2024