The official website of the HHMI Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science program.

Sequencing Deadlines and Information

This year, all "official" (HHMI-supported) SEA-PHAGES sequencing will take place at the University of Pittsburgh.  Because schools on the quarter system begin their semesters later, we have two separate deadlines for DNA submission this year.

Deadline for Semester Schools

Please send your genomic DNA so that it arrives in Pittsburgh by November 21, 2014.

Deadline for Quarter Schools

Please send your genomic DNA so that it arrives in Pittsburgh by December 19, 2014.

Guidelines for DNA


We can't use samples that are resuspended in TE.  The EDTA interferes with enzymatic shearing of the DNA.  You can resuspend your DNA in Elution Buffer (Tris) or in purified water.


We need a minimum of 5 micrograms of genomic DNA.


At least 50 ng/µl.  Ideal is 100-300 ng/µl.  If you're above 300 ng/µl please consider diluting to a workable concentration.  Keep in mind that spec-based quantifications (like Nanodrop) count all absorbance at 260 nm, not just genomic DNA, so they often overestimate the real concentration.  Err on the high side of the amount of DNA you send.

Gel Picture

Please submit–either via email to or in the shipping box–an image of the gDNA being run on an agarose gel.  We use these to look for sample integrity (not already sheared/degraded) and purity (no RNA).

Shipping Address

Charlie Bowman

344 Crawford Hall

Department of Biological Sciences

4249 Fifth Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15260

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