As of late 2015, all phages of Actinobacteria will be consolidated into a single Phamerator database. The server/datbase information is (case-sensitive):
Server: http://phamerator.webfactional.com/databases_Hatfull
Database: Actino_Draft
To update your copy of Phamerator to point to this new database, open Phamerator then go to Edit-->Preferences and enter the database and server above, taking care to type them exactly as shown. Click "Force Database Update", then when Phamerator tells you it's ready to restart, do so. If you're prompted for a password, it is "phage".
The Pham-building information below is still correct, but the non-Bacillus databases are no longer maintained.
Phamerator Database Updates
With recent changes to the way we define phamilies, pham building has become a much faster process. As a result, we are able to add your recently finished genomes to our databases at a record pace. Phamerator database updates are performed weekly for all hosts, minimizing time between sequencing and availability in Phamerator.
Phamerator Databases
In order to accommodate the growing populations of Arthrobacter and Rhodococcus phages, we have prepared alternative databases where faculty and students working with these hosts can access data for their phages. (No longer true, see UPDATE above.)
Accessing alternative Phamerator databases requires some quick changes to your Phamerator settings. In the Phamerator preferences menu ("Edit" -> "Preferences"), you can add the following case sensitive server/database setting pairs:
http://phamerator.csm.jmu.edu/sea Bacillus_DraftMycobacteriophage_Drafthttp://phamerator.webfactional.com/databases_HatfullArthrobacter_DraftPropionibacterium_DraftRhodococcus_DraftStreptomyces_Draft
After you change databases and close the preferences dialog, Phamerator will either switch to that database or set up the database if it is your first time using it. During this process, you will be asked for a "Database Setup Password". If you are using the SEA Virtual Machine, this is "phage", otherwise it is your MySQL root password. If you are setting up the database for the first time, it is important to refrain from using the program until after it has restarted.
Please contact us if you are having issues switching your databases, and happy Phamerating!